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RGamma wrote:
Did you test if sound desyncs when you try to capture Billy Hatcher with a recent A/V patched version? (See Post #342633 for that)
Still desynchs with this version the same way as before.
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Petit bump :p J'ai ajouté le texte sous l'hex-editing, mais je cherche toujours des volontaires pour le paragraphes de l'encodage ! :D
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Wow, I didn't though the problem would be this big. Thank you very much to all of you ! :D I'm working on an any% run, but should I redo it on the latest version of Dolphin ? Or should I wait an AVHack which can deal with this game ?
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So did anybody found a solution to encode this ? I'm not in a hurry of course, I'm just curious about the future of this run.
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J'essaierai de le faire marcher sur mon mac demain pour voir :p EDIT : cette version avec mono v 2.10.11 marche très bien sur le mien :p
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Il utilise déjà Parallels, qui est un concurrent de VmWare... :p M'enfin utiliser l'un ou l'autre, c'est comme utiliser un tank pour écraser une fourmi :/ :p Il y a d'autre moyen d'utiliser des programmes windows sur mac bien plus léger (Wine, Cider, CO, VM ect) M'enfin \\si en plus il y a déjà un portage mac, alors ça devrait aller :p EDIT : Bizawk a l'air d'être écrit en C#, tu peux utiliser mono pour ça il me semble.
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Originally 3.0-828, modified by RachelB here. The modifications are : - A/V hack - Memory Card Insertion option
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Grincevent wrote:
STBM wrote:
Nouvelle vidéo hex-editing ici
C'était très bien je trouve. En tout cas pour expliquer la façon de faire. Bonnes musiques relaxantes encore une fois, et bien choisies. Mais comme il faut toujours trouver à redire quand on est un peu perfectionniste, je me lance ^^ Tout ça pourra bien sûr être ajouté en texte sous la vidéo pour entrer dans le détail, remarque, pas besoin de la refaire si tu veux inclure ces trucs: Je pense qu'il faudrait aussi dire que l'hex editing ne sert pas qu'à reprendre des bouts de run de quelqu'un d'autre; on peut très bien avoir envie de refaire certains passages soi-même avant de les recopier dans la run. Ou alors ça peut être utilisé pour regrouper le boulot de plusieurs personnes si on bosse en équipe. Autrement, tu parles bien du déterminisme au début, mais pas assez, je trouve, à la fin, une fois que le spectateur sait comment faire l'hex editing. Je pense que c'est à ce moment là qu'il est le plus "prêt" à comprendre ce que ça implique de changer des choses. Par exemple il y a le coup des subpixels (ou subsub, enfin la décimale de la vitesse) dans SMB. Si on ne finit pas le 1-1 avec les mêmes valeurs, on court facilement au devant de désync plus loin :P (c'est pour ça que tu t'es contenté de courir vite fait sur l'ennemi en 1-2, hein? ^^) Il y a aussi des jeux qui ont des évènements dépendant d'une sorte de timer général, donc perdre ou gagner des frames change tout ça plus tard aussi. Puis il y a des RNG qui peuvent partir en vrille, et tout et tout... Enfin voilà, je verrais bien une explication un peu plus détaillée en bonus pour expliquer les choses qui peuvent mal tourner après un hex editing. Ou au pire, juste citer ça comme une liste, que le lecteur/spectateur soit prévenu ^^
C'est vrai que je me suis pas mal concentré sur la chance, peut-être une révision (beaucoup) plus tard :p)
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Nouvelle vidéo hex-editing ici
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RachelB wrote:
Is it a rule that each author must have contribute to the input ?
No, there's not. There is plenty of precedent for it too. There are plenty of ways to contribute without providing any input.
Ok thanks :) I will wait to see what feos thinks, since he's a judge....
Odongdong wrote:
There should be decent encode, my ears feel lonely...
I understand and I really wish I could make a better encode but... I don't know what to do, and now my Dolphin crashes randomly at the cutscene in the beginning (I guess downloading Dolphin again should solve the problem). I really hope somehow understand where does this audio desync comes from...
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feos wrote:
BTW, I can't say I support adding a co-author that didn't contribute the actual input.
Why ? He helped me to optimise the strat of each levels in a really accurate way (example : here, you should jump instead of roll jump). He did influence on the inputs, the TAS would look nothing like that if he didn't help me. Is it a rule that each author must have contribute to the input ?
zwataketa wrote:
We need more gamecube games published, so yes vote. Now when will there be sonic adventure submissions ...
Did you at least watch the run ? It's useless to have gamecube runs if they're bad... But thanks anyway :D
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Spikestuff wrote:
Sir VG wrote:
Voting no because you did 6-Extra before the others. OUT OF ORDER! OUT! OF! ORDER!!!!!!
Holy shit you're serious.... Voting YES very interesting run and faster than the last run :)
Somebody voted meh and no before him... I wonder why though...
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ejsod fjidunfvijdnes njd hjsdfhb vjb sd jnjfbvjnd nscn ^ Most constructive comment I could write after watching this... Obvious yes vote is obvious.
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hegyak wrote:
The first part was, "Ho hum. Doing stuff. Then about six minutes in, 'IMA BREAK DIS!'" What the heck just happened?! There's three versions of the US disk. 1.0 which is not Plus and only has English. 1.01 which has multiple languages. 1.1 which is known as Plus.
Basically from what I understand he did duplication of item (the laser saber which is the default wqeapon of the game) and then he used a glitch to equip them all at the same time, adding of course the stats of all the weapons :p EDIT : Ok, if I can't figure out how to door glitch with a saber, I may have another idea : - Start with RAmar - Manipulate to get good forest 1 and 2 - Manipulate to get handgun +1 in store - Go and sell everything you have at the beginning, buy handgun +1 - Do item duplication to get handgun many time - Equip them all - Win the game The reason for this is that you can kill the enemies from distance, while with a saber you would have to run at them. The ATP difference won't be a huge loss (I don't think so) since: - You got xx times the handgun equiped - You can shoot the flying ennemies (like th edragon) while... they're flying. Which is awesome. This is a fast reflexion | non-tested at all ~ but I would like to know your opinion about that :p
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I was wondering... Would it be possible to add an ASCII keyboard or any keyboard in the controller supported by Dolphin ? With a TAS input and stuff ? I know this is something really specific (Phantasy Star Online), so this is just a question, not a request. I don't plan to run this game right now anyway :)
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I read somewhere that with a Saber, Brand, or no weapon at all we could "go to a corner of a blocked or a laser blocked door. Face the corner, then start attacking. Keep doing this, and you will eventually slip through the door. This trick is useful for getting to new places early. Note: This trick is difficult to execute." I tested it and on some doors (not all of them), my character seems to indeed being pushed (I didn't slip through the door yet though). Does anybody have any experience with that ? I couldn't find any video/post/anything about his but from this website...
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Grincevent wrote:
La partie sur les objectifs me semble bien. Et je pense pas que ça pose de problème de dire par exemple qu'on peut toujours faire un TAS même s'il n'est pas publiable ici; après tout c'est un guide sur les TAS en général, pas uniquement sur TASvideos. D'ailleurs j'ai la flemme de tout relire pour confirmer, mais je sais plus si t'as précisé que c'était préférable de montrer un peu ses WIP sur le forum avant de soumettre une run direct sans aucun feedback (en gros ne pas spammer le workbench avec des trucs qui seront rejetés très vite, s'assurer d'avoir bien fait le boulot et de savoir ce que les gens attendent au minimum d'une run présentée "officiellement").
Deuxième paragraphe du III- :p
Si tu fais une partie "submission", y'a sûrement plusieurs trucs à dire. Déjà la partie "technique" si on veut entrer dans le détail et tout bien expliquer. Ce passage expliquerait simplement comment remplir la "fiche", ce qu'on doit mettre dans chaque case avec des explications et des conseils, par exemple... Puis y'aurait des conseils plus généraux, un peu comme dit plus haut. Du genre qu'il ne faut pas soumettre n'importe quoi (gros résumé).
J'y avais carrément pas pensé mais oui c'est vrai que ça peut aider !
Je pense que c'est bien de causer surtout du texte de description de la run. Déjà qu'il faut quand même prendre le temps de le soigner, malgré le fait qu'on puisse être pressé de montrer notre super TAS qui a demandé beaucoup de temps. J'avais un peu fait cette erreur pour ma première publication, le texte était assez court; enfin c'était un jeu très connu (Castlevania) et qui avait été bien retourné dans tous les sens par des précédents TAS... Mais il y a toujours des gens qui ne connaissent pas les astuces, même bien connues, utilisées dans les runs de jeux populaires. Donc bref, le but c'est de bien savoir expliquer ce qu'il se passe dans le TAS, d'expliquer les petites astuces, les bugs utilisés, et d'expliquer ce qui a demandé du travail ou de la réflexion (car souvent ce sont des petits détails qui sont les plus compliqués ^^). Pour le reste... Commencer par une description du jeu/de la run, noter les buts visés, l'émulateur utilisé, ajouter une partie pour remercier des gens si on est redevable à quelqu'un, etc... En fait ça devrait être facilement explicable en montrant des exemples.
Ça fait une belle liste de chose à dire, puis c'est pour aider ceux qui regardent sans trop connaître les glitchs du jeu (Oh Ocarina Of Time, le jeu de mon enfance ! Et si je regardais le TA... Euh... J'me rappelle pas qu'il aille aussi vite le Link... Et il me semble qu'il y avait des donjons dans ce jeu...). Ok, ce sera définitivement dans le guide final (qui est proche d'être accompli... V1.0 :p) Faudra juste que je refasse la vidéo sur l'hex editing, puisque j'ai oublié une partie majeur de ce truc : l'édition de fichier hexadécimaux x)
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There's no need to put in the definition stuff that the general public can guess, like empty bottle/filled bottle... That doesn't really matter.
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J’ai ajouté du texte à la fin de I-C/ afin de parler vite fait des objectifs arbitraires et des runs de jeu moyennement TASable sur youtube... J'sais pas si c'est nécessaire ou bien placé par contre :p Je plancherai sur les mesures contre le desynch ce week-end, ce serait cool si quelqu'un qui s'y connait pouvait faire le truc sur l'encodage, et j'aimerai egalement des conseils sur la partie submission : 1- est-elle necessaire ? 2- que y dire ? Je pensais a rappelé de faire un effort, les submissions jolies et bien explique attire toujours plus le regards qu'une submission vierge (comme les.... non rien), et que les gens ont plus de facilité a comprendre la run quoi... :/ :p
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... I don't know about heart duplication, that sounds like a fake 100%. I agree though that there aren't any reasons to get the heart pieces legit and to not open all the chests... But it would really just make the run feel incomplete for me. I would feel tricked, and not in an entertained way (if that means anything in English... you got the idea anyway I guess :p ) But this is an arbitrary part as you said, there will always be unhappy people...
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asutoro wrote: (1/4) (2/4) (3/4) (4/4) I cannot speak English. However, this animation will be helpful to something.
I watched it and it was... really good. I'm not sure why no Hucast, but that doesn't change a lot of things here... Maybe you used magic somewhere I didn't notice :o But this is a great strat yeah.
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
RachelB wrote:
We almost certainly will not use the same definition as ZSR does. We've even had one of the people who helped define the current rules that console runners use say that it would not be appropriate to do so. Certainly we can build off of what they have come up with, but it wouldn't really make much sense to use their rules as is.
Fine by me. I used to follow all of the OOT and MM threads in SDA forums, but then everyone moved to ZSR (or so I've been told)... I haven't even visited the site before. My point still stands: It's nice to have a baseline/comparison if something has done been done (or agreed upon) in the past. If SDA is the poster child for modeling a run, so be it :).
TASes aren't made to be compared to speedruns anyway, they're made to be entertaining, so Zelda TASers just need to figure out a 100% definition which would feet here, like MrGruntz's one. And even if the final definition is about the same as the ZSR/SDA one, the run won't look the same at all.
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evilas wrote:
Okay, now I can't stop laughing... no, but in all seriousness, to what extent should the dungeons be completed?
Just get the heart container and the medaillon/stone (so kill the boss) and that should be enough... Maybe the compass/map/boss key if people wants too, but really that's the limit.
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Wow. I though my first definition was already far too much, but... we just reached another level... Anyway, I like MrGruntz's definition too.
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Brian_pso wrote:
Guys, I can't really help much cause I don't have enough free time now, but I can give you some useful information since I've been playing and been around foruns about this game for almost 10 years now.
Nice ! I was actually looking for somebody like you, since I didn't play this game for.. almsot 10 years ? And at this time, nobody was allowed to talk about cheat :/
1. The door glitch does not work on the GC version AFAIK
I heard some people made it with saber, but I never found any evidence about that, so I would assume it doesn't work. I will make some test when I can though.
2. If you're going to TAS the "Plus" version, so forget about duplicating items talking to the lady to trigger the glitch, it was patched on this version.
Damn, I read that on PSO-world yeah, glitching some agtaride would be great...
3. Although psoworld is a good source of some kinds of information, like maps, there are lots of things that are wrong on their database, enemy drops percentage as an example, they calculated them based on the reports from people, but the actual rates can be found elsewhere, more on that later.
Thanks for the info.
4. I'd totally put my bet on a HUcast for the best char out there to be chosen for this TAS, if you take the records for challenge mode from this same place I'll talk later, almost all of them were done with HUcasts, they have really high ATP from the beginning, and for a speedrun their ATP growth make them a great char of choice.
That's what speedrunners did in the first place, but turns out a FOnewearl was the fastest for them. I still agree with you though that we should stick with HUcasts.
5. The place I'm talking about is schtserv, it's a private server for PSO, the knowledge level about this game around there is astonishing, when making your decisions, you should always check with the guys out there if your plan is the best possible. Also they have a database too, but this time all the information is taken out of the game itself, from it's files, so there's no mismatching. You should definitely go there before you start this TAS, I'm sure there'll be people willing to help you with this.
That's awesome, I got the maps with me and I have an idea for the fastest patterns, but the help of people who worked for years on this game would be great !
I hope I could be of help, I could give you more specific information but it would be pointless since you'll find much more reliable sources there, here's the url:
Well I have a question : Do you think the stat boost glitch (the one you do with the lady - which shouldn't work with the plus version too I guess) would be a waste of time ? I guess it is, since how long it takes to actually do it, but if we find a way to duplicate meseta at the same time (it may be possible ?) and then manipulate the shop, we could get an high level character with an OP weapon to destroy guys like Del Rol Le, which would save a huge amount of time. Maybe. I don't really know actually, I never used this glitch before, since I heard of it after I stopped playing to this game (when everybody started to post glitchs on the net actually ^^).
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