Posts for Archanfel

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Entertaining run, it was enough pleasant to watch! However i accidentally noticed that skidding in air is faster than normal running speed. (Skidding is 4 pixels per frame, while running is only 3 ppx.) But you use skidding in air quite rarely... Unfortunately i was doomed to vote "No" due this significant flaw in optimisation.
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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Displayed the same way as something actually occurred. ... Иначе говоря - живьем.
Эта фраза как-то совсем криво переведена.
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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Nice to see someone that tried this game again :) Well done, Meerkov! Well, since it should be accepted as improvement to my movie i forced to play devil's advocate and to ask at least something: For example about Level 6 *Search for Monstro*. Seems for this underwater level difficulty have no effects on gameplay (or at least vanishingly small), however you had lost 3 seconds (181 frames if i counted correctly) without valid reasons. Why? Also at end of Level 4 Pleasure Island i saw that you had few empty (without useful item) fireworks explosions. I remember this place is absolute nightmare to manipulate. Obviously all explosions should give item, and it just the first layer of optimisation. Second layer was to find best sequence of explosions. But in new movie unfortunately i not saw even first layer done... My vote meh.
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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During last two years there are several new tricks and glitches has been discovered (mostly by Traviktox). My currently published TAS can be improved. So i must to bring the Word of Law in the third time! Link to video Judge Dredd: It's a lie! The evidence has been falsified! It's impossible! I never broke the law, I AM THE LAW!
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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Как так? Почему дропают? Как вариант, наверно можно будет юзать последний стабильный релиз, который еще поддерживает.
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
Post subject: Re: Movie published
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Hey, why encode is so short? I wanna know what will happen when sandglass will finally run out.
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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Жабы это святое, ради них можно и подождать. Алёша халявщик бросил на самом интересном месте, Терра Трубы самый эпичный уровень, там еще копать и копать. Я сеговский порт в свое время до дыр затирал. У меня картридж с небольшим дефектом был (или это какая хитрая усложнялка-защита от копирования, не знаю), в общем если использовать пропуск уровней хоть раз, то игра почему то зацикливалась на уровне, где босс Робо-Манус, убиваешь его, а уровень зараза начинается тот же самый заново (снова и снова). Поэтому что бы пройти игру до конца приходить только варплесс играть. Эх, веселые были времена.
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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Nice improvements! I liked previous two movies, so this one easily get Yes vote. Btw i curious about darkness.
thecoreyburton wrote:
Is the darkness of this game (when played back on the emulator) the same as on the console? A quick levels adjustment in virtualdub (input 0, 1, 100, full output, unticked operate in luma) corrects it to what I believe are the natural colors and can easily be moved into an AVS script. I'm interested to see if it's actually supposed to be like this or not.
So, how it look on real console? Is it really so dark or emulator's color bug?
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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Oh dear, such a horrible game choice! But should be ok for vault :) P.S. It reminded me: Link to video
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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Damned youtube. Yeah to apply ng_deblink would be great. Thanks.
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
Post subject: Re: Movie published
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If watch published YT encode at 30fps, sometimes main character when "blinking" during potion - is completely disappear (or vice versa visible without blinking). Is it possible make it look like normal blinking?
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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feos wrote:
Такой вот тест. Ничо не сравнивал, просто пример страты.
Сравнил немного, этот страт чёто не особо удался: Здоровья ты потратил больше (на 10HP), а пришел медленнее = пока не айс.
Уровень 1-3			
		Archanfel	Feos	dx
Начало  	4139	4100	0
Солдатик	4169	4131	1
Солдатик	4295	4260	4
Y=2900  	4413	4390	16
Солдатик	4643	4605	1
Y=2650  	4758	4733	14
X=200   	4863	4835	11
Солдатик	4923	4891	7
Y=2300  	5012	4978	5
Y=1707J 	5286	5248	1
Y=1579J 	5334	5298	3
X=200   	5429	5394	4
Солдатик	5535	5508	12
X=301   	6078	6050	11
Конец   	6133	6106	12
Здоровье   136    126
Если обобщить наработки с обоих наших мувиков - то кадров 30+ можно будет срубить при том же расходе здоровья. Уровень весьма суровый, много интересностей. А вообще, в идеале надо связку 1-3 + 2-1 вместе тестить, а не только 1-3 отдельно.
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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creaothceann wrote:
That's quite a dark picture
Comparing with Eek! The Cat - it not even dark at all.
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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feos wrote:
Более того, последнее время участились случаи, когда судьи сами советовали изи для пущих скипов, если геймплей не страдает. Ну то есть это также предложение таки перекатиться на легкий режим.
Если бы у нас были существенные скипы завязанные на дамаг, я обеими лапами был бы за изи. Однако больших скипов как таковых нет, одна мелочевка.
feos wrote:
Меню стоит 123 кадра (1 из них на манипуляцию первым врагом). Возможно это даже больше, чем потенциальные потери в 1-3/2-1, хех.
Похоже даже на меню не наскребем, на дамаге столько не наваришь. К тому же завершить уровень на нормале выживая буквально на последних хитпойтах "пройдясь по лезвию ножа" как то больше впечатляет, нежели неубиваемый гаргуль-терминатор ленностно прогуливающийся на изи. В общем я за то что бы остаться на нормале.
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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Sorry XYZ, as i answered earlier second game is not interesting for me. Main problem of LV2 is that there are no 3-player mode. Having only 2 of 3 vikings under control - metaphorically it's like a bird with circumcised wings.
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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Skarsnik wrote:
I did not really give up for the double birds to escape.
Glad to hear.
Skarsnik wrote:
Do you want the Lua script with map collision? ... The issue it only work for bizhawk now. (but with small adjugement it can work on snes9x)
Not sure that it would be useful, but if for you it is not hard make equivalent for snes9x - you are welcome to do it :)
Skarsnik wrote:
If you can zip almost anywhere you can probably save time on 1-4
Not forget that jumping on enemy at exact position very close to ceiling is necessary to penetrate inside. I not see where in 1-4 it can be done?
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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As far as i remember, The US ((U)) versions are generally preferred over the Japanese ((J)). Extra health & nuts is good but i believe not enough significant to switch versions. Anyway nice to know about this difference. @Skarsnik I accidentally watched part of your practices where you failed to escape from pit in W2L1 with two birds. Try harder - it is possible.
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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Always liked this game. Nice improvements! Easy yes vote. Btw, is there a chances to see also "warpless" run?
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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Skarsnik wrote:
I thing I am done with world 1. if someone has pointers to improvement
If you want cruel truth - optimisation still at enough low level, lots of visible flaws. Just a few examples (list far from complete): ~5900 no reasons to kill hedgehog (who knows, may be it is grandfather of sonic?). If you jump at very beginning of bonus you easily can go upper path without killing it. ~7600 you can ride on platform a bit. ~9100 you can use fairy to climb up to platform faster (look published TAS). ~9300 no reasons for slowdown during getting nuts. ~13478 you can fall down without landing (look published TAS again) The same mistake 13974 and 14044.
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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DaTeL237 wrote:
I did have a quick look for more zips that turned out not so quick :P Idea for W2L2: I'm not sure with the exact mechanics yet so not sure if it will be possible... it's kind of tricky to set up as well but I suppose that adds value to the TAS :D Once you're inside the walls just jump a few times to reach the final
Idea for W2L2 seems very interesting! However ceiling here is too high and with only one bird it impossible to set up conditions for zip. I not exclude that may be exist some crazy-geek-opportunity to do it with using straw-man & birds, but it would be insane hard. Actually it even very hard to test. Need some kind of script to get bird XY-position under our control. And even if with "tame bird" it will work not the fact real free bird will allow to do the same. I not tell about that straw-man is also pain in ass. Oh... it will be very hard challenge. In W2L3 it possible with one bird but, but it's significantly slower than classic upper path. Stupid key. I also had tested idea to skip Mr.Octopus boss. (Small octopuses as set up to zip.) But result also negative - right side of map is not loaded until big one is alive.
DaTeL237 wrote:
:) I don't expect to be doing one so feel free to take the existing one and improve it :)
Currently i need to finish tas project for another game, but after it most likely i will try update Mr.Nutz.
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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Skarsnik wrote:
I don't know how zip work, but do you think it's possible to get out the crowded area that lead to the bonus stage in 2-1? I have to take 3 nuts here and do the useless bonus stage x)
To avoid this useless bonus stage i recommend you to try lure birds down and use them as ladder to climb up after getting these three nuts.
I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Current projects: NES: Tetris "fastest 999999" (improvement, with r57shell) Genesis: Adventures of Batman & Robin (with Truncated); Pocahontas; Comix Zone (improvement); Mickey Mania (improvement); RoboCop versus The Terminator (improvement); Gargoyles (with feos)
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