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Hmmm it tells me the video is private :/
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Tout comme Nahoc. Je suis entrain de TASer Final Fantasy IX et pour te donner un exemple, il y a un combat qui dure 10 secondes en tout et pour tout soit 600 frames et bien il m'a fallu plus de 9h pour trouver le combat optimal. Quand tu as fini une portion, sauvegarde tes inputs. Et recommence cette section en utilisant un autre chemin. Compare les 2, garde le meilleur et recommence. Jusqu'à ce que tu ne puisses plus l'améliorer.
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Paused wrote:
How tight are you on Gil at this point, specifically all the gil needed for the Treno Auction house items? I'm aware of the cotton robe trick course, but that had to be tight? It made me wonder if Zidane winning the great hunt was for the gil it gave rather than part of the 100% definition.
For now I have way more gils than necessary. But later on I'll need it to make more gils by buying Cotton Robe and the less known Desert Boots trick and reach 300K gils. All of that to have enough money for the Auction House items indeed. But no I'm not tight on gils at least not right now. Letting Zidane wins the festival of the hunt is for my definition of Perfect game. The maximum score you can get is what I have got ie 303 points and that is obtained by getting the (5/256 odds) 99 points of killing Zaghnol with Zidane.
Paused wrote:
Curious how many of Quinas Blue magics will get a use. Limit Glove is obvious. Auto life maybe if it can revive at 1hp, I forget? I guess the rest you have picked up so far are just as they are on the way?
Limit Glove yeah, but also Night and on Disc 4, Level 5 death to slay Grand Dragons and Frog Drop when I'll have caught 101 frogs at level 99 to do 9999 damage. Auto-life is useless :)
Paused wrote:
Dali trip is needed as this is the only point to get that chest in the farm right and Cotton Robe ingredients right? Or can you get that chest later, and you are only really there for the Wrists?
Both. I needed to go there for the chest so why not buying Wrists at the same time. I'll have to go back one more time on Disc 3 for the Mayor house and Windmill and I'll take Wrists one last time.
Paused wrote:
Any reason for the, seemingly brute forced, Ragtime Mouse encounter? Seemed to waste some time in getting that encounter. Or is that related to my first, how tight are you on gil, question?
I have to encounter Ragtime Mouse 17 times throughout the game. Which means I try every forest and run my script to see what is the earliest RM I can get. Believe it or not 9 seconds wait is faster than the average time, that's why I settled for it.
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Disc 2 First Hour : Link to video
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Paused wrote:
Lil_Gecko wrote:
The thing to note is that I managed to dig up a Cachusha (odds are 1 in 10240) that allows Ability Up for the girls quite early.
Did you intend and thus manipulate for that item or is it just a 'lucky' find? Also, that Nero Family side quest is a new one to me. That is a pretty obscure treasure/quest, but, more relevant to this topic, seems time consuming as hell to do it and get to the ExII on time. I know little about FF9 running other than a casual attempt at 'perfect game' I did, (that I learned later was more or less doomed from the start being a PAL player...) but I assume the main reason you have so much time to spare is, under TAS conditions you seem to basically have a manual Enc-non and random battles cost so much time?
I manipulated it. Anklet, Extension, Barette and Rising Sun are also 1/10240 odds. But in Chocobo's Forest the RNG is rolling pretty fast thus giving me a lot of choice in the Random Numbers to use. Yeah basically no unwanted Random Encounter, faster battles (faster ATB, Critical Hits,...), no need to backtrack to save after a hard part. Phoenix Pinion in Chocobo H&C are worth 1000 gils to sell, so by picking a lot of it I have enough gils to skip a trip in Dali saving around 4 minutes. Faster Auctions as I know exactly what amount to bid. Another big time save is the Hippaul Racing. I can level up 5 by 5 up to level 80 where a great player would need to save and finish 1 by 1 level. This saves around 11 minutes. About the Nero Side Quest, there's no need to finish it before Excalibur II as 3 trips can be done after picking it up, leaving only 6 trips to do (up until the flashback of Dagger on the boat.) As for the run, I fixed my mistake and picked up the missing Phoenix Down. As planned I had to redo the Plant Spider fight and the Ice Cavern, but I was able to hex-edit the rest, so I'm back at the start of Disc 2.
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Yes I'm doing the Nero Familly sidequest and the 10 Promist Rings. They're included in my calculations.
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First of all thank you guys :) Unfortunately I made a huge mistake and forgot a Phoenix Down in the Prima Vista Crash Site. I'm currently redoing that part to pick it up. I'll probably have to redo the Ice Cavern as well, before catching up with the RNG in Dali where I'll hex-edit the rest. I'm following the Combined stats path so no stats-boosting equipment was pick up in Chocobo Hot and Cold. The thing to note is that I managed to dig up a Cachusha (odds are 1 in 10240) that allows Ability Up for the girls quite early. Marcus/Eiko glitch won't be used. Quoting Gamefaqs : " It should be ignored. Doing it makes this challenge impossible to complete; you can't get Marcus to Lv 99 and still get the Excalibur II and everything else. Furthermore, Eiko will not have "perfect" stats if you raise him to Lv 99, she'll simply have un-natural stats. Getting only as many Level-Ups as possible without sacrificing the Excalibur II is even worse because the glitch would only be partially exploited and thus you would be left with neither natural nor godly Eiko. If you can't do it all the way, it's better not to do it at all and get Eiko as she is meant to be." If all goes well (I did a lot of testings) I should reach Excalibur II between 11h50 and 11h59min59s99, with all chocographs and bubbles, most of the Ragtime Mouse questions answered, all items picked up, around 20 steals, 5/6 Dragons, 69 frogs (so I can catch the last 8*4 marshes, and reach 101), played around 10 Tetra Master games and all but one or two friendly monsters. Basically I know where I need to be at what time. If for whatever reason I'm a few minutes late on my schedule I can ignore a few chocographs and dig them after.
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So, I've started a 100% run of FFIX. It will include: - Opening every chests, searching every field icons. - At least one of each item + perfect amount of missable items (one per character that can equip it + one for the inventory) - Every ability mastered - Every Blue Magic for Quina. - Every Friendly Monsters. - Correct answer to all of the Ragtimer questions. - Every Chocograph dug up and found + every cracks and bubbles. - Defeat all optional bosses. - Read and deliver every letters, restore Mognet Central. - Every Easter Eggs. - Combined Stats Path (Freya gets the forced xp from Tantarian and Amdusias, Quina takes Abadon and Dagger takes Shell Dragon). All characters stay at level 1 until forced xp or if they have the max stats-boosting equipment. As Combined Stats Path is by far the most difficult path, it can be considered playing on hardest difficulty. - All cards with max stats. - 99 steals and dragon kills + 101 frogs caught. - All FMVs. Disc 1 is up : Link to video
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Actually I found the answer. If you've been small all along you can't pass it without bouncing. But for some reason if you've been big and took damage earlier to be small again you can pass it without bouncing. I don't know why it works this way but it does. I was trying to not take a mushroom to save time but doesn't seem to be possible.
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Is it possible for antd or BrutalAl to send me the spreadsheet for when a random battle will occur please ?
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This might sound like a stupid question but how do I pass 3 note blocks in a row without bouncing ? If I go too fast the 3d one stop me. If I go too slow I bounce off the 2d one. ?
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So, I was thinking of picking this game up and made a quick TAS Test. Link to video Now, if you compare it with antd's movie you'll see a big problem. Despite being faster in every single fight I'm behind by a lot of seconds. The reason is that PSCX is faster than Psxjin in almost every single way. The intro is way faster, the dialog loads faster, exiting a battle is way faster. So which one is accurate ? Should I stick to Psxjin and have a slower time than possible. Should I switch to PCSX even if I don't like it ? Can somebody make a fix so Psxjin loads everything as fast as in PCSX ?
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Spikestuff wrote:
Okay after that random past me thing. I was thinking Stormy Ascent for a single level TAS. PAL has the fastest movement in Crash... Also it's a single level... so it gives it more of an advantage.
American: D0011DB2 3404 / 80011DB0 0022
European: D0011DD2 3404 / 80011DD0 0022
Japanese: D0011DFA 3404 / 80011DF8 0022
There is mention that this would work under lua scripting but I don't understand how.
For the american version :
while true do
if memory.readword(0x11db2)==13316 then
The lua script has to be launch as soon as the game start before the piracy warning. But it still is memory editing so the TAS won't be submittable here. EDIT : American version works like a charm but in the PAL version, the platform never goes up so I'm stuck at the beginning of the level.
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mamuuuut wrote:
Merci Lil_Gecko bon ba je la refait, meme si ca avait l'air assez potable comme anglais, non? En gros dans le jeu tu as quatre courses, a savoir les pays que j'ai cités plus haut, le truc c'est que tu ne peux faire qu'une seule de celles-ci avec un credit, donc deja je pense que le probleme des branches vient de la. mon but c'est donc de finir ces quatres courses avec le "maximum score" (donc le plus possible sous le -par) et une fois que j'aurais le support complet, m'essayer/inciter les autres a faire mieux, meme si ce que je post est deja vraiment poussé Pour ce faire, Almeida est le perso parfait, (Robert L. l'est aussi mais la barre d'Almeida se charge bcp plus vite, ce qui pose de gros probleme dans une vraie partie mais pas en TAS)et les autres du coup servent a rien je creerai pas d'autres branches, par contre je propose "playaround" pour la video deja publiée parce que de toute maniere elle sera obsolete niveau "maximum score" si je poste la version avec Almeida (au niveau du score donc mais pas au niveau du style/divertissement) dailleurs au sujet de celle publiée, elle ne peux pas etre obsolete par cette soumission parce que ce n'est pas la meme course, l'une l'Australie l'autre le Japon cette soumission c'est donc techniquement la part 1/4 de mon projet j'ai fini la Germany donc j'ai deja la part 2/4 me manquera donc donc 2 courses et c'est bonc, pour un total de 4 soumissions en excluant la video publiée ouf, desole pour les accents Gecko, je les met jamais et encore merci edit : ca te derangerait de m'explique l'edit 2 de Spikestuff stp
Basically, there are four courses in the game, which are the countries listed above. The thing is you can only do one course with one credit, so I think the branches issue come from that. My main goal is to finish those four courses with the "maximum score" (so the most possible under the par) and once it's done, try or make other try to do better, even though what I'm posting is already fairly optimized. To do so Almeida is the perfect character (Robert L. is too but Almeida's bar is filling faster, which can be problematic in a RTA but not in a TAS). Other characters are meaningless. I won't be creating other branches, but I'll suggest to change the already published TAS to "playaround" because as a "maximum score" it'll be obsoleted if I submit the new version with Almeida (meaning the score will be better but sacrificing entertainment in the process). Also about the one already published, it can't be obsoleted by this submission since it's not the same course, one being Australia, the other one being Japan. Technically this submission is one quarter of my project and since I already have finished Germany, I'm halfway done. Just two courses left and I'm good, for a grand total of four submissions not including the TAS already published. L'edit 2 de Spikestuff tel que je le comprends dit que le TAS déjà publié et cette soumission peuvent et seront rendus obsolètes par tout TAS comprenant les 4 parcours. Mais d'après ton poste il est impossible de faire les 4 parcours dans une même vidéo si j'ai bien compris ?
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Je peux aussi traduire si besoin il y a. I can also translate if necessary.
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synnchan wrote:
Well, I found those cheat values and I'd like to add it to my game. (Rockman x6): All parts collected: 800CE600 FFFF FFFF 800CE602 9999 souls: 270F 80041F74 80041F76 2403 How can I add them? On the "tools" section there is RAM search, RAM poke, Cheat Editor... etc, and I don't know what I'm supposed to use.
Your gameshark codes are upside down. It probably should read: 800CE600 FFFF 800CE602 FFFF 80041F74 270F 80041F76 2403 To enter them, open the Cheat Editor with CTRL+C Remove all the 800 that just means it's a 2 bytes adress. so for 800CE600 you should enter CE600 with value 255 (0xFF) and CE601 with value 255 (0xFF) then CE602 with value 255 and CE603 with value 255. 41F74 with value 15 (0x0F) and 41F75 with value 39 (0x27) 41F76 with value 03 (0x03) and 41F77 with value 36 (0x24) That should work :)
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It's currently on hold. I'm working on other projects and I got real life stuff too. Plus I haven't heard from Dica since he last posts. I might get back to it but not in the near future.
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I'm glad you got your motivation back! Your movie is really entertaining. :)
Post subject: Adding text and drawing to video based on what frame it is?
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I made a video with psxjin, and I would like to add, say HP of the ennemy and its ATB Bar depending on what frame the video is. Is there a good tool that can read the memory adress and the framecount to draw something outside the video ? Pirohiko suggest to me AviUtl that he uses for his Crash Bandicoot TAS but I didn't manage to make it work. Thanks.
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Sure, why not. If Dica wants to, it's fine by me.
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Nice ! Glad to see someone else interested in this game. You forgot to take the intro skip into account when you compared both our movies, so yours was actually 4 frames faster iirc. I've restart the first level, and saved 4 frames over yours. I think I can save 1 or 2 more frames. Would you mind doing some of the other levels so I have something to compare with?
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Spikestuff wrote:
Oh sweet. Nice to know that you improved upon mine. Also Quick Question: Did you change the order... as in doing Level 5 before 4 to abuse more? And how long did it take you to defeat N.Gin?
Hum, I might be missing something as I don't see the point of doing level 5 before 4. I started both level with level 2 mask. What do you mean exactly by "abuse more" ? N.Gin took 1332 frames from the moment you start seeing the screen to first entirely black screen. Quick Encode of Warp Room 2 : Link to video
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Spikestuff wrote:
Just mentioning something it took me 3925 frames (1:05.25) to defeat Dingodile. (First frame you see screen till first frame of black) Link to video This is roughly 66 frames AHEAD of Lil_Gecko's boss fight against Dingodile. - 1st hit: ABUSE - 2nd hit: No Abuse (Damn lucky too) - 3rd hit: ABUSE (This one might not be the best) -Download Here- (Starts from Snapshot) This is only 1/24 of the game or 1/45 when 101% it's not much as you can tell but it's worth to keep. Version: VBA-RR v23.6 svn480 (not that, that matters) I'm allowing this to be used in runs. Enjoy. If someone improves on this well then you can share your file.
Thanks but I have improved this Dingodile fight since I last post. I'm actually 5 frames faster than your movie now. Currently starting Warp Room 3.
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I guess I'll ask here since I'm really stuck. I'm currently TASing Glitch Abuse 3 and I'm at a part where you need to clip through stairs without running speed. I think it's possible but I've not been able to do it. If anyone can help ? IPS is here : Savestate is here : Thanks.
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