Posts for Randil

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I haven't watched your movie yet, I intend to do so later on today, but I'll answer some questions anyway... I'm pretty sure there is no lag on the first level, at least I haven't experienced any... You should look up what nitsuja said, perhaps that's just what wastes some time... Oh, and I believe you could save time by turning into Megagon sooner, beause then you could run straight through some enemies instead of having to jump and shoot them, wasting 1 frame... Anyway, I'll take a look at your movie later on, and comment on it then.
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While flying, you move exactly as fast as when you're walking. But since you loose one frame with every jump, walking is always faster than jumping. It doesn't matter whether you make small or big jumps, you don't loose any frames when landing. The only difference in speeds between jumping and walking is that one frame you loose before performing each jump. So to put things short, never jump unless you absolutely have to. If my run is still faster than your's, make sure that: *You are as fast as I was on the startmenu. *You do the edgeboost trick on all places that I do them. Remember to walk down the edge, not jump. *Don't do any more jumps than I did. *Always hold down right ;) If you're still having trouble getting it as fast, link to your movie and I'll take a look at it, and see if I can find out what can be changed... Good luck! :)
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Hey there. As you know, I've been testing movement in this game some now, and I thought I might sum up what I've found out: Avoid Jumping: Whenever you jump, you stop for 1 frame before jumping. So each jump looses 1 frame compared to running normally. So avoid jumping unless it's absolutely necessary. Always walk down an edge: The best way to use the edgeboost trick is to simply walk down the edge, not jumping. Remember that jumping stops you for 1 frame. Try your hardest never to slow down: Pretty obvious, but should be noted. For example, on level 2, you back a little bit to avoid getting hit by enemies. I know that in this particular place, it's avoidable by killing all the enemies that are blocking your path there earlier. Generally, if a monster is blocking your path and thus slowing you down, try your hardest to kill it as soon as possible so it doesn't block your path... It's often possible to avoid waiting periods. Also, in situations where you have to turn around to kill an enemy, use frame advance for these situations. This way you can make sure you didn't waste any frames there. I suggest you use frame advance on bosses too, I found it easier to frame-perfect the battles that way... Anyway, I'm sure you knew most of this already, but maybe some of this helped.
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I basically agree with what everyone else has said already. Making a totally perfect run is practically impossible, but the goal is to make them as good as we can. If neither the author or any other user on the forum can find one single flaw in a movie (or at least practiacally no flaws), then of course it will get published. Then, somtime later, perhaps someone finds a new trick or glitch, or just uses new techniques in a new run, thus making it even faster. The main goal on this site is really to make entertaining movies... And a run becomes entertaining when the viewers is amazed by the time it's completed in, if the viewer can spot obvious mistakes in the run, then it hasn't really reached up to it's goals of being "perfect". But as Xkeeper said, these timesavers should add up to a noticable amuont of time... On a more personal note, I'm sorry about your Amagon movie... I look forward to your next version, if that's any comfort. :) Have you started on it yet or when are you planning on doing it?
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A Super Mario Land 2 speedrun was just added to Speed Demos Archive today: The time was 32:06... I haven't seen it yet, but I thought it could be interesting to know.
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Allright, I did some testings for the first stage and here's what I found out: The best way to use the edge-boost trick isn't actually to jump at the edge, the best way is to simply walk down the edge. This way you both get the boost, and you won't loose 1 frame by jumping. Here's the movie This movie plays level one 60 frames faster than Tailz, so it's no huge difference... 6 of these frames were saved on the menu, 3 frames on the boss, so 51 frames in terms of level gameplay. If we suppose that the rest of the levels can be improved exactly as much, this movie could be about 22 seconds faster. This is just guessing though, I think he used the edgeboost trick a little more on the later levels...
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Baxter wrote:
I've never played the game, so my knowlegge about it is zero... but I noticed immediately that you get a good speed boost when you walk of an edge (keep walking)... and you seem to not have used this at all in your speedrun...
Actually, he uses this trick quite a lot of times in the movie. Maybe it could be used a little more at a few places, but generally, I believe that this trick has been exploited enough to save a reasonable amount of time... On another note, it's good to see that you're back here, Tailz. And it's good to see that you managed to submit this even though you had a lot of troubles with your computer. You know I've followed the process of this movie, so there wasn't that much new to me in this submission. But I think you handled the last few stages nicely, so I'm voting Yes on this.
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Really great movie. A great improvement over the current run too. I liked how you could save a lot of time by taking damage in certain places. Definite Yes, good job.
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This is my absolute favourite SNES game! A long time ago I considered making this run, but I gave the idea up. I found out that it's indeed possible to manipulate luck to get maximum damage with your gun just by waiting a different amount of frames between each shot. And I know the game is quite complex, so I would be interested in what route will be used. From personal experience, I believe the fighting arena is a good place to visit more than once, since you get both a lot of karma as well as money from the fights there. Can someone please, please, please start working on this run? :)
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Thanks a lot Dacicus. :) "With savestates, one always knows what he's doing", as they saying goes. If you're talking about the last boss, then yes, that's a one-hit kill. I don't know why they made the last boss that simple, it would be nice with at least some challenge... Well, it makes the TAS faster anyway ;)
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Allright, that's good to hear. :) So if any moderator or Bisqwit reads this, I would really appreciate if you could tell me how to edit this .fcm to get the full ending. Thanks in advance.
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Okay, now I see what you mean. You are right, the movie ends on a screen where all the experience points are shown... Crap. Hmm I really don't want to cancel this for just this matter, it seems like such a small detail. It would be good if there was some way to edit the moviefile itself for this submission, because cancelling this just to get to see a "to be continued" text isn't something I really want to do... And this is such a small thing, it doesn't change anything in the movie. So if anyone would like to see the full ending, just skip through the EXP tables after the movie has ended. Anyone knows if there is any way to slightly modify the .fcm in this submission without having to cancel it?
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MattyXB wrote:
Like in the other run from SeNn's, you must still press some buttons at the end to see the full ending. I think the real end is where stand to be Continued. After that nothing came anymore. But many message is not shown here. Or must I wait longer?
EDIT: I'll check this out, hold on... *checking* Nope, there doesn't seem to be any way to make the to be continued text go away. I tried pressing all buttons a lot, especially Start, and I waited for about 10 000 frames to see if the text disappeared, but nothing worked. The FAQ on Gamefaqs didn't mention anything about anything happening after the to be continued text either. So as I see it, this movie should end where it does, because no input changes anything after my movie has ended. You could savestate at the very end of my movie and try out yourself if you don't understand what I mean. If anyone knows anything about an ending after the to be continued text, let me know.
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Thanks a lot Aqfaq and Guybrush! :) It feels great that people enjoy this movie. It was fun to make, and fun to watch it seems, so it's a win-win situation. I know this game isn't the best game there is for NES, but it makes a pretty nice TAS anyway I think.
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ramond wrote:
Maze game is often troublesome to do but OK to see. By the way, it does work on 0.98.12 too.
It's nice to see that this run hasn't been forgotten yet. :) And yes I agree that maze games can be a pain sometimes, but this game wasn't that difficult. SeNn had already done a run of this game before I did this one, so I had the route practically planned out, the hard part was to jump through all the enemies. Thanks for voting Yes by the way, I'm guessing this new Yes vote is from you. ;)
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Aah, the good old "average age" topic has been revived again I see.
JXQ wrote:
Happy (24th) Birthday to me :)
I hope you have a nice tool-assisted day! Umm wait, that didn't sound good at all. Well anyway, happy birthday! :)
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Holy crap, that was fast. I think I've never seen something that fast. I think this could be defined as "Ultra super mega fast bouncing around", or something like that. I'm voting Yes. Extremely entertaining to watch, I think this one deserves a star among with Sonic 2 and 3. Two thumbs up, and the biggest smile you've ever seen. ;)
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I was just visiting the workbench to watch Guybrush's movie and found this at the top :). Very good run indeed, I think the next version of this run will have a hard time beating this time. I agree with Walker Boh, the boss battles were really great, as well as the levels themselves. Voting Yes. Out of curiosity, you say that Genisto is planning on redoing some parts for the next run. When do you think this new run will be done? I hope it's out soon. :) And one more thing, I think it should be added in the author's comments that this is a "takes no damage run".
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I agree with Bag, good use of the rush adaptors. Very entertaining run, it kept me up for another half hour even though it's really late. :) Definite Yes. Great job with this game.
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I was just scrolling through the list of submissions, and saw that this is still set as new. Of course it's up to you, Guybrush, if you want to cancel this, but since there already is a full run of this game now, are you sure this run should be kept? I don't know if this game deserves 2 different runs on the site... It's a good game, but not that good, perhaps :). Just trying to ease things up for the encoders. ;)
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Wow, that was amazing. Maybe it's bacause it's late and I'm way too tired, but I found the way you threw those squirrels around really funny. :) As well as how they could cath huge rocks thrown at them from behind without any trouble at all, like on that dinosaur in that vehicle boss. You know the one you throw huge grey rocks at... I hope you understand. ;) And I mean, 183 seconds improvement... Of course I'm voting Yes, no questions at all. I have one stupid question though: When either Chip or Dale dies, they come back flying a balloon. Is it possible to control them when they are flying the balloon, or are their movements totally random? Oh and I think Guybrush's idea for screenshot was pretty nice. It captures the squirrel-throwing madness in this run, if you know what I mean. :)
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I remember having this cheating device for my Playstation called "XPlorer", kinda like Action Replay. And I had a lot of cheats for Final Fantasy 7, such as invulnerebility and infinite MP and stuff like that. I also had a cheat to have Aeris in your team no matter where you are in the game. The only bug with this cheat was that if you move Aeris to another place with the Order function on the menu, Aeris will replace that team-member and still be in her previous place, so you will have two identical Aeris'. So one time I used that cheat to have Aeris in my team for that Jenova battle before Aeris dies (I hope I didn't spoil the game for anyone by saying this noe ;) ), and then I "cloned" her by moving her to the two other slots. This way I fought Jenova using 3 Aeris'... Pretty funny :). The weirdest thing is, that I once had her in my team when I got to that snowy landscape, you know after you ride the snowboard. And when I just got there, Aeris actally had some programmed lines to say! You could expect that the game would crash if you get there with Aeris in your team, since she shouldn't have any lines to say, but she said "are you okay?" or something right when I landed there.... Weird. :) Oh yes, about naming your character, I once named Cloud in FF7 "Sephiroth". There were quite a lot of funny conversations that way. ;)
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Yeah, that was a long post! ;) Well thanks, that should prove really helpful. I didn't know that the vulcan meter rises as you shoot down enemy bullets, as you said, that way it should be a lot easier to manipulate when to get the vulcan. You said that it could be possible to get the vulcan on the very first boss... Do you think I should replay that stage? I find it pretty hard to believe that getting the vulcan this early could save any time. I shoot down every enemyshot that is fired at me, and my vulcan meter is only about 5% full at the boss. As I see it, the only way to get the vulcan this early would be to let enemies live longer than necessary, in order for them to fire at me. Though every enemy I let live will waste some time... Haha, there seem to be a lot more strategy behind this run than I first thought! ;) One good thing I noticed in my run was that even though the vulcan meter is only about 5% full when I have killed off the first boss, it's about 3 times fuller than in Nightcom's run at this point, his meter was only about 2% full or so at this point. One last question, atro city, are there any bosses or places where you strongly recommend that I use the vulcan, I mean where it can save significantly amounts of time?
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atro city wrote:
Actually, the Vulcan meter depletes as time passes, not when you fire it.
Hehe, I guess I just fired too much once I got the vulcan that I thought that ;) Thanks for the correction. By the way, big thanks for helping out! :)
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atro city wrote:
Have you given thought to the order of levels to do in order to get Vulcan guns at the most opportune times? I remember watching the published run and thinking that surely the Vulcans can be gotten for some of the bigger (and longer to defeat) bosses.
Actually, I haven't given that much thought. Any suggestions about what order I should play the levels? As I see it, a problem would be that if I'm going to save up the Vulcan for a specific boss, in the middle of a stage I might have to stop killing enemies at a point, because the next enemy I kill gives me the vulcan gun which I want to save for the boss. You could also look at it the other way, if I get the vulcan in the middle of stage, I can take out the enemies a lot faster, so the question is if it's really that much faster to make sure you get it for a boss. For those who don't know, the Vulcan weapon appears when your vulcan meter is maxed, and the vulcan meter goes up as you kill enemies. As you fire the Vulcan, the vulcanmeter goes down. Oh yeah, the vulcan gun is REALLY strong :) So basically I'm open for suggestions on a new route, but unless someone knows of a faster route, I'm thinking of sticking with Nightcom's.