Posts for Zurreco

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bkDJ wrote:
You guys don't get it. the first hour is not what is interesting about this run and you should stop rewatching it if you find it boring. Most of it has been seen in previous runs. It's the adult portion (beginning at around 1h15m in, chapter entitled "Light Medalion") that is the most entertaining (well, except maybe the water temple, but still).
Zurreco wrote:
...I was actually able to watch it all the way through, and I regret doing so. This game is just boring.
I don't get it, I guess. I watched it through and found it to be wholly uninteresting. The fact that the intro segment was extra boring doesn't mean the rest of it was better by default. "Most entertaining" does not connote entertaining. I think it is really ridiculous for you to say "hey guys, the first third of the movie is repetitive and boring like the old runs, but there are portions of the other two thirds that aren't boring! Therefore, stop focusing on the huge chunk at the beginning of the run that wasn't good at all and focus on the good parts of the latter only." If there are noticeable points of un-entertainment in a run, especially to this magnitude, they are a legit point of contention.
nfq wrote:
suddenly everyone starts voting no/meh just because one did it, as if they were too afraid to do it before, lol.
Actually, a lot of people just ignored the submission because anyone who was talking about it was giving the stereotypical "OoT is the best and it should replace every run on the site" statements. I wouldn't have watched this if I didn't catch a "my god that new OoT run was even more boring than the last" comment in IRC, which caught my attention. Also,
nfq wrote:
i think we should give it a yes vote if it was good back then.
Stop talking.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Voted No. Even when I specifically tried to sit through the boring parts just to see the few interesting tidbits, I couldn't make it past the hour mark. It took two more attempts before I was actually able to watch it all the way through, and I regret doing so. This game is just boring. At least an any% run may have earned a Meh vote. But all of this useless addition of content just dragged the run down even more.
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Needed help on 10, but was able to solve everything else on my own. Some of them were very obvious, whereas stages like 19 just seemed tedious for the sake of being so.
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I really like how it doesn't respond once you run the executable. It's refreshing to see a game not work properly. It would be nice if their site had any sort of forum where I could gripe about this and get a response, but alas, their site is merely reviews and a download link.
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Derakon wrote:
Actually, while Sir VG wasn't entirely serious, I do agree with what he said. It's important that TASes be entertaining even for people who don't know the game in question.
That has nothing to do with this submission. All improvements were purely technical, so this run is theoretically just as entertaining as the last run. Raiscan's disapproval was also based solely on the technical aspect of the submission, rather than the entertainment value.
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Raiscan wrote:
I did watch it! I just knew nothing about the game so I didn't see the relevance of name entry :(
Yet another good reason as to why we need informed voting in the Workbench?
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I think Brushy did some work on this, so you may want to PM him.
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Fire hydrants don't contain water, though...
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Comicalflop wrote:
Where does the last 3,360 damage come from?
You're just not slamming him hard enough, silly.
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The man train?
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I love this game, but this run made me very appreciative of the turbo function in Mupen. Watching you hover over half of the levels was not what I would call entertaining. I know that it is reminiscent of SMW's flying through levels, but that made an effort to not skip everything on screen. There were some obvious points where you could have jazzed up a lot of the progression aside from simply flying past it all, but I digress. Could you have gone through the levels without staying 2 screens above them, or would that assuredly force lag in to the equation? The lag in some areas seemed unnecessary. What especially caught my eye was some of the lag in Migen Brawl, since it only popped up when you were boosting around in the mean time. Am I to assume that all lag was managed to either delay in game time or was otherwise unavoidable? For the parts of the submission that weren't mind numbingly repetitive or uninteresting entirely, I was very happy to see some of the bosses mangled and obliterated in due fashion. I still think you should have used the one round Final Battle strat that I showed you. Anyways, I'm stuck between voting Meh and Yes. Though I love the game, that isn't a factor in entertainment. What matters is that half of the game was watching you Boost Grab in the aether or wait for opportune times to strike. The few (but notable) parts where you did cool things or actually kept my attention may not counteract the parts where I was let down by your play ethic. I'll hold off on voting until further discussion happens.
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XIF wrote:
How many people would be interested in a 100% run?
Did you seriously not read either of the recent SSB threads?
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
I love how this discussion quickly turned from console release patterns to controller vs. mouse and keyboard.
It was a shitty thread to begin with and we took an active stance to make it at least slightly tolerable.
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GTA4 isn't an FPS. It's Action/Adventure. Just getting that out of the way now, but I may as well digress... The aim snapping found in that game is series exclusive and is only included because of the PS2 version of GTA3. In that game, there was a mission where you were unable to manually aim (at hitmen on balconies) without a scoped rifle. In testing, they found that people preferred the snapping aim function over having to labor over manually finding the tiny targets. Furthermore, allowing free aiming would require them to add a skybox to the game that wasn't fully implemented until the PC version. In order to ship in time, they opted to simply let you snap to the nearest target rather than redo the vertical limits on viewing. We can all agree that that was pretty lame. That being said, your one example is an extremist series exclusive established control method that was only implemented to save money. The only other example I can think of that includes snapping is Metroid Prime, and that was only because locking on targets was necessary for scanning and activation. Also, that world was too vivid to be able to pick out things in certain situations.
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So... you obviously don't understand how even auto-aim is staggered so that it can only aid your attempts to aim, rather than do the work for you. They don't snap to target; instead, they slowly roll reticules on to hitboxes if they are within an appropriate proximity of the player's forced view. It's only meant to smooth out the fact that some people aren't capable of adapting to any new method of anything, be it inquisitive or not. If you honestly think that they're going to ship aimbots with console FPS games then I have to question how much experience you really have with the subject matter.
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You people do realize that modern console FPS games usually have aim-correction and auto-aim features to help non-patriots that can't handle using their opposable thumbs properly, right?
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Oh. I could have sworn that that was sarcasm. If he honestly voted no because of something unrelated to the content of the submission then I would hope that his voting rights were stripped and/or he was banned from the forums entirely for compromising our system.
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I didn't vote No, but someone else did without leaving a post about it, so I'll do that for them. Yes vote.
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Oh, err, no, that was actually pointed at the few of the people who posted Yes votes on the first two pages. Then again, nothing on this forum is ever personal... ...except the following: Nach is Stalin (DMG/GBx). Saturn is Adonis. Warp is Strom Thurmond.
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Acheron86 wrote:
I appreciate your wine analogy as well but you shouldn't have to be a TAS conniseur to enjoy a TAS of SSB, I think.
I would probably take the word of an established site member who has something to lose over the opinion of a random nobody who hasn't said bubkus about anything non-64 related.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Much much much much much much much better! Meh vote.
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alden wrote:
If I can't tell the difference between a $50 and a $100 bottle, why should I let other people tell me I should pay more because it's "better"?
You're an idiot for thinking that better is the proper term for that sentence. There is a definitive schism between normal consumption cheeses and connoisseur cheese. Most people would hate high class cheese. It's not that the product is better, but that it is more refined. It does not mean that if you like aged bleu more than provolone that you have better taste, it just means that your palette is not fit to properly appreciate said cheese. In the same instance, I don't think random people are going to be able to appreciate the details in a submission here unless they have ample experience and a wide berth of tastes in publications.
moozooh wrote:
Indeed, I still think exactly that about SMB3.
Further proof that you're a plebian ho ho ho comrade. I really don't like it either, but I can at least appreciate it. I mean, I really really dislike the SM64 runs on the site, but I'm not going to let that get in the way of subjective judgement.
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Acheron86 wrote:
Actually, random nobodies are good judges of games, aren't they? Not that I'm biased or anything...
No, they aren't. That's like saying that your average joe off the streets would be the best wine judge. To deem something quality, you need to have a certain experience with the subject. To deem something interesting, you really need to take things beyond their face value. The average person would look at SMB3 and think "its a guy who runs and jumps on stuff a lot. so what?"
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jimsfriend wrote:
I hate SSB and think it's a horrible game that shouldn't ever have a run.
I think run is a SSB shouldn't that horrible ever game have a hate. Seriously though, SSB is rad to play but I doubt there will ever be a run that perfectly balances speed and entertainment. The game just isn't suited to be treated that way. It would be cool to see what someone could put together in 2x training mode using two controlled characters with nice item usage.
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Blaze wrote:
see my point?
I think you're missing what LDC is saying. Don't aim for pure speed, because it will get rejected for not being entertaining. You're probably not going to get a run published on the site unless it is entertaining, and the only pertinent way to do that is to not focus on just the 1P modes.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine