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It's not normal mode that disallows you to skip scenes, it's the fact that you see those scenes for the first time. If you were to die and face a boss again, you could skip the scene. Anyway, i'll be looking forward to watch the WIP when i get home. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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I'm a bit late with this, but anyway. You say you lose all velocity when using the CR. That's not entirely true. If you link your CR to a swinging platform/wall, press down on contact and you'll get a boost downwards. Maybe not as fast as normal falling, but you might save a second. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Why do you want the V-shot? It doesn't seem really interesting to me... All it does is shoot two buster shots, and not even ahead of you. I don't think the extra range is really helpful, just jump higher/lower and that's all. Fire some extra small bullets with frameadvance and there. Heck, even use the saber. I think the 1-frame extra the saber adds saves more than keeping your rank up to get the ex-skill. Also, just mid-charged buster shots for the Cyubitch generators is enough. And Zurreco, it might just be the best idea to beat Hellbat Schilt as the first boss, because it gives you the downstab, which allows Xaphan to extend combo's on bosses, Blazin' Flizzard as well. (BF > CI > HS is a long way around till he gets the downstab) He'll just have to see if he can manipulate Schilt into being near the ground a lot, throwing his bats out. (allowing him to pull off combo's) Oh yeah, Cyubitch's ex-skill allows zero to throw out 4 energy balls when a charged triple rod attack is aimed upwards. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Cut the power? :) - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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I've also had some interesting mid-boss fights... The first one might be slitghly more entertaining than interesting, but still, i think it would be possible for you to do this (i believe you have these ex-skills) 1st: 4-way midboss Self-explanatory. 2nd: Ice Dragon Pure sweetness! I'm not pretty sure how this works... perhaps it's due to that both the fire bomb and the charged slash use 1-frame pauses. Maybe they exchange damage frame after frame and are like, hey, i'm new in this set of frames, i'm gonna do damage again! Anyway, just watch it :P Btw, isn't there a better way for us to communicate? Since i'm running this game myself i discover thing after thing. However, i don't feel like posting everything from my run to the public just yet, not until after it's done :P I could set up a site with vm0/vmv files, but yeah, i haven't heard a thing of you yet, so... - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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The movie was entertaining, but i had the idea things could go faster at some points. IE, (iirc) you wait for half a second for chun-li to close in and then you KO her. If this was due to manipulation etc, you should've did another attack before that situation, so things changed. I was about to vote meh, but everybody thinks it's good, so i'm doubting if this isn't just my lack of knowledge of the game... So i will not vote. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Imo an entertaining movie. It's pretty hard for a fighting game to be entertaing while still aiming for a fast time. I would've liked to see a bit more use of fireballs though. Yes vote from my camp. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Great run, great execution. Although it is a great movie, it still has some minor flaws here and there. I know we checked the WIP movie regularly, but there are actually some minor flaws. (in the first few levels as well, before you went online and finished the movie yourself) I'm sorry i didn't see those :( (I discovered that you need to have ran a game yourself before you can truly ultimately judge runs) As well, i myself discovered the awesomeness of the jump chip. (as you might've seen in your topic) I'm not really sure though what it takes to make this chip, and if it would balance out (the time needed to pick up parts and produce it) for the shortcuts here and there, so i can't fully judge this. This aside, the movie still looks great and fast, especially once you've produced the galacta armor chips. Those 8 bosses in the final level were slain faster than you could say "omgwtfbqq". (an "expression" of when you're truly amazed) Definately worth a yes vote. Oh and yeah, thanks for the credit ^_^ - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Fred, you're not online much... But i've just started making my own speedrun (speedrun, not timeattack) with Z4, and have discovered something i should've thought about when you were starting to run this game... I discovered something very handy, the double jump; It'll madly save a lot of time. I don't know what parts you need (i'm doing a new game+ run) but i think you should be able to produce it pretty early on in the game. I hope you're not very far, coz that'd mean you'd have to redo all kinda stages again. :( Btw, to give yah an idea of just how handy the double jump is, you can check the 2 stages i've currently ran. It's really handy for enemies such as the flamethrower, (or the blue drilling droids in the flame turle's level) and i'm sure i'm gonna discover more shortcuts when i progress into the game. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
Post subject: MegaMan Zero Tricks & Glitches
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MegaMan Zero 2 Tricks & Glitches - Infinite Shield Boomerang glitch I think everybody knows this by now - Chain Rod spike/lava glitch Explained above - Fefnir's lava pillars mockery trick you can actually stand between the lava pillars from fefnir. A nice addition to this with slowdowns and such, would be jumping inbetween them. - Leviathan's water elevator shortcut trick with the CR, but this can assumingly be done with normal dash jumps. download our run to clearly see what i mean with this. - Hyleg Ourobuckle's wall-eye mid-boss trick use the chainrod to pull out the wall eye's platform, then you can finish it with a combo. - Harpuia's invisible platforms trick the difference between high spikes or low spikes defines whether there's a platform or a pit. Boss manipulation: - Polar Kumabears if you stick on the wall when he stand near the wall too, he will turn around and do some stupid attack. now he's open for a long time in the back. not too sure if it'd be useful for this run, since it takes time when you need to stay on the wall, if you get what i mean. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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There are two parts where i'm CERTAIN it's necessary to use the chain rod. First, is in the 2nd Fefnir stage, where you use the CR to grapple on the wall (that normally can be broken by sending bombs towards it) and swing over/on the lava to the other side Second, is in the 2nd Leviathan stage. If you've seen my or Mike's run, it's where you grapple on the wall and swing over/on the spikes (remember, when you're swining with the CR, you're invincible for spikes/lava!) to skip the whole process of going up and then down. There are other glitches and tricks for Z2. (more than Z1) I was planning on putting them on the site, but, i was being lazy, and i started my own Z4 speedrun atm. They were supposed to turn into video's, but for this thread i'll post the text version. Btw, isn't it a bit early for Z2 Zurreco? :) Keep your mind on Z1 first ;) - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Why do you want to do 100% though? Most people here like as fast as possible runs better. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Hey, didn't know that one was out yet... This one seems to run much smoother... Thanks for the tip. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Well, i was cursing the original VBA 1.7.2 to lag more than necessary. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Curse VBA to the end of times! :( - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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:( Then is there any way to tell the amount of rerecords has been edited? Thanks - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
Post subject: Editing the amount of rerecords
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Hiya. I'm planning on doing a speedrun for a game (MMZero 4) but don't have any capture device/gba player or whatever. So, i do my runs with emulators. I always used the original VBA up until now, but the game lags a lot with vba 1.7.2 So, i'm thinking about using this version of VBA, since it runs so much better. However, it has always been a thing with these emulators. Some people don't believe me i didn't cheat using the Original VBA. (while rerecording is impossible, it is possible to slow it down) So, is it possible to edit the amount of rerecords that were used? The files will always have 0 rerecords (coz i do my runs fair) but some people will always bust in saying i cheated and editing the number or something. (changing it back to 0/1 whatever it is) So long story short, is it possible to edit the amount of rerecords that were used? And how hard is it to do this? How do you do this? (just to know) Thanks a bunch - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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phew! read all, that took a while. i understand some of my comments are trash now, forget them -_- (sumarine etc) As for your question "Does the Thunder Chip amplify normal slashes and semi-charged buster shots?" As far as my knowledge goes, only fully charged attacks use elemental powers, though i haven't tested this out. (my experience just says no) However, certain enemies do die faster when using charged elementals. Also, you're assumingly gonna kill a lot of enemies with your buster and all, to gain levels and exp. Might it be a good idea to keep a maximum rank of B or lower? When you have A/S, some bosses will likely do their A/S attacks, and can't be hit in this state. As far as my knowledge goes, some bosses can't be manipulated out of using their A/S attack, (Fefnir for one) while some can (Phantom & Copy X) You might want to find ways to keep your rank down (not killing a lot of enemies, gettig 0% on missions, etc) However, i'm not sure that killing only a few necessary enemies for a lower rank can live up to having fully chargable buster shots at your disposal against bossfights. However, once you have what you want (fully charged buster shots at max speed) you might build your rank down to b or lower, so that in the final level (for one), the bosses won't use their A/S attacks anymore. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Nice run as usually. There are some minor flaws, but rest makes up for it. Good job. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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If you go by whatever is fastest, i'd suggest you get hit by 2 bombs or so to get the bigger damage. Getting hit constantly by the Golem is possible, but iirc the floating bombs do more damage. I guess it's not as pretty, but anyone who's seen blechy's (sorry for any misspelling) X1 intro stage, well, he gets hit on his way to Vile. It may look a bit wierd, but anyone who knows the game knows how ingenious it is/was. (because nobody else had come up with getting hit earlier on) However, as a matter of fact, i actually don't know what happens when you enter the room with 1/2 health left. I'd be funny to see Zero instantly say "Damn bla bla". I'll read the whole topic later. I did some quick reading, but as far as i could see, all the discussion was about the shield boomerang, and not the other pointers i give. But, i'll do read it :) Edit: oh and yah, if one is to run this game, be sure to give mike an i updates (read, the actual run movie) so we can get rid of flaws as soon as possible and you won't have to redo half the game or something. Edit2: Found the submarine movie. Grab it here - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Using a turbo controller for a speedrun would mean cheating. Since it's not human input. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Wow, bisqwit goes down on me for a few days (obviously not for the rest of you guys) and there's already 2 pages about this game. Well, i haven't read every single line from this topic, but watching Fnx' movie, there are some big flaws that really stand out. I thought i should point them out to make sure no one who attemps to run this game makes the same big mistakes. Now, off we go; 1) In the intro stage, if you don't care about your rank, just get hit by the golem to shorten the battle. 2) Never, EVER do a dash slash, since it slows you down. If you want to use the saber (note, as said earlier, slashing an enemy with the saber slows you down by one frame) do a dashed jumped slash over/through the enemy. Or just use the buster. 3) i believe using only normal jumping is the fastest way to climb walls, not dashed jumping. 4) In the Aztec stage, only kill the wind machine that blows to the left. Don't kill the one that blows to the right, because that means you can travel faster. 5) Manipulate Anubis Necromancess into only using the crushing pillars 3 times in total. Never four. 6) Kill the zombie-droids risen by AN to level up with your desired weapon only, not mixed with the buster or something. 7) After you saved the resistance member from AN and head back to the base, use a jumped slash (when they're beneath you) for the bear traps to kill them as fast as possible (so the resistance member never has to stand still) 8) You can slash Maha Ganeshariff's cord when he's swinging. 9) you can dash under the camels. 10) you can hit Phantom when he's doing his 4-shadows technique... one flickers brighter than the others. 11) you might consider not doing Anubis Necromancess "first", rather later, when you have powered up your saber. (not sure if it's possible to get it to charged before any other options for bosses run out) Since this is an airborne enemy, you can't combo him. Rather, if you do other bosses first and use combos to kill them faster, you can use a charged slash to kill AN to shorten the battle. 12) In stop the hacking, it's possible to take a shortcut and jump up on a submarine while in the water. It requires using the triple rod to rod-jump on top of an enemy and to land on the submarine. I should have a movie from that somewhere on my harddisk, but i can't find it. Mike found out about this trick. There are other obvious mistakes, but since this is a test run i didn't name 'em. However, imo the other things i pointed out are not because of this being a test run, rather because of lack of knowledge of the game. I'd also suggest watching Mike's MMZ1 run on this for all your other basics and boss fights. Check - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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i get the same as Kitsune..... the other movies with the new codec went fine, but this didn't. any chance of re-encoding the vid? - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Man that was nice. Even though i finished the game once or twice, i didn't know where the hell you landed after you did a door glitch. It almost seemed like your were just fighting bosses and gave a jack ass about relic items. :) I drealy hoe you're gonna finish this. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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So you're trying to run along a program that will allow you to get a soul on command. Why not use a codebreaker code? I saw a CBC on website, where the "badguys always drop souls". You can activate it when you want a soul and deactivate it when you don't (slows down ,etc) You can find a "drop soul" CBC here; (bottom) - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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