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jlun2 wrote:
MUGG wrote:
I'd like to run a luascript on a gameboy or GBA ROM to play self-written sound effects. Is this doable and how?
No idea, but did you mean formats like .wav or did you mean writing to memory to play sounds?
Writing to memory. In fact, I want to write a game in lua code* and suspend the loaded ROM. I was wondering if I can make the program counter run through my own bytes and create my own sounds that way. ___ * I'm hobbyist and I don't really want to bother with (re)learning better suited languages at the moment. I'd like to see how far I can get with the bizhawk lua functions to realize a game idea I had (a top view board-like game).
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I'd like to run a luascript on a gameboy or GBA ROM to play self-written sound effects. Is this doable and how?
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KnucklesMaster368 wrote:
Is a flagpole glitch faster if it causes 1 firework where wouldn't without it? I'm constantly getting this issue doing me reTAS of VS SMB.
You could TAS both and compare it.
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S07E13 The Perfect Pear This episode is perfect. There haven't been many MLP episodes that managed to make me tear up like this one did. Too bad they never told what happened to the two.
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I could meet you in Cologne if I was willing to take a bus overnight and then take a bus back again overnight. I took a school trip in a bus overnight once to Rome and I remember it was somewhat terrible, having to sleep while sitting. Actually I remember some of us slept on the bus floor while the others would try to lie down on 2 seats, but I doubt this sort of thing would happen in a commercial bus with strangers.
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Current TAS WIP: BK2 (Bizhawk 1.12.0 mgba core, US ROM) Finished up until Popple & Rookie, with the time currently being 42min 45sec (46 sec ahead of the old run, due to the skip in Stardust and I guess certain fights taking less long). I still think there's a good chance this will be below one hour. I'm weirded out by the fact my route sheet lists different syrup counts all over the place, but I think it should work out perfectly.
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Thanks for your posts Bobo and grassini. I could tell you everything from start to finish of what's been happening in my past few years, but it would probably take too long and not be worthwhile. Yes, those places that rejected me may have their own good reasons for doing so. And I have indeed looked at myself to try and see if the problems are with me in any way. I think I'm a nice guy with a healthy brain and decent social skills. I don't think I'm missing out on how others perceive me. But sometimes those "reasons" are really absurd to the point where I think, they expect me to be a very specific certain way, perfect and free of quirks. One place I visited, I tried to be nice to everyone and another place I tried to get involved and ask if they need my help with anything, repeatedly. The former told me I was very rude and the latter told me I wasn't quite as involved as they wanted me to be. And no, I'm not shifting the story to my liking. This is really what has happened, I tried to understand it but I can't. That former place also told me I talked to the children about war and mature themes like that, which I really didn't. I can only assume this is a misunderstanding. One of the women hearing a wrong word, or I don't know, I will never know how they came to that conclusion... You go to places and after 3 hours trying to get involved, they pass judgement on you, whether you like it or not. Do one or two bad things and you fail. And all those places have different tastes and ideals. For one place it's ok to "get involved" while the next place wants you to watch from a distance instead. Impossible to please everybody. It's sad that I really want to work but I don't get the chance to.
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Some context: I work at that nature kindergarten thursday and friday and on other days I work at a daycare (with children aged below 3 years); both are unpaid internships and will last until end of July. The phonecall I had on monday was with one of my superiors in the network of that daycare and was more intended as a feedback than criticism but it ended in an argument. There is more to this, but it's not worth telling. As a result of that phonecall, today my boss at the daycare wanted to talk to me. I expected the worst, but it turned out to be a really uplifting and long-needed talk. They love me, they see me do great work with the kids and I'm a likeable person. The problem with me in the perception of that boss is that I'm too complicated. I cannot settle for one thing and declare, I really want to do it. Instead I've been going to places with a mindset "yeah maybe this will work out but I could also do plan B instead, Idk". Apparently everywhere I have gone, I just spoke too much - I rambled. And people found this to be bothersome. Now knowing this is a handicap of mine, I think I can put this information to use in the future. @grassini, if I give up, it would mean I'd go to rehab which is what everyone - and I mean everyone who doesn't understand me or my ambitions - wants me to do. I imagine if not anything that has happened before made me succumb to depression, then this option definitely will. There is too much that speaks against it. I'd much rather care about my future and fight for it.
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More an idea list than a wish list: Karateka Bubble Ghost
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@Bobo, thank you for your post. I do always appreciate it when you interpret something I wrote. You are welcome to PM me and talk about anything. I will try to write up a response, but it's a little difficult to sum up my emotions and perceptions in words. I'm aware the "everyone else is doing fine" mindset doesn't really hold much weight. The problem is I'm alone and I walk through town and see all these families, and they're visibly having a great time. It makes me feel envious. I'd like to have people around me to go do something, go to the movies, go ride a boat across the river, or just relax and talk. I'd like to have a partner. But I'm still alone. Not as much as I used to be, I met new people that are willing to listen to me and spend time with me. And those are mutual and healthy relationships. It's not much but it's more than what I used to have a few years back. I just wish I was further ahead. I see time pass and I move from one chapter in my life to the next and the problems remain. I really, really tried to find a place to work a voluntary year next year and I ultimately failed. I feel like a loser. Someone whom nobody likes. I tried to look for reasons and I can see that they might be with me. Some places simply don't see me fit in with their team. Some other places had other good reasons. And then there are, as I perceive it, places that had bullshit reasons. E.g. I refuse to get told that I was daydreaming when in reality I was just minding that one kid who wouldn't turn around at the table while one of the adults apparently kept talking at me repeatedly without addressing me by name - How am I supposed to know she was talking to me? And there are more stories like that. And that asshole I talked with yesterday on the phone. In the end, at least I can say that I tried. And due to past experiences, I think I can cope with losses better than before. That isn't to say that I'll be fine, once that internship at that kindergarten I'm still going to ends end of July. I will probably go through a lot of pain when I have to see all these children go that I've spent time with for over a year. I just wish I could have worked another year, even if it was in a different place. Now my options are going (back) to school or rehab. And neither of those are optimal. As for your last paragraph, I agree with it but it's more a problem related to society as a whole - similar to how I think one vote in politics doesn't matter so I'm not voting. I think the larger the population becomes, the more severe society-problems such as depression become. And as I said, the troubles of one person become less significant. More people means more competition, which means more people on the losing end. But I'm just rambling here; it's not a topic I'd like to dwell on much more.
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As my fight for my future continues, today was another one of those days where I had to face a lot of frustration and denial and reflected upon my past (failed) endeavors. I don't even want to go into the details too much this time, but let's just say I lose faith in humanity a bit each day. I cannot grasp the reasons why I'm getting rejected practically everywhere I try to apply. I talked about it with someone, and that call ended in a heated argument where he accused me of shit I never did, and of interrupting him all the time (after he did the same to me), and he basicly said I was an annoying person. Okay! Assholes, assholes everywhere! Really, often when I walk through the city, I see there are just way too many people everywhere. The troubles and the meaning of one single person become so insignificant. I'm thinking they all probably live happy lives, while I'm walking here having to deal with these problems alone and still caged in my parents' home and my incapability to get my shit together. The thing is when you feel depressed or when you're alone, it becomes extremely difficult to do something. It makes me feel like I'm not important, after all I'm almost alone, so why even bother cleaning after myself, why even bother dealing with certain things, why even bother trying to go to a club and get to know new people (last time I tried that it wasn't a very good experience...) I'm growing more and more likely to fall back into depression. I don't want this to happen, but it looks like there isn't anything I can do to prevent it from happening. Things are falling apart now, and with them, my sanity.
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Well you can go about this in different ways. Are you playing on console or emulator? You could do it as a longplay, from start to finish in one very long video. Or as a let's play, advancing the game in multiple sittings of anywhere between 6 minutes to 1 hour or so, per part. You could edit your videos to only include interesting parts, have commentary on it, etc. Specifically, you could speed up or cut out grinding parts via editing. Longplay videos are usually without editing or commentary, but it's not like you're making it for the longplay community, so you are free to do whatever. Assuming you go the let's play route, I haven't made any let's plays myself but I think it would be good advice for an RPG or RPG/Adventure type of game to set up a goal for each part, such as "today we're trying to clear this whole map and get ourselves ready for the next map".
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Ok, on this new version, I used LOAD "$",8 and then LIST like the wiki says. Then I typed LOAD "KARATEKA",8,1 and it started. But the screen just stayed blank and changed color every 10 seconds. Seems like it's unplayable on this version too.
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Using LOAD "*",8 gave a device not present error. However, simply using LOAD made it load for a while and then it said it found Karateka. Then I used RUN and it works. But the sound seemed really glitchy, and then it got stuck on a screen saying AriolaSoft. Maybe the game crashed. This happened when I tried the (E) version of the game, and maybe it's not compatible with the firmware? I'd like to try to use a different version, but then the bluescreen outputs "Press Play on Tape". How do I do that?
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Alright, Bizhawk 1.13.0 with C64 core is out. I'd like to try it out but I'm not familiar with the system. What should I be doing on this screen? And is the firmware I'm using fine?
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Nice, I might try running C64 Karateka or Bubble Ghost sometime.
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@MESHUGGAH - Your name, just type it in when registering and see if it works. There are no legal problems for nicknames, let alone with what you're going to be doing (streaming for only 10 viewers or so). But that's just what I think. I cannot give legal advice. - Make sure to only show the emu window and hide the ROM folders and you'll be perfectly fine. Even if ROM folder appears on the stream, it shouldn't be a problem, especially not if you're a small streamer. - About ads, only twitch partners can do that. You need to gain a good follower base with 500 or some recurrent viewers and then apply for a partnership. You can set up paypal donation link or use some site to have people donate, but I can't help you with that much. If you haven't yet, get OBS, get used to it and maybe google for some tutorial. Set it to a reasonable bitrate (if your upload speed is 1 MBps then set it to something less like 700 kbps). 30 FPS is fine. And set it to a good resolution - I like to use 768x432 (which is 16:9).
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I found that objects have flags that control things such as activity, collision, whether the sprite is shown, and whether anything happens if you interact with it. There might be much more to this, but those flags are enough to e.g. activate the unused saveblock in Koopa Cruiser. And I was able to activate the stuff in the room before Popple & Birdo, but it turns out those were just stuff used for a cutscene. There might be a luigi object somewhere in there too, not shown in the screenshot.. I will try to find unused stuff in other rooms now. But maybe people at yoshi's lighthouse already went over this, so maybe there's nothing left to be found. ( Luascript 0.12.5 which includes the npc flags ) EDIT:
*** Room 9 	(Test room 6)
Actor 5 (single pedal platform) is offscreen and disabled, but doesn't have any reaction when interacting with it.

*** Room 30	(End cinematics, when they're in the plane laughing)
Actor 7 might be an invisible hoo bean block, but I can't confirm.
There are 4 active FCHR (Actors 3~6) objects, but disabling them doesn't have any visual effect.

*** Room 62 and Room 61	(Bean castle interior)
In both those rooms, there are two knight actors that have dialogue, not sure if used or not.

*** Room 76 	(first room of mountain enemy area)
Actor 3 is an unused bean person NPC that says "I'm tired of living in the sticks. I want to live someplace cool, where there's lots to do!"
Actor 4 and 5 are badge sprites, also unused in that room.

*** Room 131	(Bean area, south east, beach)
Actor 7 is some invisible block (Hoo bean), unreachable in an out of bounds section of the room.

*** Room 169	(Oho oasis, south-west)
Actor 6 is a red Oho Jee, located on top of the radio, appears to be unused and possibly for testing the black fade-out effect when using the radio.
When talking to this Oho Jee, it works the same as if you interact with the radio.

*** Room 172	(Oho oasis, north-east)
Actor 6 is a snail. appears to be unused. 
It would be there in addition to actor 5 (snail), which looks like two snails kissing. lol

*** Room 173	(Oho oasis, south-east)
Actor 4 is a crab, it might be unused OR otherwise used for the cutscene when landing in this place.
Actor 7 is a blue Oho Jee, located on top of the radio, same deal as in room 169.
Actor 9, is inactive and when made active it's invisible still. Not sure what gives.

*** Room 206	(Seabed)
There are a few invisible Hoo Bean blocks in this room, not documented on vgmaps.
Used and accessible.

*** Room 219	(University, main hub room)
There is one invisible Hoo bean block in this room, not documented on vgmaps.
Used and accessible.

*** Room 221
One invisible hoo bean block, etc.

*** Room 263
One invisible hoo bean block, etc.

*** Room 274	(Mushroom kingdom, 1st room)
Actor 13 is a bowser sprite?
Actor 14 and 15 are  some unloaded invisible objects?
Not sure which one is supposed to be the known unused toad object in this room.

*** Room 344 and 345 and 353 and 354 and 363		(Joke's End)
have one invisible hoo bean block each, undocumented, etc.
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Oh that's kinda lame. I forgot that they go on hiatus now, so I didn't think the last ep I watched would be the last for quite a while...
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Here is another game idea I wanted to share. I specifically made a screen design for it: The objective would be to craft words by inserting new letters, swapping the existing letters, replacing the existing letters with new ones, or deleting existing letters. Finishing a level fast will earn more points. Not sure if this idea yields much playability and interest, but it's been floating in my mind for a while now. Not sure if I should script it quickly in emu-lua for the sake of it, or if I should get into javascript/Html5 again or maybe learn a new language (which I don't plan to do in the near future, but maybe later)... Any input on this game idea is welcome, including improvements to the screen design or the idea itself.
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First off, I don't want anyone on this site here to worry about me. Sometimes I post on a whim something that's unclear and may be interpreted as suicide/emergency situation, but this has never been the case. I'm still at my place. But I can't get along with my parents, or my mother to be exact. My mother shouts at me every other day for no real reason. She has some kind of personality disorder (that's what I speculate) and easily loses her mind over something trivial. Yesterday she called for me at 8:00 am saying it's over, she is done with me, etc. In the evening it was mostly calmed down situation again. As for my future endeavors, I tried 90% of things and they failed, like I explained, for whatever reasons. The remaining 10% of things I doubt will work out. I don't want to go to rehab, waste one year, meet people and lose them again all over again, become a depressed fuck all over again, and have this time of life in my resumé. I already had the impression my depression background lost me chances, so if I spend another year, people will perceive me as even more unstable than they already have. Most of all, I don't want to go to rehab. Why do people not try to support me with my endeavors? Instead they try to shoehorn me into this rehab year, no questions asked.
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Oh cool my parents want to throw me out the house today. I'm done
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Got another rejection from a kindergarten telling me I wasn't active or participating enough. The thing is, the one visit day, I participated 100% and asked people whether they needed help, and talked to the children the whole day. I don't buy those reasons. Same shit as what happened in January when I was "day dreaming" when in reality I was watching the children (one turned around at the breakfast table all the time, for instance, while one of the adults kept talking at me without addressing me by name so I didn't know I was being talked to). I sincerely doubt I have a condition where I can't judge my own actions or state of mind, so I think this was a huge misunderstanding. Ok, those two (and then some) rejected me, whatever. For stupid reasons that don't make sense to me. What pisses me off is certain people in my life using this to justify I need to go to rehab and "work on myself" and "prepare" for the outside world. Yeah, no. I don't want to go through the same ordeal like in 2016 again. And "prepare" for people that come up with shit reasons to deny me. I want to do something, but I can only do that if people let me. The next two weeks there are more visit days and I will see if it works out. If it doesn't, might as well give up all hope and become a depressed fuck. Since that's what people in my real life want me to be... I will keep fighting in those next weeks to prevent this.