Posts for Reese_Kaine

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Location: St. Albans, WV
diabolusmagus wrote:
I haven't seen that version of the video, but a band called "Vomitron" did a heavy-metal version of the Contra theme. Perhaps that's it. Even if not, it's awesome, and I recommend checking it out. Y'know, if you like that sort of thing.
Any idea where I can find it? The only place that seems to have it is Audioscrobbler, and they're closed to new members for right now.
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The Super Mario 3 WMV done in 11 minutes by Morimoto had a remix of the Contra music in the background (drowning out the SFX and original BGM), along with some Mortal Kombat techno crap. I was wondering if anyone knew who did that music (It's not Minibosses, NESkimos, nor Mega Driver, and that's what got me curious)..... ----------------- Ten minutes later ----------------- My apologies. The thing is, I downloaded it from Kazaa (And that's what got me interested in collecting Time Attacks and Speedruns, which led me to coming here on a regular basis), and I assumed it was always like that. I just now downloaded the same movie from Arc's site, the Contra BGM isn't there. So, my apologies, I got things mixed-up. Ummm, should I host this version (Even though the only change is the BGM)?
Post subject: Question regarding the SMB3 Morimoto video
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/28/2004
Posts: 28
Location: St. Albans, WV
Does anyone know who did the Contra BGM remix?