Posts for Dacicus

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Exonym wrote:
Dacicus wrote:
This may not be useful in a run, actually. Based on Spikestuff's document, the shortest time to reach a miniboss is stage 5 at about 1500 frames.
Does this include the stages that we did not have a powerup for? For instance, if we got the flame powerup from stage 1 and then just re-entered stage 1 now with the ability to flame dash.
No, that only includes what the teams actually did in the submitted runs. Re-entering stage 1 after getting the flame dash is an idea. In order to save time in stage 6 with the segment skip, however, I estimate that you would have to get through the first segment of stage 1 in 500-600 frames with flame dashing. The second segment is almost entirely falling, so that's capped by the vertical falling speed. EDIT: The first segment of stage 1 is about 2300 pixels long. At 3 pixels per frame with flame dashing, it would still take too long.
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Miniboss skip is possible in stage 6, but you have to set up a miniboss state first: EDIT: This may not be useful in a run, actually. Based on Spikestuff's document, the shortest time to reach a miniboss is stage 5 at about 1500 frames. It takes about 1800 frames to reach the stage 6 miniboss without any segment skips. This looks good, but the number of frames lost to screen transitions when entering and leaving a stage to set up the segment skip is over 500. You also have to add the time needed to get the helmet upgrade. So it looks like this will lose time rather than save it. Furthermore, the enemy I used for the skip seemingly cannot spawn during normal gameplay. Its spawn coordinates are (144, 48). Based on my previous tests, the camera needs to reach a Y-coordinate between 80 and 88 to spawn it. However, the transition to the next segment is triggered when the camera Y-coordinate reaches 96, which is lower in the segment than the enemy. There aren't any enemies to spawn in the segment immediately before the miniboss.
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ThunderAxe31 wrote:
you can download it from there if interested:
Here's an unoptimized improvement that kills the boss faster using an enemy: Based on an IRC conversation with FatRatKnight and Exonym, so the idea wasn't mine. EDIT: The helicopter enemy spawns at coordinates (2072, 52). Based on my experiments earlier, you want to move left between camera X-coordinates (0x1500) 2104 and 2112 to respawn it moving in the right direction. Camera Y-coordinate (0x1504) should be 52 or less.
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ThunderAxe31 wrote:
Also, I've discovered a way to make the spider to spawn multiple times.
I looked into this and am pretty sure it's due to a segment transition occurring in that room. The spider spawns in the same exact location in both segments, so what you're seeing is not a glitch, unless you've spawned more than two. The same thing happens with the platform to the left of the spider and with an enemy near the top of that segment. I updated the stage 0 map to indicate which enemies may spawn twice because they are defined in the same location in different segments.
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I've done some experimentation with enemy spawning. This may only apply to horizontally scrolling segments, but it looks like you have to be scrolling the camera horizontally for enemies to spawn. When moving to the right, the enemy spawns when the value of 0x1500 is in the range 248-300 away from the horizontal spawn position. When moving to the left, the range is 32-40. If you destroy the enemy while moving within those ranges, it will respawn. The enemy doesn't spawn if its vertical spawn position is less than the value of 0x1504 (i.e., if it's above the camera) or if its vertical spawn position is more than 160 greater than the value of 0x1504 (i.e., if it's too far below the camera). That 160 value was determined by manipulating the value of 0x1504 via Lua, so feel free to take it with a grain of salt. For vertically scrolling segments, it looks like you have to be scrolling the camera vertically for enemies to spawn. When moving downward, the enemy spawns when the value of 0x1504 is in the range 168-200 away from the vertical spawn position. When moving upward, the range is 32-40.
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I made some stage maps that show where the enemies spawn but only got through two of the stages before the contest ended. Did anyone else do something like this? If not, does anyone want to help finish the project? Stage 0 Stage 8 (GIMP file that lets you toggle enemies on and off) Stage numbering is based on the RAM value at 0x152C. EDIT: Each stage is divided into segments/substages. The data is organized as follows in the ROM: Each stage has a four-byte pointer, with stage 0 starting at 0x3CCF68. This points to a group of four-byte pointers for each segment, which then point to the actual enemy spawn locations. The location data consists of 18 bytes for each enemy, with bytes 0-1 indicating X-position, bytes 2-3 indicate Y-position, and byte 6 indicating the type of enemy. The X- and Y-positions are relative to the beginning of each segment. In case it is more helpful than the above explanation, this is the Lua script I used to dump the data for those maps:
local stage_pointers = 0x3CCF68
local substages = {[0]=5, 8, 11, 11, 10, 11, 8, 11, 12, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3}
local current_stage = 1
local current_stage_address, current_substage_address, next_substage_address, number_of_enemies
local current_enemy_address, current_enemy_x, current_enemy_y, current_enemy_type


  current_stage_address = memory.read_u24_le(stage_pointers + current_stage * 4)

  for i = 0, substages[current_stage] - 1 do
    current_substage_address = memory.read_u24_le(current_stage_address + i * 4)
    next_substage_address = memory.read_u24_le(current_stage_address + i * 4 + 4)
    number_of_enemies = math.floor((next_substage_address - current_substage_address) / 18)

    console.writeline("Stage " .. current_stage .. ", substage " .. i)

    for j = 0, number_of_enemies do
      current_enemy_address = current_substage_address + j * 18
      current_enemy_x = memory.read_u16_le(current_enemy_address)
      current_enemy_y = memory.read_u16_le(current_enemy_address + 2)
      current_enemy_type = memory.read_u8(current_enemy_address + 6)

      console.writeline("   X: " .. current_enemy_x)
      console.writeline("   Y: " .. current_enemy_y)
      console.writeline("Type: " .. current_enemy_type)

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This may help.
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I played around a little with the Chou-Wakusei Senki - MetaFight (J).nes ROM (GoodNES 3.14) after seeing that happen and will summarize some info here. Hopefully this will serve as a starting point for figuring out the glitch. I used FCEUX 2.2.3 and only played as far as the second boss fight. After the scrolling ends when you enter a boss room, the following code is executed:
$971A:A5 14     LDA $0014
$971C:29 07     AND #$07
$971E:AA        TAX
$971F:BD 2B B6  LDA $B62B,X
$9722:60        RTS
$9627:2D FB 03  AND $03FB    <-- This is the important check
$962A:D0 0F     BNE $963B    <-- Branch taken if boss defeated
$962C:A9 C0     LDA #$C0
$962E:85 51     STA $0051
$9630:A9 08     LDA #$08
$9632:20 8C C1  JSR $C18C
$9635:20 CD 97  JSR $97CD
$9638:E6 46     INC $0046
$963A:60        RTS
$963B:20 1A 97  JSR $971A
$0014 is the value (current area - 1) at this point. At $B62B, you find a sequence of increasing powers of two, starting with 0x01. Per Data Crystal's RAM map, $03FB indicates which bosses have been defeated. So this checks if the boss of the current area has been defeated. If it has but the item has not been obtained, then the item is displayed. That seems to be what happened during the race. If the boss has not been defeated, then the room flashes, the boss loads (including its health), and you proceed with the fight. It appears that the health of the first two bosses is hard-coded into the ROM. For area 1, the pertinent code is:
$9C15:A9 80     LDA #$80
$9C17:85 53     STA $0053
For area 2, the pertinent code is:
$91FD:A9 40     LDA #$40
$91FF:85 53     STA $0053
The value from $0053 eventually ends up somewhere around $0470, but the exact RAM address varies. If you change the health to 0x00 before starting the fight (e.g., set execution breakpoint on $9C17, change A from 0x80 to 0x00, then continue emulation), the boss graphics load but immediately go into the death animation. This leads me to believe that whatever Skavenger did may have corrupted $03FB. There are likely other possibilities, but I will let someone with more time and experience take over. Actually, one other thing. This is the code that is executed when a boss is defeated:
$971A:A5 14     LDA $0014
$971C:29 07     AND #$07
$971E:AA        TAX
$971F:BD 2B B6  LDA $B62B,X
$9722:60        RTS
$97A7:0D FB 03  ORA $03FB
$97AA:8D FB 03  STA $03FB
Most if it should be familiar from that first block, but the last two lines update the value at $03FB rather than testing it.
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I also voted for Mothrayas's run.
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In the context of probability, it sounds like what you are doing is calculating the probability mass function for each element.
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You could start working on the TAS yourself.
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No vote. Aiming for purely the fastest run makes a boring movie. I have not played this game, but is there any other goal that might make it more interesting?
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Post subject: Re: Megaman X vs Samus Aran
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Marx wrote:
With armored X and Samus Aran with max upgrade suit
It doesn't matter; Link would quickly beat the winner. ;)
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I'm glad to hear the great news! Congratulations!
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I liked the movie, though skipping all those scenes made it look like almost everything was static on the screen. The ending is surprising, though; I don't remember reading any Nancy Drew stories in which she kills the criminal. I'd recommend a screenshot from around 3:44, where it looks like you're throwing a flatiron down the dumbwaiter (Home Alone reference?). Yes vote.
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MMHP has useful info about this game. It looks like a Forte run should start off with Aircon Man, since the Forte Cyclone is either equal to or more powerful against bosses than any other weapon Forte gets. I just played through the game today as Forte, and the Aircon Man fight isn't that hard even unassisted.
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adelikat wrote:
2) The serial link cable isn't emulated, other than programming the game yourself there is no way to load a game.
You could use the AsmComp command to type in the program, and go from there. This might be easy to automate using Lua and the file(s) of the program.
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I found the music and obstacle patterns of the game more interesting than what the player was doing, so I'm going with a Meh vote.
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jlun2 wrote:
There are no cheats in RuneScape
Perhaps it's just me, but I differentiate between cheats and glitches in that the former are intentional on the part of the programmers and the latter are not. If you have any examples of Runescape cheats by that reasoning, please share.
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JWinslow23 wrote:
Perhaps you used the wrong ROM filename. The right filename is "Average Person (Japan, USA, Europe).fds".
That's clearly a hack, pirate, or fake. FDS images should be J only. Also, can we really expect an average Japanese person to laugh at what are likely American or British jokes?
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No vote due to incorrect emulation. Also, Dynaman's stage isn't optimal: Jumping on the conveyor belts that are moving opposite to Mega Man (around 3:25 on the YT encode) would be faster than walking. DarkKobold does it properly a few seconds later on the conveyor belts.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Dacicus = /dɑkikus/
The i and u are supposed to be short, which would make the pronunciation more like /dɑkɪkʊs/ according to the Latin textbooks I've seen. That might be an artifact of the multiple sounds possible for the same letter in English, however. Warp: Classical Latin did not have a soft c sound, so it would always have been pronounced as a k.
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Because the scoring mechanism of the game doesn't go longer.
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I'd be in favor of a max score publication. Why bother going beyond that?
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Warp wrote:
A significant portion of people will refuse to take the vaccine. They prefer taking the 1% chance of dying than the 0.1% chance of getting the disease.
Maybe they'd prefer to take the higher chance of a relatively quick death to the lower chance of years of living with
Warp wrote:
a severe chronic disease.
People with chronic diseases have higher rates of depression and suicide due to the limitations placed on them by the diseases. I've had patients who were understandably suicidal due to the impact of severe, chronic diseases on their lives, though I personally do not believe that suicide is ever justified.
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