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Mario & Luigi saved but didn't load. Soft reset keeps the savegame, but reboot core wipes it. I used my luascript to jump to a later point in the game and save, instead of playing normally.
On VBA-Next core, 1.11.7 and show the same behavior: - Save the game - Reset the game - The newly saved savegame is there - Reboot core - The savegame is no longer there, for some reason On mGBA core, 1.11.7, the savegame is not getting deleted after rebooting the core, as is the more desirable outcome. I have not gotten the chance to test on yet.
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I tested Kirby & The Amazing Mirror and Mario & Luigi in VBA-Next. Kirby seems to save and load fine. Mario & Luigi saved but didn't load. (Soft reset keeps the savegame, but reboot core wipes it.) I used my luascript to jump to a later point in the game and save, instead of playing normally. But that should still have worked fine. I have never seen the game wipe its save file in this case. This might need more looking into.
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It's refreshing to see a change of topic. I will try to write something related. When it comes to passing classes, for me it has always been about writing down the stuff from the blackboard, learning it by heart at 4 a.m. the day of the exam, getting a good grade, and then forgetting most of it. It has always been mindless like that. I couldn't bring myself to start studying earlier. The fact I only start studying at the very last moment is what got me into a lot of trouble sometimes, such as the moments when I realized I couldn't understand the stuff or needed more time, so I just skipped the exam (and the entire day of school, thus missing stuff, leading to more problems). Or such as when I had a hard time convincing my doctors I'm 'sick' on those days I skipped. Or such as my health getting significantly worse due to lack of sleep and due to the headache that was "learning 30 pages within 2 hours". There have been times where I needed to redo more than 3 exams because I had skipped them. At first it was plain laziness and felt like something that was just temporary. But when I look back at it, it really was depression that started to sink in. My older sister had run off. I didn't confess to my love interests and/or I got turned down. And I was having a hard time with my parents and I was a loner. That was the time where my grades started getting worse and I became more silent in general. I had pretty much just lived into the day, somehow trying to make it through, with no real ambitions. Things got depressing during my computer science education as well, eventually leading to me interrupting it and undergoing therapy (in November 2015). Now that I got kicked out of that kindergarten, I tried contacting a dozen therapists and another dozen other kindergartens, but none of them have the capacity. I'm more or less stranded at home in my shitty lifestyle now. Not even feeling motivated for TASing. At least the fact that I have at least tried making the phonecalls to those therapists and kindergartens is something that makes me feel better. There are a handful appointments somewhere down the road that might open some perspective, but until then it is waiting and more waiting.
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In room 315 (outside Little Fungitown hospital) and in room 381 (Little Fungitown hospital entrance room), if you set your position to 0 and walk right, there is a hidden warp that sends you to the other room, respectively. Maybe there are hidden warps in other places. I have found out about this while working on the script. I'm working hard on the next version of said script. I'm struggling to make the code more reusable and transparent. For things like position, stats, green pipes etc. I'm planning on using lists instead of statically displaying stuff. Should be done with it this week. List of rooms that have "hidden" warps at position 0
315 <-> 381    Outside Fungitown Hospital <-> Little Fungitown Hospital main room

284 -> 332    Guffawha Ruins and Fungitown Yellow Pipe intermission room -> Guffawha Ruins last room

120 -> 119    Beanbean Outskirts West -> Beanbean Outskirts Northwest

23 -> 0    Stardust Fields room before hammer bros (can't reach later) -> Beta

51 -> 41    Coffee shop -> Bean town east (intact)

55 -> 54     Bean town photo room -> Outside bean castle

91 -> 0       Peach's Castle (cutscene screen) (unreachable) -> Beta

94 -> 0       Stardust Fields (arrival cutscene) (unreachable) -> Beta

101 -> 0     Stardust Fields Highjump/Spinjump tutorial room -> Beta

170 -> 164     On sea -> Piranha Bean room

197 -> 0      Ocean floor room, yellow pipe to mainland -> Beta

217 -> 214    on sea -> on sea

267 -> 247    map screen (unreachable) -> Gwarhar Lagoon green pipe room

312 -> 302    Ship is leaking (cutscene) (unreachable) -> Ship interior, boss's treasure room

334 <-> 334   Joke's End green pipe room leads to itself

382 -> 381    L. Fungitown Hospital Left room -> L. Fungitown Hospital Main room

395 -> 0    Map screen (green pipe selection) (unreachable) -> Beta

396 -> 0   University starbean screen (cutscene) (unreachable) -> Beta

449 -> 0   Mountain lookout screen (unreachable) -> Beta

451 -> 0   Flying to/from Bowser's Castle screen (unreachable) -> Beta

454 -> 0   Flying to/from Bowser's Castle screen (unreachable) -> Beta

481 -> 0   Ship stranded on the ocean floor, cutscene (unreachable) -> Beta

484 -> 0    Ship is debarking, cutscene (unreachable) -> Beta

511 -> 0    Beta -> Beta

512 -> 0    Map screen with Bowser's Castle on it (unreachable) -> Beta

513 -> 0   Level map screen (unreachable) -> Beta

514 -> 0   Level map screen (unreachable) -> Beta

This is looking really useless at the moment. No Bowser's Castle early (yet) EDIT: I finished testing all the rooms and added them in the list above. Unfortunately, I found nothing useful. Please note, rooms 0 and 1 lead to Beta on the English version, but to the opening cutscenes on the Japanese version. The opening cutscene softlocks after you have been through it before, unfortunately. It looks like there is only one room that you can access where you can attempt to glitch into a Beta loading zone:
197 -> 0      Ocean floor room, yellow pipe to mainland -> Beta
I will try to glitch into that loading zone and if I succeed, I'm going to make a video about it. :) EDIT: Apparently, teleport glitch doesn't work underwater and you can't really use any other glitches to reach that place. Well, except if you wrap around the entire room maybe, but that would take like 4 hours.
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I'm discussing the health bug with Chancool.
  • When Chancool does it on his DMG-YS-NOE1 cart on SGB2 SGB1, the game freezes.
  • When I do it on my DMG-YS-NOE-1 cart on GBA/GBPlayer, the game freezes on a black screen always.
Either there are differences between the systems or we both had a different cart (different revision?). It would be great if we had more people testing the bug on their consoles. I researched the bug a bit on emulator. It happens on GB because the game cannot handle you having 0x3F health. At the same time, I noticed the game considers Daffy to be dead if the value is 0xBB. Either the bug is related to rendering/sprites (The game tries to display the health bar but messes up). Or it is related to the game's coding (it tries to run wrong code based on the health address).
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Chancool improved his run by not crouching before the plate room (so he didn't teleport on the plate). Their new time is 1m57s.
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@Tremane: Maybe I will consider that. Just let me know your address in a PM. I need to see if I can afford it. I will continue talking about what is happening. Today (friday) would have been the next (and third) day where I visit the kindergarten. I have felt depressed since that 4-people talk last Tuesday and I was hurting more than I was anticipating and looking forward to seeing the children again. So I ended up skipping it. I emailed the administrator woman (the one I used to get along with well), she replied back. They wanted my help today and she wanted to talk about something. But that didn't convince me and I wanted to remain consistent, so I didn't go. I have instead replied back saying I'm not sure I will ever go there again. I explained there have been misunderstandings and errors in the communication and no clearly defined rules. I wasn't given a second chance. And everyone seems to deem it's the fault of my disease (autism and depression), which it isn't. That's some real talk I have started now. I feel good having done this. But I don't feel good about what repercussions this could have, such as me being denied to come altogether. I actually intend for this contact to stay intact. But I think it was the only right choice. Otherwise I would feel miserable and always yearning for that 2nd chance they promise me but they're not giving it to me. It's like I'm a dog and they try to bait me. No more.
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grassini wrote:
personally,i'd advise you to let go of everything related to this old job,i think it will be less painful if you let go of it
In case I didn't mention it or it wasn't obvious from my writing, the kindergarten I've been visiting is a nature-based, outdoor one. There are maybe a dozen or two in my area and the chance of there being a free spot for me in one of them is next to 0% right now. I have contacted nature-based and regular ones, but I haven't gotten positive replies back for my 6 or so inquiring emails.
I wrote:
Tomorrow, my advisor (...), my guardian (...) and the kindergarten administrator (...) and I are going to meet. We will discuss the current situation and what steps should be taken from here on out.
This talk didn't go so well. My guardian wants me to undergo therapy in a clinic again*. Negotiating for more than 1 day was impossible and seems impossible in general. I can talk about misunderstandings or my best intentions and errors, but it doesn't matter to them. I felt really misunderstood and left in the rain after that talk, literally even (it rained hard). I went to buy new shoes and had another appointment where I had a surprisingly good and uplifting talk so I'm not completely down. * This starts in half a year at the earliest, meaning I stay at home for 6 days a week and visit the kindergarten 1 day in the next 6 months. Sounds boring and I'm stuck in my unhealthy life-style. Oh, get this: All those people in that talk at one point pretty much in consensus told me, it is up to me to get things running and working out for me and I should stop blaming others. While there is some truth in that, it felt so wrong in this particular situation. I am unable to get out of my unhealthy life-style I've been leading for 15+ years, my loneliness and depression and this new shitty situation I have unwillingly entered. I'm somewhere between indifferent and depressed. Edit: @grassini, good video. Thanks.
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@moozooh: Thanks for your information. I did learn a few things from your write-up, but I can't say it's a topic I'm eager to study. When someone talks to me I have two seconds to come up with a response and I can't think whether to say I'm socially anxious or I'm shy in that time. I just want to be open and tell what my feelings are. About that parent, I called her just now. In the end, she is understanding of my situation and she wished me luck for my future but that's all the perspective I have gotten out of it. She repeatedly told me I need to accept my situation and need to accept it when they (the kindergarten staff) tell me they're not willing to let me visit anymore. My strong feelings for the children are also a rather one-sided matter. I mustn't get attached to them that much and I need to let them go sooner or later anyway. To which my response was yes but I wish the situation would have ended on better terms. But then, if there had been (or there will be, maybe) a final day, where they celebrate my farewell, I would probably still not be capable of emotionally accepting it. I hate farewells. I'm almost in tears just thinking about it. I think this farewell matter is an especially big deal for me. I believe it has its roots in my childhood, where my older sister has pretty much run away overnight and I had stopped seeing her since then (11 years ago). That, plus I have never really made friends and I'm still lonely, so those social contacts (with the children, with the people from the day clinic etc.) are much more valuable and important to me. And then those pitfalls occur, where I get left behind. All the social bonds I valued for the past few months are suddenly gone and I'm left with me alone and thinking why am I still living at my parents' house, there are plates and trash on the floor everywhere and a fly on my window and I spend time on the computer 24/7 because there's nothing else I want to do. Up till the day clinic, I was emotionally attached to people I knew from my school (4~5 years ago). People I wish I could see again, but they are all scattered in the country, studying, and probably not caring what I'm doing because I wasn't important to them. Girls I had a crush on but never confessed. And more people I wish I could talk to. But when I tried contacting one girl again that I used to go take private math lessons with (and I always found her likeable up until then), I got an SMS from not even their phone telling me she's not interested in meeting up. And even though we live within 1km range. Ok, I need to accept that, but it makes me feel bad nonetheless. I wasn't important to that person. It weakens my confidence - why should I bother trying to contact more people from my past, if that same thing could happen, etc. During the day clinic, I became less concerned about my former school peers and more focused on the people I had met in that clinic. I started using Whatsapp and became much more open and confident. But then that ended, I stopped using Whatsapp and everyone went their own ways. I'm again left just wondering what all those people have been up to. Now the kindergarten thing is ending, I have to leave behind those people as well. When I look back at this time, I can't feel good. I can't feel happy for what happened, and happy for the children, who they're growing up to be, and always welcome to visit sometime. I feel terrible, saddened, punished and it feels like those people have died. It's a repeating cycle of good and bad and nothing really stays the same. When I switch from one part of my life to the next, it has always been a huge loss so far. ----- Tomorrow, my advisor who had put me in contact with the kindergarten in the first place, my guardian (gesetzlicher Betreuer) and the kindergarten administrator (not sure if I talked about her in this topic yet, but we have been on good terms and she spent a lot of time for my sake so far. But in my situation she is more or less unable to help, it seems.) and I are going to meet. We will discuss the current situation and what steps should be taken from here on out. I feel a bit ashamed they all meet for my sake like that. And I'm really hoping the situation can improve after talking it over again, but maybe I will be disappointed. Due to that appointment tomorrow, I have finally called two psychotherapists so as to not end up in the situation tomorrow where my advisor or the administrator will ask me if I have yet to call one. Because they lose faith in me if I still hadn't done it.
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I have made so many runs and I have different opinions on each of them so I'm going to do my ranking a little differently. BAD... GBA Kirby & The Amazing Mirror "100%" in 58:10 This was a nice project and I'm very proud I could successfully route-plan the game. But by now it's outdated, there are numerous possible improvements and there is one silly mistake that I look back to in shame (inhaling 2 bomb enemies to mix for bomb ability). GB Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions in 01:29 The previous run was done by me but this one was mostly done by Scepheo. I only did the final boss for him so I don't feel very attached to this run as a result and there is potential for further improvements (see the forum topic). The fact this is ranked under "BAD" doesn't mean this run is bad, but I just don't really feel like it's my own work. I'm, however, proud to have found the out of bounds glitch in this game that made this run possible in the first place. DS Kirby Squeak Squad "any%" in 36:40 I kind of rushed through this game so there are possible small improvements all over the place. While not really something I could have known about or prevented, I feel especially bad that this run used the "slide on air" bug at each stage beginning which seems to be possible only on emulator. I still don't know the exact conditions why the bug sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't. SGB Wario Land 2 in 06:32 In retrospect, I regret that we switched from GBC to the inferior SGB version for this game. The route only seems to work on SGB, but I think I would have prefered to stay on the GBC version. Who knows, maybe now that out of bounds exits have been studied much better, the run can be done nearly equally fast on the GBC version? GB Tennis in 04:51 Boring run. GBA Stuart Little 2 in 22:58 I had high hopes for this run but it ended up being so auto-scroller heavy and a time-saving bug I had found had scrambled the graphics during two stages. So despite being pretty much perfectly optimized and abusing time-saving glitches all over the place, this run ended up being shit entertainment-wise. OK GB The Smurfs in 08:28 This is a well optimized run but a side-effect of hex-editing meant that a bird wasn't killed in Level 7 and I feel bad about it to this day. GB Master Karateka in 02:39 I'm glad how this run turned out. But I can't help but think that some parts can still be improved, specifically the parts where I could not switch to running stance because of the presence of enemies (like at the final boss, I was forced to stay in fighting stance). Aside from that, this was only a small project and I finished it in one day. GB Kung-Fu Master in 03:29 This is well optimized but I think it can still be improved. I'm not happy I couldn't use a bomb on the final boss in this run like the previous run did. GB Kid Niki in 08:49 Well optimized. I think there is one very slight possible improvement with one of the jumps in the second level or so but aside from that, no known improvements. GB Super Mario Land in 12:08 I hate TASing this game. It's very tedious to manage how many fireball shots you can do without losing time, and to manipulate the bonus games. I'm glad I could push this game so far, thanks to some clever strategies I came up with such as getting fire flower before bonus games to shorten the time spent on said bonus games. The run was done on VBA and should be redone on Gambatte-core (which might entail some time loss due to emulation differences which would be a shame). Aside from all this, the run could still be improved by a few frames by better bonus game manipulation but it would mean spending hundreds of hours on trial-and-error testing. nopenopenope. GB Kirby's Dream Land in 08:44 I'm glad I could push the time for this game this low but it can still be improved. I'm feeling bad about the Dedede fight because I didn't spend much time on it as I just wanted to finish and submit the run already at the time. TASing this game is, much like SML, tedious due to heavy lag reduction that needs to be done. GB Bubble Ghost in 04:44 I'm glad I found a useful bug for this game recently. However, it turned out the way I performed the bug can be improved by a few frames on each occasion so I'm a little disappointed. GB Volley Fire in 09:28 This run is ok. GB Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins "game end glitch" in 00:41 I spent a very long time on this game investigating the pause glitch and it had finally paid off. This is the only time I managed an ACE run and I'm happy about it. What's holding this from being listed in the "GOOD" section is that I don't feel like the run itself was a project I liked working on. It was done pretty much in a day or two, and the run itself isn't something I like going back to to watch it (it's more a proof of concept than an amazing run). Also, I wish I could have triggered the ACE bug with a single pause instead of relying on multiple pauses. It makes it look suboptimal. GB The Adventures of Star Saver in 08:39 Some possible improvements but the run is quite ok. GBA Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku in 13:46 I hated TASing the battles. It has been a big ball of trial-and-error, especially the Ginyu Force... I'm not even thinking about TASing that part ever again. It looks pretty cool in the end, but working on this run wasn't pleasant. GB Gremlins 2: The New Batch in 06:47 At the time of this writing, this run is perfect. But it's not a run I like to go watch sometime, the game is actually kind of boring and I didn't particularly like working on this game. GOOD! GBA Kirby & The Amazing Mirror in 23:27 This is a well optimized run and doesn't really have any substantial possible improvements (aside from some RNG-dependent strats you can't really manipulate). I'm happy that I could find some interesting boss strats. GB Trip World in 05:10 This is definitely one of the finest TASes I've done. I spent a lot of time and came up with some insane wall clipping techniques. The run itself looks pretty good and I like to watch it myself from time to time. GBC Survival Kids "Ending 8" in 27:58 This run has a number of possible improvements. But I feel especially attached to this run for some reason. I investigated the game a lot and came up with what I think is the best route / item management for this run. When the run enters the ruins, there is a part where I nearly run out of health, which is my favorite part of the run. I always love it when TAS barely escapes death like that.
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Windows 7 64bit I was able to use mgba on this PC at one point without problems. Edit: It seems the emulator now doesn't like ROM path to have öäü in it. (Dolphin doesn't either.) (It wasn't my idea to put one of those letters. This wasn't originally my computer.) After much downloading different versions and testing, I now got it to work like this: I got 0.5.1 and placed it in a non-äöü path. I set the display driver to "Softwate (Qt)". "OpenGL" shows only blackness for some reason. Things to wonder and to note: - Why could I use mgba without problems about 1~2 years ago on this same PC and now it has trouble with äöü in the file path? - Why does OpenGL show blackness? - I noticed outputting a video creates a file without an extension (such as .mp4 or .avi). How come? - It seems mgba has trouble when drag-dropping GB and GBA ROMs on it alternatedly. The game screen is sometimes messed up and uses a wrong resolution, such as GBA resolution when a GB game is loaded. This happened after I first drag-dropped Lady Sia (GBA), and then Volley Fire (GB).
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moozooh wrote:
Unjust things happen, even to the most diligent of us. They suck. Sometimes you can remedy them, sometimes you can't. Unless you have clear yet unused ways in mind to remedy the situation, dwelling on it probably is probably going to do you more harm than good. People who have affinity for depression or similar conditions tend to get stuck thinking about problems to the point where it continually reduces their ability to find and enact a solution. I'm sure you want to know what it was in your behavior that set off this unfortunate chain of events, but it doesn't look like the people actually responsible for your "ban" are willing to inform you (...or they just don't like you, period), so it's unlikely that you'll find satisfactory answers there. If you have any allies in that organization, or parents that have expressed their sympathy towards you, you could try talk to them about your conflict with the kindergarten administration and see if they can offer you some new perspective (besides, talking itself can be hugely therapeutic). Now, reading up on your story, I see you've already considered that. What came of it, if anything?
Thank you moozooh. I think that this was an especially helpful answer. There are still ways for me to possibly remedy the situation. - I have not made an appointment with a therapist or psychologist yet because it has been a difficult task that I've been postponing the past 2 weeks. I tried calling at evening but then the answering machine didn't let me leave a message. I tried asking my adviser for help, but he tells me I need to do it myself, I need to initiate the therapy myself. But I plan on making one or more appointments today. No more postponing. It needs to be done or everyone loses faith. - I can wait and see what will come of the situation in a few weeks. I just think a long-term "ban" is unjust and it feels like a wrong punishment. I'm starting to think that I will wait about 3 weeks from now and it things aren't going back to normal, I will stop going there, as much as it hurts. But maybe things will look differently then. I hadn't called any parent so far. Last Friday, I approached one of the parents that expressed sympathy and asked if I can call them to talk and keep in touch. It seems none of the children or the parents knew that I'm arranged to visit only once a week, they just wondered where I have been. Calling that parent can backfire my situation beyond repair if I'm not careful with my words but I plan on calling sometime soonish. As for allies, there was one very sympathetic woman who worked at the kindergarten for 6 weeks internship and I called her soon after the mess started. We first talked on the phone, then met a few days later and talked in person. It slightly helped me feel better, she gave me some advice, and offered that we meet once a month. I said in one of my previous posts that I was calling and mailing people, and she was one of those people. Aside from that, I emailed someone I knew back from the day hospital and got a helpful answer back. In the end, I have gotten different kinds of advice and point of views back. It was mostly all speculation and "what if" and "what should I do" brainstorming. Many think that I should not contact any of the parents because it can backfire so easily, and as someone who works at the kindergarten, I'm not one to directly approach the parents with my own problems. One said that I should not relieve my frustration about not earning any money and being given thankless tasks in the kindergarten, since I go there mainly to be with the children (which is a reward in itself). That last advice doesn't help me anymore, since I'm not being given a second chance. I'm definitely interested in clarity (why is it that this mess happened and it cannot be reverted). But I might not receive a clear response. I can only wait and see what will happen, and maybe when this gate closes, other gates will open up.
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I tried the latest nightly, from 12th Oct 2016, but the issue I reported a while back is still happening.
Then I tried drag-dropping a ROM on the emulator but nothing happened. Then I tried to load a different ROM via "load ROM..." in the menu and the emu crashed again.
So I deleted the mgba folder in AppData. Then I reopened mgba and tried drag-dropping a ROM but nothing happened, again. And loading a ROM via "Load ROM..." crashes the emulator, again. I don't know why this is happening but I can't use your emulator. Any steps I should try?
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I discovered a minor glitch. One I caught thanks to "before after" comparison in my script. When you do the money trick where Luigi highjumps on small Mario, if Mario jumps on a certain frame, it will count as two hits. Instead of +1 coin -1 luigiHP on the English version, it's +2 coins -2 LuigiHP by doing just one jump.
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So things did look like they were going back to normal and I can eventually be allowed more than 1 day a week. But after I mailed and talked to that woman today, it sounds like they won't grant me any more than 1 day for the next month or so, and after that not any more than 2 days or so a week. Which is complete ass. It is already due to misunderstandings and things out of my control that I've been "banned". Now that I pretty much used all the criticism they gave me and ask what I can do to help and try to get involved in the day, it doesn't even look like the "ban" is going to be lifted any time soon. It's a matter of "I don't like you Christoph, so I'm not going to let you come here" at this point. That or maybe they deem me unnecessary. I don't know what is the truth. For all I know, they just used me and now they can no longer fit me in their schedule. The two days I went there after I was announced the "ban", I helped over a dozen of the children who were fighting each other, crying, or needed help and nobody but me was around. What happens when I'm not around? Why can I not be around and play with them like I used to for half a year? Why did this mess happen? How was it my fault? And even when I'm fixing my behavior, why can't I come anymore? What do they tell the children asking where I am? It is very easy for me to start thinking all this and it makes me feel miserable and afraid of the future. This kind of shit has happened before and it will happen again. I could use my parents' advice in this case and say "fuck those people and move on" but I'm not a stone. I have feelings attached to that place I've been to and the children. I can't help but think about it. What's happening to me is unjust.
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I noticed something. The current console record for any% by Chancool clips onto the plate right away whereas the current TAS doesn't. Chancool told me he always clips onto it, it just happens. Seems like an emulation difference/inaccuracy then...? I know I was able to clip onto plates in other rooms years ago when the any% route wasn't discovered yet. It kind of depended on whether you crouched in the previous room or something. Needs looking into. Edit: Wait a second. Getting on the plate is actually a bad thing. The TAS skips it and goes to the next room faster. So nevermind.
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Thanks FatRatKnight. Ok here are some diffs of the SRAM memory. - room 0xF2(original) vs room 0xF3(edit) (Note: I think rooms are two bytes, not one. But yeah. I guess it gets saved once for each brother, hence the two values that are different.) - 0 coins vs 1 coin - saved vs saved 1F later (Ingame clock time is saved as a frame count) So conclusion: Checksum for file 1 is in 0x0016 and it looks like it really does just add all bytes and keeps the last 8 bit like the zetaboards post said. But I have yet to try that myself and understand it. I don't know which bytes it is that need to be added, for starters. It looks easy to figure out though. Edit: But this quick test failed... Edit: I'm currently trying to approach this another way. I used the method I described in one of my previous posts to make a file that's completely empty. I then found out there are actually some addresses before the checksum that are accounted for... See here. (Edit: The address right after 0x0016 is not accounted for. Otherwise the image is correct.) Ok, this seems to be the code:
Language: Lua

o=0 for z=0x0010,0x0013,0x01 do o=o+memory.read_u8(z) end for z=0x0018,0x0707,0x01 do o=o+memory.read_u8(z) end text(70,70," ".. o%256 .." ",0xFFFFFF00,0xFF000000)
o%256 tells what the checksum should be at $0016. Now I need to find the checksum address for the other two files and then making a "edit stuff" thingie will be easy.
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I have taken up the timeline project again. I'm currently putting all the info from that huge image I've been making to a google drive sheet. After that I will rewatch S6 and add more info to it. Then I can try to construct a timeline out of all that information. Maybe it will be one huge timeline and smaller character-based timelines. WIP
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MUGG in December 2014 wrote:
Went back to re-watch some Melee TASes. I'm a bit concerned that someday those videos might just vanish. Perhaps Wak's Youtube channel might one day close without forewarning and poof, all HRC TASes for each character are gone. So I'm asking, should we do something? I was thinking about downloading those videos to hold on to them.
I have now downloaded all the current Btt, HRC and event TASes. If they ever get deleted and I'm still around, I can reup them. What I said in my previous post about event 33 is just an idea btw. Right now I don't think you can improve the strat itself, so nevermind. I was thinking, however, that Fox HRC can be improved by a lot. It may be possible to do phantom BDs (I did one without really noticing, but it didn't count as two hits then). You can also do phantom shines inbetween each BD. That could give you like 30 more % (=2200m or so).
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Hitboxes are in the RAM in the enemy slots, specifically here: $c004~$c008 $c024~$c028 $c044~$c048 $c064~$c068 $c084~$c088 $c0a4~$c0a8 $c0c4~$c0c8 $c0e4~$c0e8 But after trying around with it much, I can't make sense of it. I don't even know if it's supposed to be lines, points, width, height or what. If someone can help me with this, then you have my thanks. Other than that, I have made progress on a luascript, as you can see in the image below. If only we could have those hitboxes now... :) Edit: This game is much more stupid than I remember. I save pixels everywhere but then end up losing more pixels later always...
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