Posts for MUGG

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jlun2 wrote:
Can someone please explain why the helper was summoned then shortly killed? I got the feeling its in the video's text, but I don't understand japanese, sorry.
In order to use the momentum trick (dash attack into Helper*). ___ *as in, dash attacking and immediately summoning helper.
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WaddleDX made a TAS of Meta Knightmare Ultra - Spring Breeze in 1:39.65 which obsoletes the previous TAS by by 5.41 seconds. He used a new trick for extra momentum (dash into Meta Quick/Helper). Link to video
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Edit: Fixed my problem. The problem was with using a string that ends in \". Fixed by using \\". ------ So I want to make a quick map of a level of a gba game. I was directed to this program. So my plan was to save a screenshot every frame using this script:
Language: Lua

p=0 while true do client.screenshot("D:\StuartScreens\" .. p .. ".png") p=p+1 emu.frameadvance() end
(Btw, the lua highlighting is wrong) But when I run that script, I get an error:
System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
bei Bizhawk.Client.Common.LuaSandbox(Action callback, Action exceptionCallback)
bei Bizhawk.Client.Emuhawk.LuaConsole.ToggleScriptMenuItem_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Used 1.11.6.
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I found a new glitch. Basicly, autofiring Start during cutscenes does weird stuff, particularly when there is movement going on. It cuts all movement in half. Also it enables horizontal movement during level 8 part 2 which is a timesaver. Doing it in level 1 causes graphical glitching.
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feos wrote:
That brings me an idea. What if we don't obsolete the standard game end glitch movies by such ones, and put the latter in the Demo tier? Because they exactly are no longer even speedruns, but demonstrations of technical prowess brought to absurd degree without any entertainment value at all.
But I'm debating technically they are still speedruns. The moment where power is turned on and the game loads, you are in the game's boundaries and need to finish it (by triggering credits) as quickly as possible. Everything goes. Savegame corruption, ACE and now this controller glitch. As long as it is possible with just controller input, it's allowed. Strictly speaking, I think a mass of 2 second TASes really should obsolete whatever came before them. Of course that wouldn't be such a good thing to happen, so here is my idea: I think if it were up to me, I would like to see it handled with separate categories again. Right now, savegame corruption runs are labeled SRAM glitch, ACE runs are labeled game end glitch so now you could go and label this new category DPCM/input glitch. Or some name like that.
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I feel like there is no harm in submitting the run, just so that we can have this discussion about bending the site rules in the run's own forum thread and have an eventual decision. I recall similar situations from the past (abeshi's OoT, my SMB PAL run, etc) From the problems listed, the waiting on the name entry actually worries me the most. A TAS shouldn't sit on a screen for many seconds for no reason. A "mistake" like that shouldn't slip through, it's very avoidable too, so I'm not sure why it happened. Was it not clear to Trog that TASvideos runs are timed from power-on?
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Samsara wrote:
Trust me, I'd really rather not see a flood of "EVERY GAME IN 00:02" hitting the site
What about "one movie file beats multiple games"? Other than that, I would be interested in knowing what games the glitch works with, and what games don't.
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Patashu wrote:
graphical corruption in the credits
I would prefer clean credits over glitched credits. But that is just my personal opinion. I really did not expect something like this to be possible. There has been some 1 second TAS because of some konami code and maybe savegame abuse, but I never expected solid games like SMB3 to be beatable in 1 second. I'm interested in reading more info about the DPCM glitch. It hasn't been explained thoroughly here yet, I think. What is DPCM anyway? Is it that the game checks for input multiple times a frame and makes sure the input is the same; if it isn't, it polls for more input as long as it always changes? Is something like this viable for other consoles? If yes/no, why?
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I confirmed it is a glitch. Pressing a+start in some places causes the screen to fade away earlier. It's basicly like a cutscene skip. It even works on the title screen so you can start the game half a sec faster. When doing it before level 4, that level's zoom level is glitched. That effect will be in the TAS. Another glitch I found is that you can clip through ledges in level 4 (not through wall tiles, though, it seems). Unfortunately the level layout doesn't allow huge sequence breaks but I was able to use it twice to save some little time. WIP is in level 5 now. Bizhawk 1.11.6 EDIT: WIP is in level 8.
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Ok I TASed the autoscroller now. Level 3 now. For some reason, pressing A + Start lets you skip a screen after you finish level 2. I think it wasn't meant to be possible at all. It also causes the password screen afterwards to be messed up graphically. Maybe this button combination works elsewhere too.
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I have tested the walrus bug a bit. So it seems having 0 lives is a requirement. I'm going to test with 0 lives on other bosses now. Edit: Bug doesn't seem to happen with other bosses. The gameover is triggered very quickly at walrus. But when trying to go for a gameover on the previous bosses, Sia needs to wait for her dying animation dying sound effect (?) to end.
Post subject: Re: ending warp
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bonecrusher1022 wrote:
So I saw a thread about a potential ending/credit warp on r/speedrun and I managed to replicate it. I never played this game until now but to my understanding this effectively skips half of the game. Link to video
Oh wow, neat! Maybe I'll TAS it sometime if nobody does. But I think some more glitch testing is in order, first. Just from watching, the video seems similar to that bug with the bird I found 2014. The reddit post tells that Sia falls into the gap before the walrus. So I assume Sia dies and screen fades out but at the same time you beat the boss and win? (I didn't play the game so idk) It seems the game has trouble when multiple things happen simultaneously. Right now, I'm just thinking the bug could be done in some other, possibly earlier places.
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Yes but the luascript would have to be made. A script that tells what future RNG does what isn't easy to make. I have been doing pure trial and error so far and it did work until that one case where it didn't.
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Is it expected behavior if you run multiple lua scripts and they overwrite each other's values and functions? For example I have script A that says:
function text(x, y, text, color, style)
	if style==nil then style="regular" end
	gui.drawText(x, y, text,color,0x00000000,10,"Arial",style)
and script B:
function text(x, y, text, color)
	gui.drawText(x, y, text,color,0x00000000,FontTable[ Settings["MyFont"] ][1],FontTable[ Settings["MyFont"] ][2])
If I run script B and then A, script B font will be Arial size 10.
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I investigated the Information Store Dialogue Glitch by trial and error testing. The main culprit seems to be $014579 (Combined WRAM). This part of memory handles speech bubbles, text/character pointers, etc. When you repeatedly talk to the hint guy, the address above will eventually decrease by 0x12 over and over. When you first enter the store, it will be 0x4A. The glitch occurs if it is 0x26 before you talk to the guy, unless you click the dialogue away. I'm not sure what exactly is the purpose of that address but speech bubble graphics glitch if it has a bad value. Testing on each system/emulator: VBA-M: The finder used this emu. Game survives the glitch. Strange memory corruption/glitchiness. mGBA 0.4.0 core in Bizhawk: Game freezes after you select a dialogue option VBA v24 svn480: untested Real console: untested? VBA-Next core in Bizhawk: untested ~~~ The glitch does survive in mGBA 0.4.0 if you edit the address to different values. Then something glitchy like this could occur: The outcomes can be severe (game crashing when pausing or re-entering the room). ~~~ Here is a lua I use to investigate wideblock/dialogue glitches. There seems to be a speech bubble pointer for each room, so they would have to be searched all the time... I'm thinking the bug is because of the speech bubble that can't be clicked away immediately. So I'm looking for more NPCs that have those.
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I have not been feeling motivated to continue on my WIP which was cursed with horrible RNG. I lose about 3 seconds, most of which is because I can't land on the space right after the red field. Instead, I have to go through an intersection. It looks bad and I can't bring myself to accept it to be in the run. Dead WIP: (J version, Dolphin 4.0-9215) The next course of action would be to either just accept the bad RNG anyway (which I can't see myself doing) or restart and possibly try to manipulate Future Dream to be first (because it requires a lot of RNG to go in my favor) so we can have it out of the way asap. Welp @ 50+ hours of work lost.
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I just thought of a possible improvement. You can probably kill Ginyu and then take the glitch warp anyway to save 2 seconds or so. I don't know how it would influence the fly energy routing though.
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So stages you didn't play are not unlocked.
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If you do these steps, you can have Mario back early during the "Mario is sick" part in Little Fungitown: 1) activate wide block in the entrance room of the embassy 2) right before the timer runs out ($004b8c), enter left room. If done correctly, screen fades to black and stays black. Luigi will be trying to walk towards the wide block. You can pause and unpause to make screen to normal again. 3) hit the wide block before you reach the middle. If you reach the middle, Luigi disappears and game is softlocked. But if you hit the block, the block disappears. 4) This is the strange thing: Mario is now considered active. You can press B and he will fly into the room. You can touch him and then walk around with both brothers. I will make a video. Details: - If you enter the room where Mario rests as Mario, game softlocks. If you enter it as Luigi, you lose control of Mario. But if you leave the room and press Start, he will appear again and you can control them separately. - When separated, you can switch between the two brothers across screens. But if you go to the middle part of Fungitown, you can't switch anymore - not even when controlling both brothers. You will then have to go back and touch the bro that was left behind. - Using the lift with both brothers or as single Mario will softlock the game. - You can use the green pipe and do something else. - If you control both brothers and use the flagpole, you can separate the brothers while in that room. They will reunite when leaving the room. - If you get the herb and try to go to the embassy (as Luigi in front), the "Peach is kidnapped" cutscene plays. The brothers will be in the top left wall but can jump out of it. If you enter the room where Mario rests now as Mario in front, the cutscene where Luigi wakes up Mario is skipped. You will have to walk back to the castle and possibly will have to glitch through the throne room door to make the cutscene continue. There are a number of event-related glitches now. But we can't abuse them really... Link to video Edit: There is more strange stuff you can do with the block in Little Fungitown. Maybe another video is coming.
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Someone on Twitch wrote:
I was trying to make a [Super Mario Sunshine] Pianta 6 Human Theory TAS (...) and for some reason, all of the piantas were already unlocked, i havent messed with any cheat codes and i have the most recent version of dolphin, i dont know why this happened (...)
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I'm starting to understand the bug better. When hitting the wide block, layer 2 holds event pointer related to it. But if you do something that occupies layer 2 as well - such as hitting a saveblock or standing in front of a person or map - then the movement bug happens. It doesn't seem like anything else happens instead of the movement. Edit: There is a wide block in Joke's end (+ a fire place with a cutscene) and in Fungitown (+ 2 NPCs) but the glitch effects aren't very special. The two Toads in Fungitown can't be talked to after the glitch, but no movement happens. You can walk around with speech bubbles there too. If you do it at the Joke's end fire place, the cutscene event can be stopped which can cause the screen to be stuck forever. Edit: Some loading zones are tied to events. That's why this happens. In this case, Mario and Luigi are the object that moves to the wideblock. Note how the wide block disappears. You can also, alternatively, make a brother disappear (which can softlock the game somewhat). Edit:
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That was my initial impression but I think that's not what happens. If I edit those stacked event pointers back, it doesn't change the outcome. Not sure if it can be exploited but I'll be testing some more ideas (such as 10-coin blocks with saveblocks, if I can find such places).
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MUGG wrote:
ThatEpicYoshi♣ on Youtube has commented on my glitch compilation video about a potential new glitch: as i got to the air port area i was messing around with mario and luigi's abilities (mainly fire-thunderhand) i was near the block, i actually hit the block a few inches away from the save album. then i ended up testing the elemental hand near the save album and suddleny it just started floating to the other block (that one was a wide M & L block.) then it stayed. i couldn't hit the save album because it was literally inside the wide one so i went to another area and back and it was in it's rightufl place. i'm not exactly sure what caused it. it might've been the wide block. idk, but this seems to be an un-discovered glitch. They said they used normal VBA 1.8.0-beta 3. Just posting this here for future reference.
Glitch has been confirmed on mgba. Will make video later I think. How to The place is top right on this map. 1) hit the wide block 2) before the wide block becomes solid, hit the saveblock, then cancel. 3) wait until the wide block should become solid. Instead of becoming solid, the saveblock will move. Info When hitting the wide block, it occupies event layer 2. Remember, I wrote information on event layers here. It seems to put event pointers on what I think is some kind of stack, at $004AD0 and $004AE0. Additionally, $004B8C acts as a timer that determines when the wide block should become solid. But if you hit the nearby saveblock, the stacked event pointers are overwritten. And weird stuff happens -> The saveblock moves. I remember seeing similar weirdness when I tested events back when I added the functionality to my luascript. Random sprites would move in random directions etc. Because the game jumped to a bad ROM pointer. Now, if this could be done somewhere else in the game..... Or if it can be influenced..... Needs testing. You can hit the saveblock at close to the same time the wide block gets solid for some strange outcomes, e.g.: Screen may fade black without sending you to the save screen If you hit the saveblock while it is moving, it will stop and the wide block will be alive forever. You can farm free money forever from this block since the timer already reached the end (but the block is not solid). It will turn solid when you leave the room, though. Edit: Actually, the overwritten events aren't the cause of the bug, it seems. It seems to be a very minor oversight that the event is handled slightly differently. $004C14 turns different values between the "hit saveblock" and "don't hit saveblock" cases at the time the wide block is supposed to get solid. Not sure what this address does but it's related to the bug. Edit: There is a similar room in Roy's room in Bowser's castle. But when you hit the saveblock and cancel, the wide block is solid immediately. The only way to make the glitch work there is to hit it just before the wide block is going to turn solid. The saveblock will move to the left, into the wide block. There don't seem to be any more places in the game where a wide block is near a saveblock. Link to video -------- @jdaster, sorry I have not added your snippets to my script yet. I will get to it before I make the new TAS which will hopefully happen sometime in my life.