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Ah! That's logical, then. Very valid point! Thank you.
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Ya know, technically speaking...the last possible place of input would be the High Score screen. But that's just splitting hairs. This movie is all kinds of awesome! It's a pretty much "must-watch". ...if only to see Annie. XD
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Um... I'm not gonna ask. Anyway! This movie is awesome! That glitch is pretty damned cool and I'm surprised something that simple hadn't been discovered before now. I think this movie should be published as a secondary movie, seeing as it's a glitched run instead of a normal playthrough.
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Ya know... The Belmont family has some really screwy bloodlines. Sonia's the only pure Belmont, then Trevor is the offspring of Sonia and Alucard...or used to be, anyway. Trevor then probably had a kid with Sypha, so that's the Belnades magic mixed with quarter-vampire blood and Belmont genes... (Well... Belmont genes, after the ret-con, I think.) Pretty whacked out by the time it gets to Julius, I wager. Anyway, this is a pretty good speed run. I can't see anything that could be improved, plus it's fairly entertaining to watch. The downside comes from the movie file itself in that, as mentioned above, if you fast-forward the movie at all, it desynchs. But anyway, pretty entertaining all and all, and a good look into what used to be the past.
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HHS wrote:
Nah, in SMB3 the pipe tune is started by writing 07 to 04F5 and the death tune by writing 01 to 04F4. But in SMAS, different sets of music are loaded on the world map and in the levels, and both songs are started by writing 09 to 2142. So it must have been for another reason, or your memory could be wrong.
Hn. Must've been a bum Super Mario All-Stars ROM I was thinking of, then. 'cause that event is etched into my memory. Major deja vu, when I saw that...
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Not to also be a pain, but I'd like to back up George's request for a re-encoded AVI, if it's not a huge ordeal. D: If it is, then nevermind.
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I dunno if it's been mentioned before, but I recall seeing a glitch in the original Super Mario Bros. 3 where the player died, either normally or abnormally, and the "Miss" tune didn't play, but instead the "Pipe Maze" tune did. If this occurence in the Mushroom House doesn't prove that this version of Super Mario Bros. 3 is literally a port with enhanced graphics and sound, I dunno what does. Anyway...something I would've liked to see was when you went through the wall in World 2-F (fortress), I kind of want to know if there's anything over there. Is there any chance you could've possibly phased through the wall while wearing a P-Wing? Or are the jumping physics too radically different while wearing one to actually do that?
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Subterrania... It's like Solar Jetman on crack. Except that the graphics are extraordinarily beautiful for a MegaDrive game and the music sounds like it was done by a collection of Demosceners. (Incidently, Jesper Kyd went on to do music for such games as Assassin's Creed and Hitman: Blood Money. The dude knows music, and it shows!) The game itself is bloody irritating, but this movie plays the game like it's just kid stuff! Quickly and efficiently does JXQ blow through the game at speeds so fast, sometimes the screen can't even keep up. His handling of that ship makes for a very interesting and entertaining run of this comparitively short game! Joseph approves! XD
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Hey, mandingo. Try again. :) Keep at it until it's the best darned movie ever! I'm certain that if you keep trying, you'll get that sublime movie you're aiming for. ^_^
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Smells like Amiga... I'm not hugely impressed by the game or most of the music, but I'll be damned if this isn't a really awesome playthrough! Well done!
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Post subject: Record to AVI Desynch Problems
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Hello! I've had some seriously bad issues with recording movies to AVI with FCE Ultra any time I've tried. By "bad issues," I pretty much mean "a minor technical SNAFU". Basically, I notice my recorded video starts to desynch little by little the longer it is. One solution to this would obviously be to record the sucker in segments, but that's rather irritating. I figured I'd ask you folks how you record your AVIs. Ya know... Codecs... System configurations... Stuff like that. Not a single FCE Ultra AVI I've seen on this site desynchs even a little tiny big, so I figure it's either the Codecs I'm using or my system just isn't powerful enough (...?!) to record a proper AVI. System Configuration 1.4 GHz Intel Processor 1 GB RAM AGP nVidia GeForce FX 5600LE (8x 128 MB RAM Video Card (running at 4x)) Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Sound Card Latest version of FCE Ultra Re-Record Usual Codec Used XviD MPEG-4 Codec Codecs Previously Used Uncompressed DivX 6.7 Codec Microsoft Video 1 Any help would be awesome. Thanks!
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Post subject: Mega Man: The Power Battle (Bass, MM7, Very Hard)
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This is a quick speedrun of the arcade game "Mega Man: The Power Battle" using Bass and playing on the Mega Man 7 path on the hardest DIP settings possible. (Though it's hard to tell.) I never get hit once and even use some unique solutions to weapon failure when I can (such as the fight with Dr. Wily). It aims for the fastest time, entertainment value, and victory with Bass who's the hardest of the three to use due to his unique "dash" move. (Though I used it to my advantage a couple times, as you'll see.) There are some mistakes which I plan to one day do over, but all and all, it should still prove interesting. I also made a slight error by not ending the recording on the last actual point of input -- the "high score" screen. That will be fixed as well if there's interest. YouTube Link FinalBurn Alpha v0.2.94.98 Rerecording Movie (Requires FinalBurn Alpha v0.2.94.98 Rerecording, "Mega Man: The Power Battle Asia ROM (""), and about three minutes of your time.) I'm basically submitting this to ask if it's worth officially submitting or not. And...I figure it's probably worth some good payback on some of the submissions I've "poo-pooed" in the last couple years. ;P
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mmbossman wrote:
Check the upper left corner of your screen again Mr. Collins. You got the TA part right, but the S (at least according to the front page link) is superplay. Although...... the front page does say speedrun
Huh? ... !@#*. Which is it, though? I assumed "speedrun" considering it's been that for some time and at least 99% of the submitted movies are that exactly... But if the official word on it is "superplay", then I really regret voting "Meh".
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I... I don't know what to vote! This is absolutely the single-most entertaining thing I've ever seen submitted, but the site is supposed to be "Tool-Assisted Speedrun Videos" think I'll just go neutral on this one. This absolutely rocks out loud, but it's not exactly a "speedrun"...
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Despite OrderedChaos translating the game as "Riki-Kunio", the title actually translates to "Legend of Burning Fighters". In Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu, you're invited to a big martial arts tournament by a mysterious duo called the "Twin Tiger". You and your partner have to fight your way through fifteen matches. If you come out on top overall, you have the honor of fighting the Twin Tiger yourselves! A unique feature about this game is that your character can be generated from a multitude of faces, fighting styles, and come equipped with any three of a vast number of special moves. What determines all this is the name you enter as well as the date of birth and blood type. The game really stars you as the hero, despite the fact the intro shows Kunio and Riki (or "Alex and Ryan" from Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari or "River City Ransom") getting the letter. The game itself genuinely isn't that interesting. It's not really supposed to be, mind you. This isn't supposed to be "Downtown Nekkutsu II" or something (unlike that side-story game set in feudal Japan). It's a simple tournament-style four-person brawl. So of course it's gonna seem boring and repeatitive if you play through the story mode. The real meat of the game is its Rumble mode where you and up to three of your friends can go at it with any of the sixteen available characters in any of seven stages! But I digress. Anyway, to the best of my knowledge, there's actually no way to use Toraichi and Toraji in Story Mode. (Even the passwords entered didn't give the player the Twin Tiger team, but one that was fairly close in moves and dead-on in looks, resulting in some interesting but harmless glitches later on.) That said, it's irrelivant to say you used the Twin Tiger because you didn't. Entering the passwords you did simply gave you maximum-level characters that could mop the floor with everyone else...which is exactly what you ended up doing! No huge mistakes were made aside from slamming one of your fighters into the electrical wall in the third electric arena fight, causing him to delay the victory, but it still seems like the timing on your enemies' defeats could have been better... Consistantly making it so they blink-out at the same time, as you did on many fights, would've worked to your advantage. Don't get me wrong! This is a very impressive piece of work! could be better, I believe. I'm gonna have to vote "No". It was interesting as anything and I did like watching the movie (That's a really crappy voting question, by the way. Whether you liked it or not should have no effect on your vote.), but it just wasn't done as best as possible...
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The Green Herring wrote:
It refused to play when I tried to play it in WinAmp 5. When I checked it out in a hex editor, my suspicions were confirmed: This movie suffers from exactly the same error as ccfreak2k's .AVI for xipo's Adventures of Bayou Billy TAS (encoded with joint stereo instead of mono.) To fix it, open it in a hex editor and change entry 0x12a from 02 to 01.
Yeah. That made it play perfectly, Green. Thanks much! (I use Media Player Classic, myself, so I was a bit surprised when it refused to play, but I could slide to anywhere in the movie anyway.) Edit: No, it didn't make it play perfectly. It made it play the left side of the audio alone, but in mono. :(
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I'll be damned... I can genuinely say that bites. I can also genuinely say this gets a Yes vote from me. :D
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Ooh! A game I've played! Let's see what we've got! General Comments: - Jason and Sofia must be really dirty for water to hurt them that much... - Why is it that you burst-fire in spurts, exactly? Especially with Jason during boss fights? - You're right. The overhead scenes are a bit more interesting than the rest of the game for some reason... - I swear, no one except for Sega, Konami, and maybe Capcom could use the YM2612 sound chip effectively. God help Sunsoft, though. They tried. Stage 1 - No comments here. You just blitzed through as fast as (in)humanly possible and did so very well. Stage 2 - Poor Jason exploded! Twice! D: Stage 3 - I'd say "QUIT KILLING JASON YOU JERK!", but it saves an impressive amount of time overall (duh), so... - Man... I never realized just how poorly designed this game actually is. Heat-resistant armor right outside of an area covered in magma? Sheesh. Stage 4 - Really short stage with one useless (for speed-runs) power-up -- the Three-Way Missle Gun. Nice music, though. Stage 5 - Alright, I have to ask... Was getting the Homing Missile Gun for Jason really necessary? Like, can't you move on to the next zone without it? I didn't see or hear the fishy drop a key... -- Turns out it actually was. Nevermind! - Tank Snorkel < Swim Unit. :( - On that note, Jason seems to have forgotten how to swim altogether! Stage 6 - Well, this stage was short and the music was pretty decent. Not much else to say. Stage 7 - I will be making a MIDI of this tune at some point. Stage 8 - The end! I hate this level's music, by the way. My Vote: Until I can get an answer about my question for Level 5, I'm holding my vote. But if I like what I hear, it's pretty much a lock that I'll vote Yes. Yes vote because this is an entertaining and really quick playthrough altogether. To the best of my knowledge, no critical errors were made (or even any noticable minor ones). The routes may be improved, but only by a few milliseconds at most. Therefore, Yes vote.
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Post subject: Request: Wrecking Crew '98
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A major change from the original Wrecking Crew, Wrecking Crew '98 was something more of a "Panel De Pon" or "Columns"-styled puzzle game, despite the fact Mario and the enemies from the original Wrecking Crew made appearences. The game also had a the original game in it as a feature you could access right from the get-go. Hidden levels and hidden characters made the replay value slightly higher than the original, as well. So what's say someone does this game? It really is a blast to play and I'd love to see someone stomp all over it! XD
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Let's smash some walls!! In this amazing game from the 80s, you play Mario, in his role as a carpenter levelling various buildings and parts of building to the ground with your hammer and the occasional bomb. But watch out! Your rival carpenter, Spike, is just as anxious to knock down some walls as you are! And he's brought company! Can Mario win the day before Spike and company? Only you can decide!
That said, let's get ourselves a Wrecking Crew thing goin'! And yes, I know I'm being rather pushy lately, what with two (three, counting the one I'm about to make in conjuction with this one) game requests and whatnot, but I have lots of interests. ^_^; [EDIT by Bisqwit: Merged your post into the existing thread. I suggest using "search" before posting new topics.] [REPLY by Joseph Collins: I did and it didn't turn up squat. I'd appreciate it if you didn't assume I don't search for these things before I make topics for them.]
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The movie pittered out at Phase 4 for me... The professor wanged one of those green dudes for some reason, then the movie sort of stopped doing anything. O_o Weird, considering the checksums line up and all... Movie looks really nice otherwise!
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alden wrote:
Maybe if you could explain how to play the game to me :P
Gyromite Mode-A Controls, No-R.O.B. Version: Controller I D-Pad -- Move the Professor left or right and climb up and down ropes. Select Button -- Pause the Game Controller II (Usually held by the Robotic Operating Buddy.) B Button -- Raise red gates. A Button -- Raise blue gates. Objective Collect all the dynamite in the stage before the time runs out. The game moves horrendously slower with R.O.B. at the helm of Controller II. I never did understand what the spinning gyros were for, either...
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Post subject: Request: Gyromite
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Yes, I'm serious. I'd like to see a speed-run of Gyromite's "Game A" done. Given that the game is essentially a two-player game (in the sense that it can be played without R.O.B.), I think it might be interesting. Or at least mildly amusing...
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I have to ask... Other than the title screen stuff, are there any notable differences between the original Castlevania ROMs and the "Konami Classic" version? Where did the Konami Classic version come from anyway?
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Post subject: Needs More Ganbare Goemon!
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Plain and simple message here... TASvideos needs more Ganbare Goemon! I'd love to see Ganbare Goemon 2, Ganbare Goemon 3, and Ganbare Goemon Kirakira Douchuu: Boku ga Dancer ni Natta Wake done up right! I just recently squashed Ganbare Goemon Kirakira Douchuu myself and it was so fun to play... Had some great music, too! And of course, lots of laughs, even if you aren't familiar with Japanese culture or can read Japanese. ^_^
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