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Thanks Masterjun, I could make my comparison video thanks to your quick help!
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Ok, I'm about to watch S9E12 "The Last Crusade" (Youtube link) Watching the first 2 minutes and considering the synopsis, I can see this will be one of those episodes. For example, the episodes S7E13 "The Perfect Pear" and S5E18 "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" are both episodes that were beautifully executed and made me cry and reminisce for hours, if not days, for various reasons. Now, more importantly, this will be a Scootaloo episode. Which will tie in with prior episodes like S3E06 "Sleepless in Ponyville", S4E05 "Flight to the Finish" and S8E20 "The Washouts". Those are all episodes that deal with Scootaloo as a character and that deal with her bond to Rainbow Dash who took her under her wing, basicly saying they are sisters. Scootaloo is my favorite for many different reasons. She is that athletic, tomboy-ish little rascal without parents, which often led fans to believe she doesn't have any, she is an orphan. I remember that Scootaloo interested and inspired me so much that I read countless fanfics in 2012-2015 about her. The song "I'll Fly Higher" (link) will forever be one of my favorite pieces of music. This episode may change everything I ever expected and knew about Scootaloo. This being the last season, it may even break the status quo. I'm really excited to watch it, I wonder what will happen..?! Thoughts after watching: It was a well done episode, but not a super special one. Maybe I set my expectations very high... The CMC crying in their clubhouse was more comedic than tragic. Their attempts to convince the parents was ok, but I was on the edge of hoping they won't fill the whole episode with these attempts. I was glad they moved the plot along when they tied themselves to the sign post, and that's where things got more emotional and sad. Especially seeing all the callbacks to what the CMCs did and how they changed everyone's lives was really touching and I would lie if I said I didn't cry at least a little. :P Rainbow Dash's "wanna come see the Wonderbolts next week?" had me thinking, the episode will end with all of them still together watching that show. But I guess not. It's a good thing when the episode doesn't go as expected. I find Scootaloo's parents to be believable characters and I can see their intentions are in good faith. But I find it upsetting they don't really try to listen to their daughter and sell the house within the same weekend they arrived. That's a "this is how it will be done and you have no say about it"-attitude I hate. I can see it was done for the plot to work and in the end they slowly redeemed themselves but just saying... All in all, a good CMC episode with a great last part. About a certain other aspect of the episode: I didn't think about it at all but after I read a comment it makes a lot of sense. The parents are basicly Steve and Teri Irwin. That's actually a pretty awesome shoutout! I watched Crocodile Hunter a lot as a kid, but after Steve's death I haven't kept up with what was happening. I know their daughter Bindi held a speech on her father's death. I would wonder if Bindi will make any comment on the episode...
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I noticed a problem with my time calculation script. At 60 FPS it seems to work properly, but at 59.7275005696058 FPS, it will output 178 frames -> 2.97 179 frames -> 3.99 180 frames -> 3.01
Language: Lua

local totimeseconds = function(frames,fps) hours = math.floor((frames/fps)/3600) mins = math.floor((frames/fps)/60)%60 secs = math.floor(((frames/fps-mins*60)*100+0.5)/100) %60 ms = (frames % fps)/60 * 100 returnvalue = string.format("%02d.%02d",secs,ms) return returnvalue end
Could someone give me a script that correctly outputs the time in format? Thanks
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Get key while dropping down. Unfortunately, you won't get the Yoshi egg, so it's too slow. Doing it like in the gif is only 20-30 frames faster exit than Save&Quit. I found a suitable route change, see below. I'm a good 2 seconds ahead in the TAS. ______ Old route: - Ice (get Yoshi egg - used in Desert) - Desert (get Lightning - used in Fun Fair) - Fun Fair (get Lightning - used in Grass) - Grass - Bowser's Castle New route: - Ice (get Yoshi egg - used in Desert) - Grass - Desert (get Lightning - used in Fun Fair) - Fun Fair (get Lightning - used in Bowser's Castle 3 fly-guys room) - Bowser's Castle Not using Fun Fair's Lightning in Grass costs 2.5 seconds, but you will get the 3-fly-guys star immediately, which should save 7 seconds back. ______
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I'm actively TASing this game right now, for any% improvement. It is usually possible to sync rooms, but after switching from Bizhawk 1.12.0-mGBA-0.5.0 to Bizhawk 2.3.1-mGBA-0.6.0, it seems nothing will sync anymore. I empirically verified that the 2nd penguin in the 2nd ice room will _always_ bounce into a different direction compared to the previous TAS. So I have to redo all of the rooms and take some time losses (while also possibly finding new time saves). EDIT: 83 frames saved.
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Is it ok to use a dev buil of Bizhawk for a GBA TAS?
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GJTASer2018 wrote:
So would it be safe to assume the "crazy stuff can happen" was the result of inaccurate emulation (like the pipe glitch in Super Mario Land 2)?
Yes, inaccurate emulation probably. The only thing that was inaccurate emulation about the pipe glitch was the old days of VBA though, that put breakable blocks where there shouldn't be any. Everything else about pipe glitch is accurate, as evidenced by console players. Can't say anything about pause bug, since it is too precise to do on console, but then again nobody tried it (might take like a thousand attempts to get anything?). That would actually be the next step to SML2 console RTA.
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Tried the health bug (GB version) on the new Gambatte core in Bizhawk and the results are vastly different from the previous core. Instead of "crazy stuff can happen", it's now just a white freeze screen, with a slight chance of there being few glitchy sprites along with it, but that's it. Nothing seems to ever be happening which also seems more in line with what was happening on the real console (black screen only).
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As I mentioned in the submission thread, killing the 3 fly-guys after inserting the keys will yield a star. I thought that getting this star and skipping another, longer one would allow for a faster run. I determined that it takes 555 frames (~9 seconds) additional time to get the 3 fly-guys star. The star in the snake room in the desert takes ~13-14 seconds additional time to get. But by door requirement, you need to be 10 stars before the Boo fight, so you cannot skip the snake star.... unless you play the toad minigame before the Boo fight, instead of after. The game keeps your item even through Save&Quit. It should not lose anywhere near the prospected 5 sec save to visit Toad before instead of after. Another possible improvement would be in the Ice area, if you can manage to move the ice block on the crack at the same time as getting the star.
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For the record, Dolphin did create desyncs in SSBM on a very rare occasion for me, but I'm still on 4.0-9215 so things may have changed. It's got nothing to do with PC specs, I think.
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User commented on my video (GB Volley Fire TAS).
Chained Unfree22 wrote:
i used to own this game (Volley Fire) in a 2in1 cartridge. It came with another game where you are a chibi knight and you gather coins and deposit it in your house in order for your stats to increase. Then you have to fight a stationary dragon with 3 heads and one tail. You have to kill the 3 heads separately and the tail too. Please if anyone knows the name/title of that game, a reply would be awesome.
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I need help to find out what episodes/cartoons I watched. These are scenes I remember: - Spiderman (?); There was some picnic scene, then some bad guy flew over and beam gunned everything and all the young people aged into old wrinkly people. - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; They are somehow traveling through space, or time? It was multiple episodes that were connected together. It's a challenge to figure out which particular installments of spiderman or TMNT these are. And what episode #. Thanks if you can help me.
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Link to video Star vs. the Forces of Evil OST - Save The Bounce Lounge
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Star vs. ended today. The show was pretty entertaining to me. I'm sad that it's over now. I especially liked the character dialogues and interactions. Characters were just very interesting. Janna, Tom, Buff-Frog, Eclipsa, Glossaryck, these are all very memorable characters. I hope they might still continue it in some way or there will be some other news later on.
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Additional dummy loading zones After figuring out (non-scripted) loading zones and adding functionality to my lua, I looked at all the rooms in the game. These are "dummy" loading zones that I have not known about before. The ones I knew about already are listed here. Room 4 (Underwater test room) - Has 4 loading zones - 1 for each side of the room. 0 at the top, leads to same room starting from the bottom 1 at the bottom, leads to same room starting from the top 2 at the right, leads to same room starting form the left 3 at the left, leads to same room starting from the right Room 282 (Peach's Voice cutscene) - Has two loading zones. Unreachable (the whole room is a cutscene). 0 leads to Room 112, Bean Bean Outskirts, watering room (North-East) 1 leads to Room 314, Koopa Cruiser Room 393 (Broken Koopa Cruiser, first room) - Has a loading zone to the left which leads back to the cutscene. Unreachable with known glitches. Room 394 (Broken Koopa Cruiser, cutscene room) - Has a loading zone to the left, which cannot be reached. Unable to test. Loading zone does not trigger for some reason. Additional notes - Due to how the game is programmed, each room has a minimum of 1 loading zone. Most rooms that act as debug rooms or shop/map screens have a dummy loading zone in {0,0} which leads to room 0. Scripted warp zones are treated differently. Maybe I will look into it, since there may be scripted "dummy" warp zones. Reaching room 0? I have not made elaborate efforts reaching a dummy loading zone that leads to room 0 yet, but it should be theoretically possible with glitches. On the Japanese version it leads to the opening cutscene, but it does not trigger the next room, instead leaving Mario and Luigi actionable. However, they are turned inactive and cannot really move anywhere. It may be interesting looking into what you can do when both bros are inactive like that. On the English versions, it leads to the debug room. There is no way out. There is a goomba battle which is scripted like one of the tutorials. It leads to the game crashing, so there is no way to gameover.
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I did a livestream today, first time after a long break. Nothing game-breaking or too interesting was found. - The spiky enemies in Chucklehuck Woods are actually scripted 5000 HP enemies, the "script" being that a Beanie will spawn from them upon death. If you kill the spiky enemy by over 5000 damage and it was the last enemy on the field, Mario & Luigi will start escaping automatically, for seemingly no reason. - NPC clip does work vertically but the conditions for it are precise and not fully understood. - I added NPC collision boxes to the lua, works only on the overworld though. I will release a new script on request. - I played around with "Wide coinblock bug" in the Fungitown hospital and saw some glitch effects I didn't see before. Such as one of the bros being gone (inactive) while still highjumping, spinjumping or using hands on each other.
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Koopa in Koopa Cruiser (room 313) Here I will explain the NPC clip the best I can so others can understand it: NPC ejection Ejection to the right: Be inside the NPC, have the same X-pos or more, as the NPC, walk left Ejection to the left: Be inside the NPC, have less than the X-pos as the NPC, walk right Most standing NPC don't eject at all. Walking NPC will eject for 4096 usually (which equals 0x100 in hex). Very few NPC will eject for more. The Koopa in Koopa Cruiser will eject for up to 5120. How to get inside an NPC Jump into the NPC from above or keep switching places until the NPC has walked inside you. It's very tricky and not feasible to do on real-console. However, the Koopa in Koopa Cruiser will never change direction, so it is very easy to do the clip even on real-console. You just need to start switching places at the right time, and you need to be positioned from the wall perfectly (this will be explained below). Wall clipping To wall clip, you need to be ejected more than 4096 units. You can only clip rightwards or leftwards so far. You need to be positioned near the wall perfectly: Too close, and you will be ejected less than 4096 no matter what. Too far away, and you will be ejected for 5120(or whatever the maximum the NPC ejects for) and still not be in the wall. If you are between 4096 and 5120 from the wall, you can be ejected into the wall. If you are with 2 brothers, the back brother cannot enter the wall as far as I tested. If you are with 1 brother, you can clip through, however. For the GIF above: The 2 brothers are positioned exactly 4096 from each other, if you walk horizontally. So if you walk away from the wall so the 2 brothers are aligned horizontally, and then walk for 1 additional frame, you will be ~4600 units away from the wall. Since the Koopa ejects for ~4900, the clip happens. Other "more than 4096" NPCs There are only very few I found. These work but they never approach a wall... - The captain in the Teehee Valley ship - Walking Yoshi in the Yoshi theatre - Koopa in the end room of Koopa Cruiser These work and the wall clip can be done - Fat lady in the relaxation room - Oho Jee Luigi in the beginning of the game is special because he is a scripted NPC who does stuff based on your position and movement. As far as I've seen, he is the only NPC that can eject you vertically when walking into him (Luigi clip).
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Looked at NPC clipping a bit today.
MUGG wrote:
The different amounts of pushes you can get sidewards (with Oho Jee and the Mountain Village guy) seem to be dependent on your follow path. If the follow path and the back brother are aligned nicely, you can get up to a ~4300 push, at least with the Oho Jee. I have not gotten any push higher than 4096 with the villager yet, no matter what I try. It should be possible in theory though.
Doesn't seem like the follow-path is related at all. I tried with single brother and it turns out Oho Jee ejects up to about 4352. Since it's above 4096, it allows for wall clipping. The guy at the Mountain Village only ejects up to 4096, therefor wall clipping in that place is out of the question.
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I only watch some animated films, and rarely: - Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions - My Little Pony: The Movie - Dragon Ball Super movies - Detective Conan movies - Finding Nemo - Finding Dory (<-- very sad!) - Shrek movies (haven't actually watched all of them) I only watched the first half of Wreck it Ralph. I want to watch it and the sequel sometime. Also saw some of a Cowboy Bebop movie which was pretty dope. I'd like to watch that movie in full, too.
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First thoughts: It's an abomination, kill it with fire! Now: At least it makes for some good memes Also it reminds me of this video about Mario's hair problem.
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The corner clip itself was known since forever. I thought what was new about this is that it's a new setup for RTA runners (single player). Maybe I don't understand...
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I found out what's the problem. You have to rename the patched file from .gb to .gbc, otherwise Bizhawk will treat it like a normal GB game, which makes it look like this: