Posts for Randil

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In Paper Boy for NES, using frame advance, you can actually throw more than one paper into each mailbox. This, of course, depends on your speed, but at maximum speed, you can throw 3 papers into each mailbox, getting points for each paper. That should change your equation some, Twisted Eye. :P By the way, that was an interesting mathematical analysis of Paperboy. :)
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Phil wrote:
Paperboy is a nice choice but I think you must also obtain the highest score as possible by throwing gazette at people, window, tombstones etc... Well what makes you the highest score.
If I remember correctly, on Paperboy for NES, you'll get the highest score by throwing all of your papers into mailboxes, so throwing papers on other stuff isn't necessary in a highest-score aspect. Although a run would probably look a little more interesting if you would throw papers on other things as well. I think it will require quite some planning on a Paperboy run to keep it interesting, but on the other hand, it will be a short.
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Amazing... As always, you've made another great quality Sonic-run. Voting yes.
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About hex-editing, I have no idea how to do it either. Though I do know that you don't need to convert the moviefile to .fmv or anything. If you ask Bisqwit or perhaps Hanzou or Guybrush nicely, perhaps they will help you with the hex-editing. I'll take a look at your new WIP later.
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Why didn't I check out this thread earlir? Shadowrun is my favourite game for SNES, and I've played through it several times. Your run looks really good so far, I don't have anything to complain about. :) It will be interesting to see the rest of the battles in the arena. Good luck! I hope for a new WIP soon. :)
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I just watched this, and it looked good, so keep it up! :) Two things: 1. Have you checked out the speed run at SDA yet? Here it is if you haven't seen it yet. 2. This is not really fun to say... and I don't want to complain or anything, but it is actually possible to start the game a whole 185 frames faster. I have a WIP showing this if you want to see, but you could probably find out how to skip the start menu faster by using frame advance or so... Perhaps you could hex-edit this into the run or so, I know it's a pain to redo things. Although 185 frames is quite much, moe than 3 seconds, so you should probably look this up. Here is an .fcm showing how to do the startmenu 185 frames faster. Other than that, I look forward to the next WIP, good luck, Hyena! :)
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I just have to quote my friend Shinryuu to describe this run in a good way: "Hell yes!" :) But seriously, I've been watching a lot of WIPs for this run, and I've been waiting for this movie to come out for a long time. The result is really as good as I expected, and I really think that this run deserves a star. I'm going to show this to everyone I know who have played the game. :P (yes, I will tell them that this is tool-assisted, don't worry. I already voted Yes on this, though it doesn't really matter. Amazing job, both of you. This is one of the best TAS:es I've ever seen, you should be really proud of yourselves.
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I am reviving this topic because I'm thinking about attempting a run of this game. Fire N' Ice is a puzzle game, where you put out fires by moving iceblocks over them. There are 101 levels in the game, so the run will be quite long, probably around an hour long. Ragowit attempted a run of this game some time ago, which you can find here. As you can see, it was rejected because Bisqwit didn't find it entertaining, and not suited for this site. Anyway, you might want to check it out if you're interested in this game. :) I have made a WIP, playing through world 1, that is the 10 first levels. Here is the WIP so far. Made with version 0.98.16, and with the U version of the game. Basically, I have three questions about the run so far: 1. Did you find the run entertaining? The levels will be more challenging up ahead, so it will probably get a little more entertaining later on. 2. Did it look techniqally good? In other words, did you find any flaws in the movie itself? 3. Do you think that this run is material for this site? With FCEU, a run of this game will be more precise, and easier to compare strategies with, than with Famtasia. Still, this run won't be that much different from Ragowit's. I think this game has some TAS-potential, similiar to the Lolo games, but maybe that's just what I think. If the run doesn't get any good feedback, I'll cancel it, although I hope it does get good feedback, because it's a fun game to TAS. :)
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Nice job. This run was much faster than your previous run, and it became really obvious when watching the run. It seemed really well planned, and well executed. It was also fun to see some of the bad guys from Spider Man getting a tool-assisted beating! :) Voting Yes.
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Sorry for the doublepost, but I was wondering if anyone would be interested in seeing a 100% run of this game? I don't know if this game is good enough to deserve two published runs on this site, nor if there is any interest in seeing a 100% run of this game. What is everyone's opinion on this matter? For those who don't know, with 100% I mean picking up all items and visiting all rooms. A 100% run would probably be about 14 minutes long or so.
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Looks good so far, just one question: around frame 8000, you walk left, but you walk normally, not using left+right. Wouldn't it save time to walk with left+right here?
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Wow, this was published fast! The description is not correct though, this movie is not 584 frames faster, because the loading time (blackscreen) between rooms is longer in the U-version in the game than in the E-version. The difference is a couple of frames per blackscreen, perhaps 2-3 or something, but it sums up to a few seconds in the end. The improvement of this run is actually more like 15-16 seconds. In order to find out the exact improvement, one would have to find out how much longer each blackscreen is in the U-verson than in the E-version.
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JXQ wrote:
What??? :)
anubis wrote:
Even better than the last one - if I could I'd vote yes.
Thank you! :)
anubis wrote:
You shuold edit the submission text though - right before the ROM Change line, you still have the text stating that you used the European ROM.
Thanks, it's been fixed now.
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TheSwordUser wrote:
Sometimes hitting sand is better than fullbreaking (unless, there are trees or something). Because: If you want to avoid sand on the sharp corner you need to brake to 140 mph (that's an example). BUT hitting the sand at full speed (255 mph) will keep slowing you down a little....yup...A LITTLE. So after the corner you could have for example 170 mph....see? It's faster.
Ah, okay, I see. Nice find. :)
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I made an attempt of the first level myself, without hitting the sand even once, and breaking as little as possible, and I got the exact time, by the frame, as TheSwordUser. So supposedly, hitting the sand as little as he did doesn't slow you down.
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Allright, good luck! :) I'll take a look at that WIP when you have it ready, and give som feedback on it then.
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I just wanted to inform that I found 2 new timesavers, one saves about 5 seconds, I haven't timed the other one, but it probably saves about 2-3 seconds. So the new run will be about 16-17 seconds faster, if not more. Also, since it will be played on the U ROM, the time will probably go down to under 6 minutes. Just wanted to let you know these good news! :) EDIT: For everyone who's interested, here's a map of the route I will use. If you know the game, you might even figure out the new tricks' I'll use! ;) The route is the green line, as you might have figured. Here's the map. Also, it doesn't seem that the second trick will work, so the improvement will be about 14 seconds or so.
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Allright, I just finished watching this movie, and I have some comments. I would like to start with saying that this was an overall average run, but with several things that can be improved. I'm voting Meh on this, since the game looked suited for TASing. I'll basically just repeat what Twisted Eye said, but I'll give some comments anyway. :) Basically, I agree with everthing that Twisted Eye said in his post. But I will give some in-depth comments about what I think: About damageboosting: I did some tests, and it turned out that damageboosting saves 16 frames compared to walking! 16 frames is 0,267 seconds, which means that after 4 damageboosts, you have saved more than one second. And I second what Twisted Eye said, if you are to take damage, make sure that you are pushed to the right when getting hit. Also note that taking damage doesn't make your run look sloppy, taking damage is actually something creative, and forces you to plan on how to use up your HP in the most efficient way. In the first stage, it looked like you could practically use up all your HP on damageboosts, but on level 2, it seemed like you could need some HP on the boss in order to beat him faster. Perhaps that boss can be beaten relativily fast withour taking damage too... Anyway, you should plan more on how to use your HP in the best way. I'm guessing that several seconds, at least 10-15 seconds can be saved by optimizing damageboosting. My other concern was all the lag. There were some places with serious amounts of lag. I suggest that you avoid this by killing of at least some of the enemies on the screen, say with the jump attack, as it doesn't slow you down. And as Twisted Eye said, perhaps the dog could do some of the job for you? There were some places with serious amounts of lag, so bad that perhaps you could even save time by stopping for a while and kill of the enemies, if you can't kill them on the run. Last, the boss battles looked like they could be handled a little faster, especially the first boss. Make sure you always hit them on the first frame possible. You should read the Boss Fighting Guide if you haven't done so yet. Anyway, I hope you make an improved run of this game, with these things in mind. It might be a good idea to post WIPs in the forum, so that people can give feedback on your progress. Good luck! :)
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I'm just bumping this thread to ask if this shouldn't be accepted? It has received very good votes (18 yes), and is a big improvement (36.21 seconds is a lot) over the current run. I think it's clear to say that this run is publish-worthy.
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Allright, thanks for the quick answer, Bisqwit. I think I'll go with the U ROM then, since it's on NTSC-speed, and I would personally prefer if the game ran a little faster. :) If anyone else has an opinion on this, just let me know. Otherwise, I'll start doing this new run, this time on the U ROM. I think it was good that I first did the run on the E version though, now I have a .fcm to compare to, not an .fmv.
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I'm bumping this thread because I was revising the route today, and I actually found a quite big improvement. It's a quite drastic routechange around the second staffpiece, and it is at least 429 frames (8,58 seconds in PAL) faster than the current route. It's unfortunate that my run just got published just hours before I found this improvement, but I really think that a 429 frames improvement is well worth redoing the run for. So, my question now is, should I still stick with the E ROM? Now that the current run is made with FCEU, it will be quite easy to compare this new run with the current run, making sure that all rooms are handled exactly as fast. I would personally prefer the U ROM, because I think the game runs a little slow on PAL emulation. What is everyone's opinion on this matter this time? And would a run made with the U version still get accepted? I could post a .fcm showing this routechange if anyone's interested.
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Nitsuja wrote:
I wish this hadn't been done on the PAL version. The whole game runs in slow-motion, including the music.
Yeah, I agree. The game isn't really fast-paced, and PAL emulation only makes it slower. The music is also better on the U version, believe it or not. ;) Thanks for the kind words everyone, even though the game's music seemed to interest people more than the run. :P (By the way, I too think that the music in this game is really sweet, so don't worry.)
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Amazing... Yes. I vote for star too. :)
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Well, since this run is the same, just without any input during the credits, I'm voting Yes. Entertaining run, it wasn't frame perfect, at least not in my eyes, but good enough for me to vote Yes. :) Good job for a first TAS, and welcome to the community! :)
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Why did you cancel this? I was just going to say that I just watched this, and that I thought it looked pretty good. I haven't played the game, but it looked like you raced through all laps really fast. It looked liked you hit the grass a little much, but you probably did this to get back on the road after sharp curves faster. Anyway, this wasn't in any way a bad attempt for a first TAS. Good game, and good run, at least that's what I thought. Please explain why you cancelled this, because I was just about to vote yes.