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Location: Maine New WIP time! Starting from the second eyeball, I wasn't able to boost off him because for some reason, the way things worked out, I either got hit and went backwards from the barbell or missed it entirely, properly hitting the barbell didn't present itself as an option without slowing down. Instead, I jump entirely over it and pummel the hell out of it. I jumped up and down with the weight equipment until it was time to walk for the zipping glitch. I tightened up everything I could see. I saved 40 frames from everything here. Room 030 wasn't that hard. It looks like it's unoptimized, but I played with a few different techniques. One was to jump twice, then get boosted. One was to jump three times, then let myself get boosted. One was to continually jump until the little eyeball could boost me faster. Option 3 was six frames slower than Option 1 for some reason, and Option 2 got nixed when the second little eyeball hit me backwards. I went into the best locker available for setting up the Invincibility Glitch. Normally when you do it, you go into the background, but if you pause quick enough, you won't. This is good, because it seriously helps when I can actually see what I'm doing. Room 037 was utter zipping glitch spam. I start right about two frames into the room and only stop to change in and out of the shoes, and to leave the room. The first time I did this, I got halfway through and realized I was doing the long-term hard zipping wrong, so I went back, redid it, and saved ten frames. Room 038 was simple, but I couldn't hit the janitor with the jumps. A shame, which I would've liked to, but it's not important so I won't go back and do it. Left at the soonest frame possible. The Music Room was just a lot of jump. Again, I wanted to hit the music teacher and set off chaos, but the height I was at didn't allow me to hit him, so I was content in screwing up the sound of his scales and letting him teach his musical note creature thing its lesson. The Chemistry Room was more jumping. I noticed after replaying that I made a bit of a speed error at the beginning of the room which definitely has cost me some untold amount of frames. When I re-do the movie, I'm gonna start from that point. I get the embalming fluid and quickly zip out of the room. I was amused that I zipped out so fast that after I unpause, the game doesn't even reload until I get to the Warp Zone. The Warp Zone was just jump, jump, jump until I got to the door in the middle. The next room (which I don't care to look up the number to right now) was quite tricky to get into the door. It's not easy and I can't quite figure out what it is that lets you enter the door in the first place. You're supposed to have the suction cups normally. Even though I was jumping as high as I could, the game wouldn't, by normal circumstances, let me in. However, it seems that if I bump my head on something, it gives me a one frame window to enter, which of course, I take advantage of. So the final time so far? 8146 frames, or about 2:15.54. Can I save more? You bet I can. Am I utterly impressed at how quickly I've beaten about 2/3 of the game? You bet your ass I am. (EDIT: Problem fixed, and the movie is now at 8092 frames, 54 frames faster than the last WIP. However, the movie will not be posted here until the game is completed.)
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I could try it. I tried doing something similar without the shoes in the locker room, and it didn't seem to have much of an effect, but I'll try it anyway. It's definitely worth a shot. I'm kind of hoping that this run remains un-obsoleted for a long while (unless I do it), so any "tightening up" of the run at all is welcome to hear. =)
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And finally, we can get to the glitches! This WIP is at 5120 frames, or 1:25.33. (One minute, twenty five and one-third seconds.) The locker room was hell. The showers run on a predetermined pattern, even though it appears they should be random, so slight pauses were necessary. I got the towel which was thankfully, right on the way, otherwise it would've been nearly impossible to kill the weight-lifting eyeball later. The second zombie is just mean as well. I tried everything I could to pull off the double-hit with the towel, but it would just not accept the second hit, no matter what I did. The zombie actually takes four hits, not three as it appears to look in real time. I enjoyed skipping the first zombie though. I broke the scoreboard in the gym. While the ability to boost off the basketballs was tempting, I found it would be faster if I got rid of them all because the time spent needing to slow down for them is likely not to be matched by the amount of frames saved by boosts. I did have a little fun with the towel here though. The weight room wasn't that bad. The first weight-lifting eyeball, I had a one-frame window to properly jump and leap off the weight to project myself over the eyeball thing. The reason I don't boost off the eyeballs in the weight room is that they take off six bars of health (yes, that's right, six bars of health), which would have therefore killed me. The second eyeball I had no choice but to kill, but I got to exhibit the double-hit trick that the towel does awesome with. (Edit: I plan on re-doing the "battle" with this thing, I think I have a better strategy to use, but whether or not I can pull it off yet is up in the air.) After the second eyeball, I get the spring shoes finally. The next time I work on this, I'm going to redo from right before the first pause to where the end of the WIP is now. So here's the thing about the zipping trick. In order to do this, you have to be right next to the wall with just your sneakers on. This is why I take them off. Then, you have to pause the game, put the Spring Shoes back on, then after unpausing, hold the direction away from the wall. Whether or not you properly zip depends on what frame of animation you perform the glitch at. There is what I call a "soft" zip, and a "hard" zip. A soft zip is when you go into the wall, but if you hold the opposite direction, you will walk out of the wall as you would walk normally (this will be used once much later in the run for a big shortcut in the air ducts). A "hard" zip is when you zip like Mega Man through a wall. So I pull off two hard zips. One through the weight equipment, and one through the wall at the end. If it seems like I'm running aimlessly into the wall for a frame or two before zipping, then that means I would have performed a soft zip instead. I perform all zips at the first possible frame. I zip into the warp zone, go down the stairs, then jump after transporting to the next actual room to get into room 030. The next part of the run will have me activate the invincibility glitch at the end of room 030, as after this room, boosting off enemies becomes either pointless (due to the amount of damage I'd be taking by the enemy), or would render glitches useless (such as in the room to the right of 030, where I'll be hard zipping through some spikes which, if the Invincibility Glitch isn't on, I would be knocked out of the zip). The next WIP, after tightening this one up a little, will go from room 030 until the Crawl Space. Stay tuned, this is gonna be a massive glitchfest!
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Location: Maine And yet another WIP! 2757 frames, 137 frames saved from the last WIP, and a total of 303 frames saved compared to the first WIP. I saved another five frames in room 004 by jumping five frames earlier than I jumped in the second WIP. Another 132 frames were saved by skipping the two eyeball enemies that I killed in the second WIP. I think I'm pretty much done with this part of the game unless I can save thirty or more frames. I can easily say too that things are going to get much more interesting from here. From here, here's the plan for the next part: Locker Room Skip the first enemy. Get towel. Hopefully get a good run with the showers. Kill the second enemy. Gym 1 Carefully boost the way to the scoreboard. Jump up and hit it (no turn-around needed). Weight Room Kill the weight tossing enemies. Get the Spring Shoes Zip through the exercise equipment. Skip the last weight enemy by jumping over it? Zip through the wall!
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I'm gonna guess that I'm gonna be able to shave probably another second or two off the run pretty quickly here. Turns out I shouldn't have to kill any of the eyeballs heading toward the locker room, so I might be able to save somewhere around 100 frames if I play my cards right.
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Ferret Tempest
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You know what else is sweet? A new WIP! 2894 frames this time, 166 frames saved compared to the last one. I saved about six frames by tighter start-pressing, and another 160 frames saved due to using andrewg's trick of skipping the walking-only eyeballs. I managed to save between six and eight frames in room 004 by jumping onto the stairs on the first frame possible of landing on that step and still jumping. Only two enemies were killed this time, and the descent down the stairs is different, and while it may be a bit slower initially, I believe the tighter killing of the first eyeball monster and the lack of falling into room 014 makes up for it. I really have no plans of redoing the first two rooms (001 and 004) unless I can save thirty or more frames.
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Captain Fistzooh
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Oh, forgot about one. Space City Also... Raiden
ShinyWarlord Ferret Forehead
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I'll have to see how often they pop up. I can think of one place (outside the auto shop), but I'm not sure how many other places there are. Might be a couple more.
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andrewg wrote:
Normally, it isn't possible to jump over the eyeball guys, but if they are moving toward you, you can just BARELY make it over and boost forward. I think there were two other enemies in your TAS that you could do the same thing with.
This I actually didn't know about! Perhaps if I get really lucky, I can just skip over almost every eyeball enemy now. Nice find!
EDIT: interesting thing I noticed. against the eyeball enemies, if you are lower than them (they are jumping/you are on stairs) and facing away from them and attack, the back of your weapon will hit them immediately. Not sure if that's useful, but I'm thinking it could be.
I actually did know about that with the bat. I had it happen accidentally a couple times, most noticeably, the most recent WIP I did. The bat is a pain in the ass though and I can't wait to ditch it. In fact, I think I'm just going to hop over the first zombie guy in the locker room, grab the towel, and kill him with it.
EDIT2: I guess it turned out to be slightly useful: 10 frames saved on the first enemy in room 014. Maybe it's possible to do it faster, I'm not sure how though. I also believe that pressing right every other frame is the fastest way to climb stairs.
Thanks on both! I think I'm gonna try skipping the first enemy in room 014 using your jump trick. Also, for the stairs, there's a few places where this will be very useful, so thank you there too!
There is one thing I'd like to add about this TAS. You'd assume that doing an invincbility glitch would definitely be the fastest method, but most likely (because of damage boosting), doing the invincibility glitch will probably be a bad idea... well I'm thinking it will be good for some parts and bad for others. It seems to me like you have an awful lot of health and damage boosting will save quite a lot of time in the long run.
Actually, there's many, many uses. The eyeball enemies and bats don't cause a lot of damage, but other enemies do. The zombies in the locker room take off a full bar of health per hit. Touching the eyeballs in the weight room takes off six bars of health, and so on. The glitch is essential for getting by the plants in the Chemistry room for getting the embalming fluid because they'll jump when you try to jump over them and hit you. I have no idea about the music teacher in the previous room, though, but he's directly blocking the path. Also, it's much easier to activate the glitch from the crawl space on because you'll have to stop to attack enemies that directly block your path. There's a lot of applications and I don't think it'd make a lot of sense to turn the glitch on and off.
Also, if you go left from the start of the game, will that area lead you to the end of the game or just items?
It will bring you to a huge pile of bones guarded by an invincible enemy. Beyond that is the door to the crawl space. This was my original method to getting to the end of the game. I think I put a YouTube video up here on this thread that demonstrates it.
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Good eye, man! That actually saved me about 42 frames! [URL][/URL] Here's my latest WIP. I spent at least two hours trying to find the most optimal way I could figure out to kill the first enemy in room 014...until I double-hit him with the bat by accident. That made my day. One more enemy with the bat, then I can finally never use that thing again!
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Unless it's an MKV file, I use Winamp for watching all of my movie files. I only use VLC if it's an MKV, or I just encode MKVs and watch them in my PSP. Anyway, my desktop at the moment! It's of that same character that's in my avatar, drawn to be suited more for the Mega Man Zero series here than the X series. I didn't draw it, a friend of mine did:
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Yrr wrote:
I don't think may name would mix well =/
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This will definitely save some time! I actually had no idea how I was going to take this thing out with ease and have been pondering it over quite a bit. Now I can completely ignore this! You are the man, dude. ^o^ I'm gonna devote tomorrow to messing around with the glitches myself and seeing what the soonest frame I can start the game at. I'll also make a list of directions for myself as well, so I have my guidelines in order. I'm actually addicted to this game myself. Blame Tailz (The guy who did the Amagon TAS a while ago). :p ---- EDIT: Almost 27 seconds in. If it looks a little tweaky, that's normal, since the jumping of the eyeball enemies seems to run on a non-influential timer, so I had to mess around a little bit before they jumped, and I had to slip under at the optimal moment too. Either Spike or the Monsters has an excessively large hit box, so running under them at what should appear to be an easy walk-under is actually not. I've had Spike get hit in the hair and take damage in multiple re-records. Comments?
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Excuse the double post and bump, but I did have a couple of questions, since I've been getting back into doing work for the Wiki again now that Spring Break has come about. Does anyone know of some sites where I might be able to pull off a link exchange with that are similar to this? I sent an e-mail to the guys at Unseen64, but I'm not really sure where else to go looking. Secondly, I believe somewhere on the FAQ, there's mention of, in the Metroid passwords thing, the NARPAS SWORD password being a debug mode code. Could I get permission to toss that on the wiki as well? If so, who should I credit it to?
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I took moozooh's advice and it actually worked perfectly! I put a four-part TAS practice up on there finally that I've been meaning to put up since December.
Post subject: AVI desynch annoyances.
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I haven't been able to find this talked about somewhere, but I'm guessing it might have? Anyway, I've been having trouble with any AVI files that I record both in SNES9x and FCEU. Lately, there seems to always be an audio/video desynch in every video I make. I've mostly tried the XVid codec, but I've tried a couple others too, but with the same results, seemingly. I wanna put some stuff on YouTube, but not with the desynch stuff. What should I do?
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Actually, you've done nothing wrong so far! This is an amazing find, Supper! The video section I put together was actually just a rough draft in itself I was using to test the reaction of people. Hell, if you can half my intended time with this run, I can totally take that in! Thank you so much! And I thought no one was really paying attention. XD I'll totally play around with this and see what I can do. Spring Break's coming up, so I wanna work on this during that. My ultimate goal is to (hopefully) get this accepted by the time my five-year anniversary with the forums comes up, so I can say that I've actually done something in my time here. XD
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Good to hear all your hard work has finally paid off, FODA. It's lookin' great! Muito bem!
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I actually like that idea a lot. Perhaps also, since it's really like, an "unlimited time" run, we should set a limit to where the actual run ends, such as "Biggest population attainable in five years." This is just an example, since I know the variables in the time in stuff in terms of changing game speed.
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Probably not, because it falls under the category of "cheats", more than likely. I throw my vote in too for a run of this game, but I'm not really sure what would be the most interesting way of doing it.
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Alrighty. Again, I've never TASed before, so I've probably made a whole ungodly ton of errors here. Luckily, this is posted mostly to show what I plan to do, and also give myself an average time frame of both how long it's going to take and about how long I can save as well. Copy-paste the URL in your browser. Something's screwing with the URL function and I can't be arsed to play with this any further. This "rough sketch" was played at 25% speed and starts at the beginning of the game and stops after activating the invincibility glitch. A few things I found out: 1.) The biggest surprise was that I could skip the Deweytron gun. I didn't think I could, but that's one less weapon to pick up! It won't save much time in the long run, probably a few frames in the final WIP, but it's nice to know that it can be done. 2.) Surprisingly, I found out that like the towel, the bat can also hit from behind. I didn't find this out until the locker room and by then, it'll be obsolete anyway, but it could work in a pinch at the beginning. And that's a really big pinch. Improvements for Final 1.) Figuring out how to properly restart the game. I didn't realize I was starting from a soft reset until after the movie was done. 2.) Making sure I only stop once for the leaping enemies whenever possible. There were some instances where I stop twice. That will be a no-no. 3.) Redo going down the staircase. It can be done a little faster. 4.) Seeing about faster zombie killing in the locker room. 5.) Hopefully a better run with the showers next time. Especially on the second pass. This irritated me because in real-time play, I've had it where I've just walked on through plenty of times without getting hit or even having to stop. 6.) Better precision between entering the first gym and hitting the scoreboard. Mostly so I don't have to stop in-between. 7.) Hopefully much quicker killing of the weight room enemies. And not getting hit by weights. I might be able to just jump over the last one too if I'm lucky, which in turn could lead to a shortcut for the Auto Shop later on. 8.) Quicker getting into the locker and activating the glitch. What I plan to do is to finish this rough-sketch run. I'll make sure to re-list all noticeable improvements, and then I'm going to ask if it would be good enough to tighten up and get submitted. I'm not gonna do all kinds of work getting it right if in the end it's just gonna get dumped in the gruefood.
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Okay, so brief update. I started to try TASing the thing a little bit last night, but kept getting interrupted a bunch of times, so I'll start over when I don't have multitasking to do. My plan for the first room is to kill the first enemy, then for the next three in the room, damage-boost off them when they jump. It takes a lot of good timing to get over halfway under any jumping eyeball enemy, so I briefly turn around to stop, then walk. I'm sure it's still faster than sitting there trying to kill them with the supposed "bat". Speaking of bats, after going right from the first room into the next room, my plan is to jump into the bats and damage-boost off them. Going right from there, timing is essential to kill the eyeball guy on the stairs, as going up the stairs is bloody slow and it won't let me slink under him. Also, there's another non-jumping eyeball there I have to kill. After quickly descending staircases, the rest of the eyeball enemies can be boosted off them. I'll post up a WIP from the start to the locker room if I can get a chance to do so. I'd like to gather opinions from it.
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I have a lot more problems with MKV than AVI, mostly because some of the videos freeze and give me problems on VLC. That, and when I make the player size bigger, there's a big quality loss. This wouldn't be a problem normally, but my desktop size is 1280 x 1024 and it makes the videos really, really friggin' small and difficult to see unless I maximize the window.
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