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I actually did try cheating to see if I could purchase the house early, and it worked just fine, actually. Probably just there to be a trap for players.
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I think it would be interesting if we could know what's going on with notations and what-not. I'd probably lean toward a "no" otherwise, as a lot of people would complain there's no real "action" to be seen (and understandably so). It'd fall under Where's Waldo in terms of problems of TASing.
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Only twice. Once when the towel is "wound up", and then a second time upon its release. This is as far as I know, however. I'll look into that once I use the slowdown stuff.
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Glad you think so. Wait 'till we get to the end of the game. :p Anyway, news! I've got a good 4/5ths of the route planned. I made a text map of the major areas that I need to hit. The only major area I have yet to plot out (because it just doesn't play nice to the structure I have laid out for my map) is the basement area. I also figured out a trick with the towel that will make killing things go much quicker. Taking a page out of Castlevania, the towel will also hit enemies behind you as Spike winds up with it. Unlike Simon Belmont, however, Spike can turn around in mid-swing, which can make the towel count for a second hit! This should make the weight room go much faster than I thought it would. Manipulating the mini-boss guarding the door to the boiler room is not going to be an easy task either. It likes to move around up and down in some weird pattern and I'm not exactly sure how to make it stand still and take its lickin'. Sometime soon, I'll record a straight-up video. No serious TASing, but using my route, main glitches, and whatever else I can work into it, so you can get a feel of what the route is going to look like. I'd also like to use it to get some kind of semblance of how long the game is going to take me to complete from start to finish.
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Probably for similar reasons why there's console wars. It strikes me as having fairly similar mindsets in both cases.
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
I once had this conversation with someone: Them: Halo 2 sucks because it left out the ending! Me: How much would you have paid for them to keep the game in development long enough to add an ending? Them: Nothing! It should have came with the ending already! I would have paid $10 LESS for how it turned out! Me: Well, it's kinda late for that, you already bought the game. Do you plan on selling it? Them: No. Me: Well, I guess you don't have an argument, then.
I hear mindless crap from people like this all the time. In fact, these types of people finally decided to get to the point where now, when I dislike a game someone likes, it's turned into being told what to play like I'm some heathen who needs to be converted. It also turns into being converted when I like a game that they don't. I literally had someone, when I told them I liked Final Fantasy VII (Whether or not it's a "good game" was not the topic of the discussion), they literally went "Ew!" and then started telling me to play Final Fantasy VI.
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Cardboard wrote:
This run steals men's souls and make them its slaves :(
Perhaps the same could be said of all TASes! Anyhoo, when I saw this in the submission queue just now and I saw this at 20 minutes, needless to say, I was completely shocked. I think I ran out of tape to keep my jaw from falling back on the floor. I'm gonna check this out tomorrow. I have a good feeling I'm not going to be disappointed any.
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I have to admit, it makes me feel like I can actually do one of these things again. I think the thread's done its job, by golly!
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Thanks, man! I've also found a couple of things that save time as far as stairs go. The first one is when you're not going down "brick stairs", you can jump off them at any time, which is quicker than walking down them. For "brick stairs", you can run and jump onto them and skip some of the slow trek up. Any one-way staircase you can go down into the next room only to can be jumped as well. Regular brick stairs, normally jumping doesn't do much, but I've had instances where I can push myself, without any help, down the stairs faster. I haven't figured out what does it yet, but I plan to figure it out as soon as possible. The only stairs you can't really do much about are split ones going up. Also, I have to admit, I don't really think it's that terribly programmed. I think it's fairly average. It's certainly better than some games out there.
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I have to agree on that one too. Either that, or allow more playaround stuff. I wouldn't mind seeing some videos that are just glitchfests, where a normal TAS wouldn't be able to include the glitches because it takes more time to do.
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Pardon moi with the double-post. So I've put up a video of the Invincibility Glitch. What you do is you go into a locker with the Spring Shoes on, then press start and go back to your normal sneakers. When you leave the item menu, you'll go in a "half inside the locker" state and be able to run around freely. You can see the video [URL=]here[/URL]. I've also been heavily planning out the route as well. Here's what I have so far: 1.) Start to Locker Room, get towel. 2.) Continue further, get Spring Shoes in weight room. -Debating in the gym itself whether it would save time to hit the scoreboard to remove all the basketballs or not. 3.) In the second gym, where the Deweytron gun is, pick up the Deweytron and perform a bug with the Spring Shoes where you can jump over the wall and teleport back to the first gym. -I may or may not actually pick up the Deweytron. If I have to in order to make the leap over the wall, the Deweytron will not be used because the damage it inflicts is pathetic. 4.) Go from the Locker Room to the Auto Shop to pick up the Suction Cups. The Suction Cups are absolutely necessary to get into the crawl space and thus, finish the game. -I still need to test whether or not it would save time to hold off on the invincibility glitch right after I exit the Locker Room (The lockers in the Locker Room itself can't be used.) and die immediately after getting the suction cups, or if it would be quicker to just leave the room. I'm leaning toward Option #1, but I don't know how much health I'll have at the time or if I'll need to switch out of the Deweytron Gun for the towel. 5.) Go from the Auto Shop to the Chemistry Lab, pick up Embalming Fluid. The Embalming Fluid is absolutely necessary to finish the game, as you need it at the end to open the barrier that imprisons the gal you save. 6.) This is the step I need to do more research on. I've watched a couple of runs, but I don't know if it's faster from here to go back to the very beginning of the game to use the massive shortcut or to just follow the intended 100% route. Basically, everything right now between the acquisition of the Embalming Fluid and getting to the Crawl Space is uncertain. 7.) Crawl Space to Air Ducts. This gets pretty linear right here, and I can easily say that the Crawl Space is one of the duller parts of the run, as it's long and there isn't really much to sightsee. 8.) Air Ducts to Basement. This place is a maze. In the normal game, there are actually a couple of trap doors that will lead you to your death if you go into them, but of course, they won't be used. There's only about three doors to go through, so it's fairly short. -The Gamma Ray will not be picked up here, as it would double the amount of doors to go through and I'm about 75% certain that the time it took to get the gun would not even out the amount of time it would take to kill the next two important enemies. 9.) Basement to End. The basement is a little bit of a maze itself. Once you make it to the door of the final boss, you have to kill the heart to continue, the game won't let you go into the door unless you kill it. Once inside the final boss, with invincibility at hand, seven hits with the towel is enough to take it out, and it's pathetically easy to hit. After that, the embalming fluid is used on the barrier to open it (even though I could just fall down there with her without doing so), which then lets me finish the game. All in all, I'm expecting about 15 minutes to complete. Tailz completed his in about thirty, and with skipping at least half the game, I figure it's a good amount to project. Thoughts?
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I think "Top 100 of the Mindless Populace" would be a better name for the list. Us gamers here seem to know better about what's goin' on here. I always reject these kind of lists anyway, mostly because when I can accurately predict nine times out of ten what the top five games are anyway, I highly question whether they're actually "the best" or someone pushing their favorites as "the best".
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No flaming here, I completely agree with you on that one, Xkeeper. The longer I put off doing a TAS, the more intimidating it gets, and that bar just keeps floating up and up. Though some of it is my fault for not making more of an effort years ago anyway.
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Easy, it doesn't. However, the idea of "The Big Push!" has inspired me to at least try again. I think I have a game I could actually use to TAS where I'm not intimidated because I have to dig into the game and understand things I don't understand in order to do a TAS. All I have to do is hope there's enough interest in the game and I'm all set.
Post subject: Ghoul School
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OK, so I'm not entirely familiar with this game yet, it gets mixed reviews from being a total piece of shit to being a total fun game, but seems like it would be relatively simple for a fellow like me to possibly TAS. So I ask, is there any interest in it? I have found a couple of things here and there that would make TASing this interesting. The first is a shortcut trick after getting the Spring Shoes that Tailz found while doing his "Let's Play!"-type thing on the game. The second is a glitch that allows the player to become totally invulnerable. You also need the spring shoes for this one though, so nonetheless, they're going to be vital. I need a little more research on the game, so I'll look over the FAQ, but I do know it leads to a significant shortcut not long after the Spring Shoes and Suction Cups are acquired. If there's interest in the TAS, I'll upload my video on YouTube to show it off. And for research purposes, if someone happens to have a regular FCEU savestate at the final boss with all the weapons in the game, might they be able to share it? I don't wanna get stuck at the final boss and have to restart.
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andrewg wrote:
It's an autoscroller. I don't usually consider those good candidates, though Gradius was pretty good, so what do I know? ;)
Same with the majority of the members, I think. I enjoy them though, they don't bother me any.
Post subject: I'm goin' on a road trip.
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OK, here's the scoop. I got a 10-hour bus ride from Bangor, ME to New York City on the Greyhound bus. I'm gonna throw some videos onto my PSP. However, I've seen so many TASes in my four and a half years of being here that the decision is difficult. So, can I get some suggestions of runs to see? Also keep in mind that after conversion, the videos are about 2-3 times larger than the AVI, so something like Chrono Trigger would probably take up most of my PSP's 2GB memory. ^^;
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Right, I just figured it would help figure out the address for the charge time of special moves. Ah well, maybe I'll dork around with it myself.
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Oh man, if someone posts that shit up, it's immediately going down. I would, however, like to see if I could find someone to maybe hack MK2 or something so that playing as the hidden characters and bosses actually is a possibility. I've seen it done on the Genesis. For now, I'm kinda interested in Mortal Kombat Trilogy. If you look at the game in a hex editor thing like the Gameshark's memory editor, it shows that there's text for a few options, such as rounds that end in one hit, that weren't actually included in the final version. I'm very curious to know if any other stuff exists.
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I was able to get in touch with GoldS on the Sonic Retro forums, and he let me use the stuff he found while hacking Mega Man X. It's extremely interesting stuff. I got a PM last night and he sent me some stuff about some unused text, and I thought that was really cool of him to do. ^o^ Also, thanks, Truncated, for the Streets of Rage 3 and Kid Chameleon stuff. I'm gonna see if I can get in touch with them for permission as well. I also found a few things for Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, but I can't seem to find a way of contacting the person who found it. Same with the discovery of an unused enemy in Zelda: A Link to the Past. I'm also gonna get in touch with David Wonn next time I see him around AIM and see if he'll give me the OK to use the Debug Mode stuff on the wiki, though I'm sure he'll say "Yes", since we've known each other on the 'net for a long time. :D
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Make a TAS at some point. No, really. :p
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A totally wonderful holiday season for all! May it be filled with awesome and relaxation.
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I don't know how much this will be of service here, but there's a code where there's no charging required for special moves for Super Street Fighter 2. It's a PAR code I came across. Hopefully this'll help point ya in the right direction. C1CFD004
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I would totally buy some TASVideos merch, because that would be totally awesome in more ways I could count. So...yeah. Whenever it happens, you've got a customer. Cha-ching!
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I smell a clusterfuck! I'm gonna try this when I get home. This sounds really interesting.
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