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@Derakon : Really ? This is the only one which accept to have more than a 200mo file uploaded... Since MegaUpload closed, all the other ones like filesonic stoped their share services... Well, I guess that I'm out of luck today. Does somebody know a website where I can upload my encode ? @tub : I see what you mean, you can't even watch the level that it's already done eh ? Well, I was thinking that people who wanted to see real strategy could watch ridd3r's awesome speedrun, and for people who already know the game and wanted to see it being destroyed could watch the TAS version.
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@hegyak : It's possible I made a mistake, I just said the version indicated by the emulator :/ So if I made one, please correct me :) @AdamApple : Well, there are tons of glitchs which can be used to get way more goos than expected, but I don't know if anybody would want to watch it. But eyh, why not ? @caitsith2 : Here is my encode. Sorry about all the trouble, I didn't think that finding my wad would be so hard. But it's a one year old wad, so the website were I took must have went down... Wouldn't it work with another version of the .wad ? I mean, even if the md5 are differents, wouldn't it be the same ?
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This is the version that rog posted at the end of this page : . EDIT : Eeer, seems my video is too long to be put on youtube, sorry :(
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Ilari -> Ok, thanks ! Spikestuff -> This encode isn't up to date anymore. I'm trying to encode this version, but the sound doesn't want to synch. I will try to put a temporary encode.
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I can't do better at the Whistle Level. I did improve it by a few frame, but it can't be seens with human eyes. Also, I keep desynching again and again (5 - edit: 6 times now - times in a row) on the "Second Hand Smoke" level, it's starting to pisses me off :( :p
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phoenix1291 wrote:
J'ai déja fouiller un peu plus en profondeur le forum et j'ai eu quelques réponses, en fait je crois que ma principale question reste: comment corriger une désinchronisation?
Pour corriger une desynch', il faut modifier certains inputs (vu que c'est à ça que c'est dû en général - des fois non :p ). Ça dépend de beaucoup de chose : D'abord de l'émulateur, les récents comme celui de la Wii ont des fichiers de film (les .dtm) assez spéciaux et supporte assez mal l'hex editing (modifier directement les valeurs hexadécimals avec un éditeur approprié). Si tu passes par un émulateur plus aboutis comme celui de la NES/SNES/autre console émulé depuis longtemps, les fichiers films sont ouvrables avec un éditeur text et modifiable assez facilement. Ensuite, il y a autre chose : en modifiant les inputs, la frame à laquelle tu vas terminer le niveau va changer. Il faut alors faire attention à ce que ça ne modifie rien sur les niveaux suivant. C'est ce qui arrive par example constement sur Super Mario 64 : - Première version fini à la 668ième frame - On modifie quelque input - Seconde version fini à la 665ième frame MAIS du coup niveau suivant n'apparait pas de la même manière et tout est fichu :p Bref, je suis pas un pro à ça du tout, je sais mal expliquer, et je n'ai jamais personnelement vu quelqu'un corriger une desynch' (mes essais furent sur wii et se révélèrent des echecs___) Sinon tu peux aller voir ici même si ça aide pas vraiment, ça donne des conseils quelquonques :p
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Il me semble que l'on peut facilement trouver des tutos en fr sur youtube, même si ils n'abordent que les gros GROS points (savestates et l'image par image en général). Après, même dans la scène anglaise, il n'y a que les vidéos tutoriel de Adelikat (et encore, assez récentes et pas finies) et guide de tasideos (section movie making) mais qui n'est pas super agréable - le format text est moins agréable que le format vidéo - et pas toujours complet (même si les gifs sont assez pratiques pour comprendre). - Sans vouloir faire de critiques bien sûr, le guide écrit est déjà remarquable au niveau du contenu, mais pas super accueillant quoi. Bref, personnellement je ne pense pas qu'on aie grand chose en général, je suppose que la plupart des gens apprennent avec la pratique. C'est pas non plus extrêmement compliqué quoi, c'est que de la logique :p[/url]
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I won't be able to TAS anything until the end of July. Here is a .dtm file WIP of 1-1 to 2-7. To read the file, you need the build of Dolphin rbc61dbdf58a8bb088109839c5f25e7183830b166 merged with TAS-input by rog. You can get it here : 64 bits and 32 bits . Settings can be found here (edit : disable panic handler), and be sure that /User/Wii/title/ is empty (no saves).
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During the original run, i don't know, but for the one in the video, I didn't change anything.
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I got nothing checked in graphic advanced, including widescreen hack :p Actually, I changed the size of the window until there wasn't any black line anymore. I need a large window to be accurate.
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My aspect ratio as on auto, and the resolution too (multiple of 640x528). I can't change the resolution to 480p though... I just remark I had the panic handler turned on, I don't know if this can cause such problem.
Post subject: Strange desynch which resynchronize... ?
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Hi ! I have a little problem with Dolphin... I made a full movie of World Of Goo and I procedeed like this: - Do a world - Save the movie file - Check if everything synch And when I finished the game and played it back... the world 4-1 desynched. While I checked it an hundred times before. So that's not a problem, as I wanted to re-do the whole game again anyway (as I learned more stuff), but I was worried this would happen again, so I tried to reproduce this thing and... Well, just watch the video : As you can see, I start the movie, the level 1-1 desynchs, and when I load the save-state before the level, it synch perfectly. I would like to know why does this happen and what should I do ? Thanks. If you want the files : The .dtm file The save state files to put under /User/StateSaves/ Using the emulator provided by rog at the bottom of this page : ( rbc61dbdf58a8bb088109839c5f25e7183830b166 merged with TAS-input ) The config : Any idea ? Thanks
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ais523 wrote:
I think Whistler can also be improved by carrying the unused two clear goo to the pipe manually (or throwing it). Or does the pipe not accept them, or does the time spent not whistling make it slower?
I didn't even though of it... The pipe does accept them, will work on it !
sudgy wrote:
With Whistler, some of the goos went off a bit and took a while to get to where you wanted them to. I'm pretty sure you could manipulate them by either changing the position of the whistle, making them go a different direction, or maybe stopping the whistling for a few frames would change the RNG.
I tried to manipulate that whistle (17 sec is a good time eh ?), but the RNG of the movement of those goos... seems very random (haha). But yeah, I need to redo this level as I didn't use the water goo, so I will try to see how it works. Beside, I learn tons of stuff about the physic motor of this game, especially in the Winter world, so I think I can improve some level here :p EDIT: New glitch I already saved 5 seconds on 4 levels :p
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Hmmm, and if I redo the level where it desyncs with the EXACT same number of frame, and then copy/paste those frames ? Also, it seems like I need to remove one frame... but of course, Dolphin puts an error. I guess it's because the new number of frame doesn't correspond to the one in the file. Where can I find it ? (At the beginning I guess but... :p ) EDIT: Never mind, I found where the number of frame is. Still give me an error hehe
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Hi ! I have a desynch... on a Wii Game. So yeah, I found this, but as you can see the Wii section is in to-do. And when I open my .dtm file, I got this : ... So I can see the game ID and... uh... that's about it... Does somebody have any information about how to read (and edit) this file ? Thanks.
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Thanks ! :D I just made a 15-hours of TASing today... It was raining, and my friends are on hollyday, so I had time to spent :p I'm at the "Information Superhighway", which are really easy level for TASing. and then there's only a few level left... :) ! I will take my time though, to optimise... Three points has to be noted : 1- The "Early Whistle Glitch" doesn't work on the wii version 2- If there is a certain number of goo on the level (I think 30 or more), the game starts to LAG, which can handicaped a lot (for example, there's a glitch which is WAY less efficient than on PC at the Red Carpet level... too bad). 3- On the "Product Launcher" level, on the PC version you were able to wake up the goo really fast with only one explosive goo, and also light a goo when it wasn't on a structure... All those things has been patched, and the wii version is the patched version, which makes this level way longer than on the pre-patch PC version :( But the run is still going well, with good times and nice to watch :p EDIT : I made another 10 hours rush and finished the game in 32:17:56 – 116276 frames. Now I'm trying to see where I can improve it (I only found 2 frames to be saved)... And I found a desynch. I don't know how, I check every level when I finish them... Too bad. I really need hex editing now :p
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Hi ! I'm having huge desync between audio and video (example)with the build rbc61dbdf58a8bb088109839c5f25e7183830b166 merged with TAS-input by rog, can you try please to import your hack to this version too ? And if you do so, will i have to restart my tas or would it still sync ?
rog wrote:
edit: This is the desync-fix clone i linked above (rbc61dbdf58a8bb088109839c5f25e7183830b166) merged with tas-input. I defaulted to otu0001's changes in WII_IPC_HLE_Device_usb.cpp, as mentioned above. I don't know if there's anything important missing there, but hopefully not. Until someone who knows wtf looks at it, there's nothing i can do about it. I did send otu0001 an email and suggested he merge more-save-fixes himself though, so with any luck he'll do it right.
Also, what codec should I use to dump the frames ? For the example above I was using Lagarith Loseless Codec, is it good ?
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More than 6 seconds improved on Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 DONE : Link to video Very hard world as the only optimisation I could do on many levels was just... boosting. Which isn't great, but hey ! It looks good ! To see more details about time/strategy, look here Please comment !
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Si tu veux, tu peux créer un topic sur le forum des jeux DOS ( ) pour voir si d'autres personnes sont intéressés ou peuvent donner des idées (et aussi à avoir une évaluation de ce que tu fais, voir si tu le fais bien quoi :p ) Bonne chance ! :)
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Bienvenu ! Il y a une partie pour les nouveaux sur ce forum, ici, et n'oublies pas qu'en plus des vidéos il y a un beau guide pour le TASing (sur movie making). M'enfin il y a quelque trous (des To Do), et configurer l'émulateur en est un effectivement, ce qui semble pourtant faire partie des bases. Quel émulateur souhaites-tu utiliser ? (il doit faire partie de cette liste) Au passage, l'émulation n'est pas un domaine réservé au TAS, il est même assez populaire, as-tu pensé à faire une recherche google pour un tuto ? Je suppose qu'il doit y en avoir un pour quasiment chaque émulateur... Après si jamais tu peux demander !
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Han ! First desynch with Dolphin ! :( I got backups for each level, so that's fine, but... meh, I just wasted two hours and a half :p EDIT : I desynched 4 times on this level (Fistys Bog). Anyway, finished the first chapter for good this time. Time : 06:35:13 - 23713 frames, which means an improvement of 397 frames (6s37) over my first try.
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That would be awesome ! EDIT : I can't seem to open those files with any text/hex editor, so yeah... I think your link is outdated :p
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I redid AGAIN the game from 1-1 to 1-6 (Tumbler), I saved 34 frames. Small Divide : I tried to breack the goos (as I do in Ode to a bridge builder), but it's actually slower than just build the bridge (only 4-5 frames of difference), as the bridge is very small. Hang Low : I tried to build the tower and then make them bounce as we do for the OCD -> Actually slower, as you need to raise up the camera at the beginning (you can wake up the goos during that time...) Impale Sticky : More accurate throws saved 22 frames. Ivy Tower : I don't know how I saved 3 frames there... Miracle. Tumbler : Strategy of which goos to throw changed -> 9 frames saved. I still need to know if somebody has an idea about how to aim with better precision when you don't know where the goo is going (as in Tower Of Goo, where the camera is too slow to follow the goo you throw). Also, is there anykind of possibility to hex-edit on Dolphin ? The movie files are obviously not text file, so I don't really know...
Vykan12 wrote:
Looks good... However a lot those cursor playarounds get really annoying to watch after a while :/ Especially when you just bounce the cursor all over the screen after the tank gets filled.
Noted. I'm trying to avoid doing that from now. On this WIP, I actually tried to write stuff, but I obviously failed. Oh well, need to practice :/
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bkDJ wrote:
But no matter which path you finish first, there won't be an animation, and all paths need to be drawn eventually, so... Wouldn't that mean you can play however you want because any order is equally slow?
I didn't think of that, but yes that's right. So I was wrong, it's not necesseraly faster. :p EDIT : Does anybody who knows a little bit about creating action replay code (I think it should be ok) can tell me if it's possible to create an AR code to make the camera move faster ? (so I would be able to see where the goos I throw goes) ? Or hack Dolphin to display the whole level ? I tried to create an AR code, but after making Dolphin crashed 8 times, I think I should ask for help...
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You guessed it, I can go instantly to the next level only because there is no animation this time. Otherwise, I need for the animation to wait, even if the level has already been unlock. So yeah, it's faster to complete one path and then go instantly on the other one.
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