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True. To be honest i don't mind the attention at all, ^_^ and it's nice to have your name up there. But i started running this series because nobody else made a run yet, and i wanted to watch A speedrun. So yeah, entertainment is what it's all about for the most, for me. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Heh, well, nonetheless i meant the same. If it's not us making it, it's the people watching it. And people watching is what making runs is all about. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Hmm, i fear that the randomness of this game will turn off many TA'ers. I don't see a 100% soul coming anytime soon. But this is such a good game...... i really hope you can get the energy to finish this one. (even though you're still pretty far away from the end) - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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So, how's the progress on this Zurreco? :) Or are you still busy with school and stuff? - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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For one, be sure to watch the previous movie since there are useful tactics in that movie. I didn't hear you about using bombs against the boss for example. Two, dashing slashes reduce your dashing speed, so i'm not sure if it's ever to be used. I myself actually try to never use them in my speedruns. You should equip the buster instead, and mass-spam attack them with bullet shots (such as seen in the MMX TA video's) Three, i recommend reading this page for various tips on the game. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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At the end of the day it's up to you. Your the ones watching the run, and it's up to you. People will still watch the run, and if the reason your making the videos is to entertain people then why not? Watching a run with incredible speed and moves as a speedrun would be much more entertaining than a TA video though, so that counts. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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So, like, this project is dead? :| - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Hmm, i didn't know the jumping and landing etc actually costed frames. Interesting. For my human eye it always seemed like ground-dashing took long pauses (due to human control) and jumping saved little time. I assumed it would be the same for a time attack, since i still saw the little pause between each dash. I assumed wrongly :) Although i don't think it'll be useful to use ground-dashing for such parts in my own speedruns, since i won't be able to time those dashes frame-precisely. Also i didn't know Tunnel Rhino could actually stop and dash the other way when he was charged. (i thought he could only do that in normal dashes) Well, i guess that my only critique would then be the boss fight stuff. But hey, i already confidently voted yes. :) Thanks for the explanation. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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I don't understand why the creator does not jump at the end of it's dash. Not only will it increase the length of the dash, but when you touch the ground, you can instantly start dashing again. (iirc) Right now, most of the times you keep on dashing on the ground. You can clearly see the movement pauses for a very brief moment, and you lose various frames due to this in your entire movie. It'll prolly only be a few seconds at most, but still... Also, i don't understand why you get hit by some bosses. For instance, the drill boss. He's charged up and heads towards a wall. There's no stopping him, but still you jump up on him and get damaged. If this was for entertaining purposes, well, it didn't work for me. Another thing, the boss fights weren't really entertaining. Take a look at the X1 run and see how much the player moves around the boss even if he has to wait for the boss to stop flickering. Right now it's like, "shoot, evade attack, wait for the boss to get vulnerable again, repeat". Apart from that, the rest was good, and a big improvement on the former X3 run. (i can't believe that one got posted, he actually misses shots at bosses) So, yeah, i'm voting yes. But if any future run is made..... please...... do (not do) the above that i mentioned.... - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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*Agrees with the above post a lot* Those runs are only fun to watch one time, when it's still all new. Other than that, it's pretty damn boring. That goes for the CotM glitch run, and the LttP glitch run. Same goes for the warped movies of Mario inc. I'd much rather watch a non-glitched run where most of the bosses have been dealth with, than some wierd glitched movie that's over withint 5/10 minutes. I say two versions. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Well, i got the avi from this run, which can be found at It's funny how the creator has named the run a speedrun, since it's not. Many people are confused by this (so was i) and thought/think it was an actual speedrun. Anyway, so yeah, i didn't watch the video via VBA yet, so i can't say if it'll run fine for me or not. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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That's on my to do list along with a few thousand other things that I'm never going to get around to due to incessant laziness. So far you've been the only person to survive time-attacking sonic games :) FINISH SONIC TWOOOOOOOOO! :( - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Whatched the run as a speedrun (got the link from another website) and totally crapped my pants. I've learnt that this is a time-attack video, and i'm actually not that super impressed any more. For one, i completely agree with Mike's post. Secondly, here is my "in-depth" critique; - You can grab and pull the wires from the intro boss. Might be fun to do if there's no loss in time. - The player should try to throw away the subweapon when in mid-air as much as possible to avoid ground lag. - It's possible to walljump at upper platforms which might seem to be unreachable. (I'm mainly pointing towards the 2nd intro level's boss room right now. You can just jump up instead of zig-zagging your way up. This can obviously used at other places as well) - You can keep on using the axe against the crab boss. when you drop down with the axe, this should kill off the little ones. (so you don't need to slash them with your sword) - user should get the axe instead of the shield for the moth's stage. i'm not sure if it'll be faster for the mini boss, but it sure rapes the stage boss. - you can hit the plant boss twice when she comes out of the ground and shoots the brown bubbles. even when she's moving back into the ground, you can still hit her if in range of the saber's swing. - user should not pull out the plant boss. the damage is minimal, and it'll avoid the user from being able to hit her twice when she's in the ground. - at the wolf's miniboss, you first hit 3 parts with your sword, later only two. when the 2 are finished, you keep on jumping up the kill the upper part. you should move to the other side and start slash-jumping again so you damage the 4th, west part, as well, while finishing off the upper pard. - When kraft is in the middle and he's gonna fire the big laser, don't just stand there waiting for him to fire. jump over him and hit him in the back. - in the level where you have to clear the eastern, northern, western, and southern parts; at the south section (i believe) you have to wait for the bombs to come in so you can blow up the boxes and go down. the bomb does not have to be above the ground to be able to explode. when in range of the sword swing (jump-slash) hit the bomb and it should explode instantly. jump away to avoid damge. - you can hit Wiel (1st form) multiple times when he sends the rock debris towards you. first hit him while he's summoning the rocks, then hack away with the axe again once the other rocks are near you. you should then hit both Wiel, and destroy the rocks to avoid getting hit. - and here, the biggest mistake of all, BE SURE to get the junk chip parts! (head, body, feet) It'll double all the damage (towards you, towards the enemies) Junk chips are actually failed chips. when you equip junk chips on each body part, you get the above attribution. Anyway, this being done on full-speed and 198 rerecords, is an impressive feat indeed. There's no doubt you got the skill. But for a timeattack video there's far too much imperfection. That's about most of the more important things that caught my attention. i might've missed something because i fast-forwarded through the video 2nd time around. Still, it's great to see the first TA video for a MMZero game! Vote: no. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Whoa, that resetting stuff looked pretty wierd :) Keep 'em coming! - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Any progress on this? :) - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Everything i propose doesn't save time, i suxx0rs! - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Once your get the flying armor and go back all the way to the start of the screen, you jump off the stairs. Wouldn't it be faster to slide off the stairs? I'm not sure if ut's actually faster, but it does look faster. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Like other people have said, this is more like the stuff for a combo video, instead of a video for this site. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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How can half a second be a shortcut :S This got sure got me curious :) - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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This run is like, wtf :) It is quite entertaining, but yeah, the 'normal' playthrough has more "rewatch" value. :) Definate yes. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Wow, you're gonna improve the last submitted video? :S It already got a star... - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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How can a shortcut-jump only save 30-40 frames? I'm not sure how many seconds that is, but it seems very few for a 'shortcut' :) - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Nice work yet again :) Thrilled to see more :D - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Any progress? :p - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Aaaaaah, now i see :) Thanks - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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