Posts for Scepheo

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Install either Project64 or BizHawk and copy the dll.
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thelegendarymudkip wrote:
So what happens when they are looking at a prime number of objects? Such as 7, only 1 more than 6. It cannot be split into smaller group, are they incapable of recognising it as 7 objects? I think not.
Actually, the number is only 3 or 4 objects. And 7 would be recognized as 3 + 4, or 3 + 3 + 1 or what have you. If you still don't believe me, here's the Wikipedia article.
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Warp wrote:
Well, try to explain the magnitude of Graham's number in a simple manner
Scepheo wrote:
What is "a simple manner"?
Unless you actually give me something to work with, like a definition of what you consider to be a "simple" description of a number, I can't respond to your questions and arguments in any satisfactory way. I myself find the description for Graham's number fairly basic: the arrow notation isn't hard to understand and neither is the recursion it's defined with. Sure, I can't grasp the resulting number, but that goes for a googol too.
Amaraticando wrote:
The definition of conceivable is subjective. Suppose it's objective. So, there must be the smallest inconceivable positive integer (mathematical induction). But then, it's quite strange to say that N is inconceivable but N-1 is conceivable, because if we can imagine how big n is, we can surely imagine n+1.
Is it so strange to say that? On average, a human is capable of recognizing only 5 objects as being 5 objects. Even though 6 is only 1 more, by far most people will recognize it as two groups of 3 objects.
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Warp wrote:
I think you are being intentionally obtuse. [...] You understand perfectly what I mean, yet you still argue against it. Why? [...] How exactly did my semi-humorous post become a flamewar?
All three statements appear to me to indicate that you have completely missed the point of my post, something which is also illustrated by the arguments you bring up against me. Bobo the King keeps asking you for a definition of conceivable or inconceivable for a reason: unless you give reasons for why being able to
Warp wrote:
describe it as "a 1 followed by n zeros" (because you can't express n in a simple manner), or "n times the atoms in the universe" (again, because n can't be easily described)
means a number is conceivable, yet the definition of Graham's number does not count, we can't understand these reasons or argue against them. After all, all are just definitions of numbers in arbitrary systems, so where do you draw the line? What is "a simple manner"?
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Warp wrote:
The size of googol is trivial to demonstrate. After all, it's 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
Yes, and in base half-a-googol it's ``2''. Your capacity to write down the definition of a number in a system of choice is a metric you yourself dismiss: after all, if it were one, the possibility of defining Graham's number would make it conceivable. Unless, of course, your notion of conceiving is limited strictly to that set of mathematical operations you're comfortable with and that are written down in base 10, in which case it's pointless arguing with you.
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Bobo the King wrote:
But Graham's number is the upper bound on a solution to a problem that-- with a little bit of effort-- the layperson can easily understand. I don't really know how you can decide that a googolplex is conceivable just because the operation used is more familiar to people but at the same time discard Graham's number.
While true (although the upper bound has been drastically improved to 2↑↑↑6 last year), I don't think this says anything about its conceivability. After all, any number greater than or equal to the solution of a problem is an upper bound for it. So while the number that's the solution to this problem (does it have a name?) might be conceivable, it doesn't necessarily have a logical or intuitive relation to Graham's number.
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Warp wrote:
The only thing that article tells me is that "yes, using the term in this context is a misnomer".
Then you read it wrong. As the article states, non-Euclidean geometry "arises when either the metric requirement is relaxed, or the parallel postulate is replaced with an alternative one". Looking into the metric requirements, we see that the triangle inequality is a requirement. Basically, this states that the direct line between two points A and B is always the shortest possible distance, and that when traveling via another point C not on that line, the distance is always greater. However, in a game like you specified, this does not always hold. Look at the game Portal, for example: The direct line from one side of the room A to the other B may be very long, whilst going through portals placed near them (C), this distance might be shorter.
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Nickolas wrote:
I must admit I don't see off the top of my head which spherical triangles have no circumscribing circles, maybe the quadrants? That doesn't really make sense to me but there may be something technical I'm missing ...
On a sphere it's possible to put three points on a straight line and still make a triangle out of them (by "spiralling" around the sphere to connect the outer points with the center point), and it's impossible to circumscribe three points on a straight line.
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It doesn't work yet, there's not much else to it. Hourglass only supports very few games, and while there's a project going on to revive it (Hourglass-Resurrection), progress is slow. It'll probably be a while (as in, a few years) before BoI:R is TASable, if it ever happens.
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For speed!
Language: Lua

-- Readable version function TestBit(number, bit) local flag = bit.lshift(1, bit); local test =, flag); return (test > 0); end -- Less readable version function TestBit(number, bit) return (, bit.lshift(1, bit)) > 0); end
This should provide a slight speedup by using BizHawk's built-in bit handling operations to test for bits being set. There's probably a cleverer way to iterate all possible input states with something like Gray codes or lazy generation of the power set (generating it all from the get-go would probably be overkill), but I'll leave that to people better at it.
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Fortranm wrote:
I don't know how to keep the LUA GUI in avi dump. Sorry.
File -> AVI/WAV -> Capture OSD Otherwise, looking good.
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Thanks for testing, the first option will be included in the next release.
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samurai goroh wrote:
Well, I don't have the files on the emulator folder and the reason is that since updates comes relative frequently, I would have to move the files each time I download a new version instead of having them always on the same place. Thanks again for the help
I'm not sure if you understood this, but that doesn't change my statement. You're simply gonna have to specify more of the path, so something like
dofile("C:/Users/samurai goroh/Documents/MyScript.lua")
Of course, you're going to have to replace this with the actual location of your script.
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It is; see first post for details and links. If you want to help out, it's best to join us in IRC, so we can discuss what you want to and can do.
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Ah, sorry, I missed that part about your bug report. Using dofile (or require, for that matter) will search for the specified file relative to the EmuHawk executable. So if you, for example, have the files in the default Lua folder, you'd have to use
Post subject: Re: module not working
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Try this:
dofile("FFVtables.lua")             -- Imports file with all the tables
dofile("BasicSNESFunctions.lua")    -- Imports generic LUA functions
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Considering I'm not really getting anywhere with this, it seems appropriate to info-dump this here: User movie #20619882612631784 User movie #20619104287161994 Basically, the movie uses pausing to cancel a black-screen transition, then triggers a scrolling transition to load corrupted transition data, and then triggers one of those corrupted transitions. The script displays the level, enemies, the player, projectiles and transition triggers. It contains a few variables at the top to adjust the colours, and to allow the script to center on the player, regardless of where the camera actually is. This script is mostly to analyse the effects of corrupting transitions this way, and to allow for navigation in the pitch-black that results from canceling black-screen transitions.
Post subject: Am I doing this right?
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SS917 wrote:
guys are happy to have me
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bihan wrote:
Is there any way to see all the input from the .dtm in one column or something? And add no-input frames? I need to add some input in the middle of the movie.
I'm pretty sure there isn't, however, I've been working on a movie file editor of my own, and it should do what you want it to. You can find it here.
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Mothrayas wrote:
FCEUX has a known bug where it undercounts rerecords made from traditional savestates, so non-TASEditor movies have lower rerecord counts than they should have. There are some svn versions that fix this, but I'm not sure if that fix made it to any release version.
May be, but we used BizHawk.
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Out of curiosity: is the cause for the desync known? From what I can tell, the WiiMote reports IR data while recording, but doesn't during playback. To me, that seems like a determinism issue at first glance.
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I'm pretty sure I've found the issue: Dolphin checks not only movie length (amount of actual data), but also video frame count and tick count to determine whether to stop playback. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine the last two of those to without actually emulating the game. I'm not sure how best to handle this, so I tried two methods. Both will probably result in the reporting of wildly inaccurate movie data, but that's something I cannot help. If you wouldn't mind, I'd like you to test both of the menu options found under "Dolphin" in this test build, and see if either of them works without too much issues.
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I'm not sure. I'll look into it. Regarding the confirmation: that's on purpose, but if people prefer having it, that's easy to add.
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pirohiko wrote:
This script cannot acquire an accurate value of "A" and "PC " in the GBC. (code snippet)
A bit late with this, but I'd like you to try running this script again on this build: It should be fixed - if you could verify we can close the issue and move on.
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First of all, as far as I know there is currently no way to start (or save to file) a movie using Lua, although these features exist in the menu. You're probably best of submitting a feature request for these. Secondly, grabbing inputs and storing them into a file yourself isn't all that hard. Using movie.getinputasmnemonic(int frame), you can easily get the exact representation of the input, meaning your file would be a perfectly legit input log.