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Warp wrote:
However, I have been wondering for some time now if there's any hobby or sport where the distribution is reversed, iow. the overwhelming majority of participants are female. And I'm not talking about hobbies that have traditionally been deemed extremely "girly" (like knitting or ballet), but something that has no such historical cultural burden, nor any obvious reason for it to be so female-dominant.
In my experience, nearly all variants of dancing are done mostly by women. The only dances I've come across where this isn't true are breakdance, salsa and lindy hop. This is true even for dances like streetdance or ballroom, where there is, as you said, no obvious reason for there to be more females than males. For many partnered dances this tends to be a problem, with great shortages of males.
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Zarmakuizz wrote:
Patashu wrote:
Zarmakuizz wrote:
I had insomnia but I stopped watching this before 3 minutes. Yes for vault, no for losing your time on something crappy instead of Mario&Luigi :P
Are you confusing MESHUGGAH with MUGG?
Indeed, I though the latter was a shortener of the former, my bad.
Don't worry about it, Family Feud would agree with you.
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Quick nitpickery responses due to momentary lack of brain activity:
Samsara wrote:
Yes, the overwhelming majority of 15 "keep it the same" to 19 "change it in some way"
As I've stated before, I'm not opposed to changing the name or the appearance. It's the way the system is implemented and the way runs are categorized that I'm talking about. Taking the poll with that, that gives 16 (no change) + 9 (keep but change appearance) = 25 people against change, versus 3 (remove) + 7 (something else) = 10 pro change. That's over 70% of people who think the system is okay.
Samsara wrote:
If the proposed changes are implemented, can't you just accept what happens and move on? If you can't, doesn't that kind of make you a hypocrite?
If changes are implemented, I will. In the mean time, I'd like to argue against making those changes. Note that I'm not saying the vault is perfect. A bit of appearance changing, giving it some more time (this is a very slow community when it comes to content) to get filled and become the majority tier, and adjusting the front page to better show case all runs: fine. Let's do that. I simply believe the problem lies in a different place than where you think. As such, I am opposed to changes that, I believe, will not solve the problem they're made for. And those changes will alter a system of judging and peer review that I believe works fine. (repeated use of "I believe" to emphasize subjectivity of text) Well, that turned out to be longer than I expected.
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Samsara wrote:
The main problem is the consistent issue with borderline cases.. The issue with borderline cases is consistent enough of a problem that site staff are actually addressing it and coming up with ways to take care of it.
I stand by my point. Your pre-edit post mentioned a lack of empathy, and though reworded, I'd still like to rebuke that by pointing out that I've submitted one such borderline case. Read the thread. Read my response to the decision that it'll be rejected (pre-vault times). See, no need to be annoyed about it. It's perfectly possible to just accept that your run isn't considered entertaining (enough) by a majority and move on. Let's talk about motives a bit. We should be making TASes for ourselves, because we enjoy doing so, and maybe a little bit for the people who really want to see the run. That's the authors motive. This has nothing to do with TASVideos. TASVideos' motive, however, is to provide a collection of TASes that are deemed interesting. In order to best present these TASes to it's intended audience (which, again, is not the authors of said TASes), it divides them into "interesting because entertaining" and "interesting because fast". This has nothing to do with the authors. This thread is about discussing the policy as maintained on TASVideos, not about how to handle the ego's of authors. From that standpoint, the only argument that I've seen in this thread, against the current vault situation, is that, when looking for a fastest run of a game, it might not be in the default list of games.*
feos wrote:
Polls give stupid statistics, posts give smart statistics (and can be helpful).
... You are kidding, right? In a thread that suggests only to post when voting a specific option? With such an overwhelming majority?
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Samsara wrote:
The flaws that do pop up, however, are almost always the same.
Yes: people being overly butthurt about their run going to the vault.
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Warp wrote:
Why do I assume that? It's strange, when I think about it.
Because statistics? Certain subjects (in this case, TASing) tend to get a lot more attention from one gender than from the other (in this case, men). It's like playing the lotto: sure you might win, but it's reasonable to assume you don't.
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At the time of writing, the poll clearly indicates that the preferred option (by a large margin) is to keep the vault as-is. The second favorite option is to keep the concept of the vault intact, but maybe change its appearance a bit. Taking these two option together, there's a 70% majority that doesn't want the concept of the vault changed. I'm getting the impression that this thread mostly consists of people strongly opposed to the vault posting repeatedly, while the majority of people are a-okay with the current situation, managed to express that in the poll, and abandoned the thread. My point is that it seems to me there is only a slight minority that sees the vault as something negative. Many authors (myself included) are happy our cookie-cutter game choices (as Nitrogenesis so eloquently put it) now have a place too. I try to keep up with the workbench at all times, and from what I've seen, there's many authors that even aim for the vault. In fact, this should be true for all speed-TASes: aim for vault first (your run is accepted at all), moon or stars later (it looks good too). I'd be okay with a name change (and I can't imagine the 13 people who voted "no change" are that attached to the current name), if only because vault doesn't really fit the theme. Other than that, if I were to recognize any stigma attached to the vault, my solution would be to stuff more into it. If it's the biggest tier, it's bound to be seen as the default tier.
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I suppose you could always use two separate subtitles and position them under each other. On another note, the initial issue has been fixed: newly generated rows contain default values.
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Go for "\r\n" if "\n" doesn't work (obviously, without the quotes).
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*grabs popcorn*
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<nitpick> Both the PS2 and the DreamCast had cooling fans, and they slightly predated the XBox. </nitpick>
Post subject: Re: TASing through a web browser with asm.js
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Derakon wrote:
I admit I haven't actually looked into this, but my guess is that these games were all built using a game engine, like Unity or UE4, that has the ability to build to an HTML5 build target (much like many engines can build to Windows, Mac, PSP, etc. targets). No idea how much Javascript is involved.
Super Hexagon is C++ with SDL. I think they're doing something pretty nice here.
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I am not at all familiar with this game, but have you tried collecting the energy pod to get rid of it?
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TehSeven wrote:
[edit] It seems to be existing movies too - they'll randomly crash as well.
I've had this happen—one or two times—after fiddling with movie files in a text editor. I just disregarded it as a one-off error (file access rights or whatever), but if it's happening more often I'll try to get the debugger on it.
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True wrote:
To replay power cycle with an unmodified console, basically the movie is split on power button presses, and a robot (or a human if timing isn't important) powers the console off. The problem is the NES case where this turns into a multi-step process of power off, remove cart, run RAM clear cart, while powered (and in reset for a frontloader) swap to original cart, then press (release) reset, and while doing this configure the replay bot, and hope it all works.
I'm inclined to disagree with this (although my opinion isn't very well founded, so if you have good arguments otherwise ...). If, in an actual NES, a power cycle does not clear the RAM, then any emulator simply shouldn't either. It just seems like an emulation inaccuracy, rather than an issue on the verification side of things. It would seem that a bot-controlled power switch is viable to actually perform the hard resets, and if this doesn't correspond to what happens in an emulator, the emulator is at fault.
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This is awesome, love seeing these every time. Keep them coming!
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pairs() gives no guarantee about the order in which the values are returned. An alternative is to index the table manually, using a maximum offset of sorts:
itempos = 0

-- 150 is high enough to cover all items
for offset = 0, 150 do
    if itemsTbl[offset] then
        amount = memory.read_s8(0x48E2 + offset)
        if (amount > 0) then
            gui.text(200, 100 + itempos, amount .. "x " .. itemsTbl[offset])
            itempos = itempos + 14
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In the emulation settings, under CPU Emulation Mode (as perfectly demonstrated in the screenshot above) it is clearly stated that "This should not be assumed to be deterministic." I think your next step should be obvious.
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t = " "
for button, held in pairs(joypad.get()) do
    if held then
        t = t .. " " .. button
gui.text(340, 238, t)
I renamed the iteration variables ("key" & "value") to "button" & "held" for added clarity (hopefully). Anyway; joypad.get() returns a table with strings as key (the buttons) and booleans as value (whether a button is held or not). As such, there is no need to convert the value to a string and then compare on that, you can just check the variable directly. Also, the key (button) is already a string, so there is no need to apply tostring() before appending it to t. Lastly, t is also a string, so again there is no need for tostring() when passing it to gui.text(). I'm not sure how much knowledge you have of Lua or programming in general, and please don't take this any other way than as friendly advice, but I suggest you try learning a bit more. Your current script is unnecessarily long and contains a lot of duplicate code: it could be made a lot more comprehensible (and maintainable) by moving some code to functions and some object-oriented programming. Feel free to completely disregard this, after all, these scripts are mostly for yourself, and if you're happy with them and don't see any need to improve your coding skill then that's okay. But if you'd like to ask some questions or get more help, feel free to pm me.
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MUGG wrote:
I've tried many things and I don't know what to try else so please post a complete solution.
As I literally just said:
for key, value in pairs(joypad.get()) do
    gui.text(200, 200, tostring(value))
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MUGG wrote:
@Patashu: Your example worked, but when I try this
for key,value in pairs(joypad.get() ) do gui.text(200,200,value) end
it says wrong arguments to method call.
That's because you're calling gui.text with a boolean. Use tostring(value).
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console.log(joypad.getimmediate()) will log the table to the console window (visible in the Lua window), putting this at the start of your Lua script will display the correct names. I say this because GBA isn't on the page FractalFusion linked.
Post subject: Re: ok so Imageshack
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NitroGenesis wrote:
what do we do?!
Stop having avatars altogether.
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The problem is that the "memory" functions (memory.readbyte ...) assume a default memory domain. What this memory domain is differs per core. But what you could do is either set the memory domain to "System Bus" (memory.usememorydomain), which will probably result in correct addresses or alter the addresses to fit the default memory domain, which is probably done by subtracting 0x2000000 from each address (so 0x20048E0 becomes 0x48E0). I'd recommend the latter, as it makes the script more readable.
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Movie Rules wrote:
Do not use fan translations for your movies — see above for more on this. This rule is strict.[/quote]
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