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Very nice run, OgreSlayer. However, there's still 1 thing i don't understand. After the Horse boss you don't use DSS to run fast and get the item. Instead you run normally. Why is that? COuld you not use DSS for that moment, or did you just forget to use it? Cheers! - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Muuuuch better. Although, one thing. WHy don't you jump at roads that go upwards? It seems that your walking speed (as in most games) is slowed down when you have to walk up. Jumping generally fixes that. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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i see, sorry ^_^ - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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It does :) - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Yup, i figured out there was a new version indeed :S Thanks anyway. As for the movie, when you explode as the missle, you get blown back a bit. Usually at a door, you explode, and then run towards the door to enter. Wouldn't it be faster to explode a bit after the door (if there's room) so you'll land exactly in front of the door so you can enter it immediately? - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Getting hit will allow you to move narrow corridors or speed up your rotating a bit, si i vote for emulator time. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Uhm, i have the US rom and the new VBA version. still, things go wrog within 4 seconds of playtime. what am i missing? :S - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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iirc, he does a normal jump. So yeah, backflip and whip :) Or is that slower than normal jumping too? - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Another thing i noticed. In the 3rd level, the start, the tall room with all the stairs and platforms where you jump a lot. At the end of it, you normally jump right, and then walk the last few inches to the right to the exit. Wouldn't it be faster to backdash? As you pointed out, backdashing is faster than jumping, plus you gain some sliding from it, so you'd have to walk less. As for the rest, looking fine. :) - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Well, one thing i noticed is that you have 7 hearts too much at the end of the level. thus, you gain a few points after the level and lose almost half a second. :) I could be wrong though, the score could be instant, or always the same amount of time or something. Just thought i'd point it out. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Cool, okay :) I like watching a whole vid instead of a few segments each and every time, but it's too tempting :) Finish it quick! ;) And gl. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Getting the Laevatain and the Red Minotaur sounds like an excellent thing, and should speed things up a notch i believe. It is far stronger than the Basilard :) Good luck. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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As always, nice work. hadn't thought about the walljump shortcuts myself :) - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Okay, i tried it out myself cuz i was curious.... didn't work properly. Loading the state and keep on killing him (after i got in and out of the room to get the item originally) didn't normally got me the item. Instead, if i were to kill it directly after i loaded the state, i didn't get anything. if i waited for like half a second after the state loaded, and i killed it, i got the item, just like the ~amount of time it needed for me to originally kill the enemy. thus, it would seem like there is a predefined moment where i got the item.... aos's random-sytem is like a mystery to me. perhaps you could try waiting frame by frame and killing the enemy at each next frame to see if you keep on getting the item at a certain frame. that would mean there is some kind of script running, to say if the user gets the item at a kill or not... but that's crazy work. good luck... - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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About the 1200 states for the skeleton knight thingy... I've used savestates before, in the hope of getting easy items and souls. However, that never worked for me. Instead, playing the game normally and entering the room and killing the fiend over and over again got me to get the soul/item with less tries than i used save states. Thus, i'm thinking that acquiring the item/soul isn't randomly calculated at the death of an enemy, rather when entering the room. What you could do to test this little theory, is to save state before killing an enemy. Just keep on exiting/entering the room, until you get a soul/item from the enemy. Then, load your state and kill the enemy again. If you get the soul/item over and over again, well, you know what to do. If that doesn't work.. Well then you and every TA runner are officially screwed, coz that means there is like..... no randomization in AoS.... rather some wierd calculation of 'luck' of something - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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This 'speedrun' is a joke. No offence, but, as said earlier, there are countless mistakes in this movie, the author moves extremely slow through the menu's and doesn't seem to know ANYTHING about little timesavers. (apart from transforming to Curly.... but even that isn't used at every possible situation) This is more like a common playthrough, a 'walkthrough' as said earlier. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Hmm, that will become a long fight i guess. Still, Dying just doesn't feel right :S - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Hmm, if you ask me, dying against Chaos just gives you a very cool gameover screen, and, imo is not even an actual ending. If you ask me, you should defeat Chaos, even if it'll make for a long battle. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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You can cancel out a ground slash by backdashing. And you can cancel out the backdashing by jumping :P thus, you could slash, backdash, jump forward. unless you have a 'sticky' weapon that'll really won't let you go anywhere untill the animation stops (there are few weapons like that, iirc) although i have no idea why mike asked yah, since a jumping slash is faster and requires less frames/actions. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Well, i liked what i saw :) Although i'm afraid i have too few eye to detail for time attack video's to spot any possible improvements. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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No, you can't. I loaded a save :) i couldn't do it from a clear game - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Aah man, did i enjoy watching that. I could see you improved some parts here and there. Keep it up! - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Uhm, well, i've previously done the walljump multiple times myself, and i'm pretty sure i could do a THIRD jump, after the wall jump. (thus, normal jump, wall jump, double jump) edit: i got the flying armor as well edit2: well, i tried again, and i couldn't do 3 jumps :) it's pretty easy once you know how to do it. must've been fake memories. anyways, it is possible with even if you have the flying armor btw. well, gl :) - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Glad to hear you're still thinking about doing the other run :) You say you can skip the undine. i played AoS today again, and i got reminded to a certain trick. namely, when you enter the castle and take the lower path down to the 'river' where you get the flying armor sould. When you get the soul and go 1 screen o the left, you see a pltform above you, not reachable. Apperantly though, when you jump towards the wall, and then jump as soon as you touch it, you can do another jump. i tried again today and couldn't do it, so i gave up. later, when i got the double jump, i finally managed to do it again, but even without the double jump! (i believe) so, i don't know if you even need the double jump to do it, or you can do it without, but you can certainly do it. this way, you never need to visit the inner quarters. i'm curious about how you're gonna skip using the skula though :) and if your way of skipping the undine is not what i mentioned, then what is the trick if i may ask? Persona is planning on doing a no-damage run full-map for this game, so it'll be great to trade these tricks - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Ehm, i hope this is a WIP, rather than an 'official' run? You say you want to redo stage one coz you missed something. Thus i believe this is not a WIP. Still, you miss various shots, and jump too late/soon so you have to stop in the air or on ground. Also, at the fight with the 2nd boss, it goes all the way to the right at a certain moment. You walk to the right too late, resulting in you missing every shot you shoot for about 2/3 seconds. If this is not a WIP, i recommend you watch your current run with great attention to detail, and try to remove all those bad parts. Especially to think about certain situations where you currently stop. Just my two cents. Good luck. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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