Posts for ALAKTORN

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xy2_ wrote:
This way, instead of having to delete the battery file each time you want to replay your movie, you can just load your premade savestate for subsequent movie replays.
…Are you saying to replay the movie from the start every time you’re TASing? I hope not.
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Brian_pso wrote:
5. The place I'm talking about is schtserv, it's a private server for PSO, the knowledge level about this game around there is astonishing, when making your decisions, you should always check with the guys out there if your plan is the best possible. Also they have a database too, but this time all the information is taken out of the game itself, from it's files, so there's no mismatching. You should definitely go there before you start this TAS, I'm sure there'll be people willing to help you with this. I hope I could be of help, I could give you more specific information but it would be pointless since you'll find much more reliable sources there, here's the url:
Well that sucks, the site is dead. What now?
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Been looking into a few more things on Deuceler’s request. Sadly, I couldn’t find any sort of setup or helpful manipulation for the bat jump. I found speed addresses, but the values are a bit weird and seem slightly inaccurate (RAM speed acts really weirdly while holding R1)… Anyway, jumping is faster, but you get 1 frame of landing lag so if you’re already at top speed it’s slower (only faster to jump to accelerate). Jumping uphill is faster, and downhill slower. I don’t know if it was known, but the game has VSC (Vertical Speed Conservation). Basically when you land your Y speed gets stored rather than reset to 0, and next time you run off a ledge you get that speed back, so you can fall faster than normal. In theory you could also get a jump without jumping if you previously jumped and landed with upwards momentum, but I don’t know if that’s actually possible to do in the game. Here’s a new Lua which should work in both USA and JPN versions, draws XYZ position/spawn, horizontal speed, calculated speed which should be a bit more accurate than the RAM one, and prints RNG/speed changes depending on which function you comment-out in the code (defaults to RNG commented out): (calculated speed going to 0 at every lag frame is normal). It was super bugged at first and I tried my best to make it better, but it may still have bugs or inaccuracies. Report them if you find any.
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Would’ve been nice to know what that secret improvement movie had improved… does shooting walls not change the RNG? Could be a way to get past RNG troubles.
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adelikat wrote:
Are we still talking about level 2? I drive straight though both layers before I turn left.
Wouldn’t it save like 1 frame if you aligned to hit 2 of the center white things at the start of the level? Move a bit to the left, then go up and shoot 2 instead of just the center one. Edit: You also seem to move up unnecesarily after you’ve cleared the green stuff, wouldn’t it be faster to just turn and shoot for 1 frame then continue in a horizontal line rather than moving that much vertically? Edit2: In the third level, to destroy the 3 middle ones, you use 2 turns instead of a single turn aligned to destroy 2 at once. Does that not lose time? Also, your ending to level 3 is different compared to your level 2’s, but they’re the same thing, so are both strategies tied in speed?
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Short enough for a Meh.
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creaothceann wrote:
You definitely shouldn't marathon episodic shows, especially Mushishi. One episode per week is mostly fine.
I’ve never not marathoned an anime. Except for maybe very rare times I don’t even remember. I avoid watching anime as it’s coming out, due to the wait for each episode and the fact that the Blu-rays are of superior quality anyway.
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moozooh wrote:
I've recently watched all of Mushishi; confirming its absolute brilliance. 9/10 easily.
If you enjoyed Mushishi, you have to watch Kino’s Journey. I think they’re very similar, but with Mushishi I got bored at times because of the slow pacing, while Kino’s Journey has slightly faster pacing that doesn’t bore you. I like Kino’s Journey over Mushishi, definitely recommend it. Ef – A Tale of Memories is in my opinion the best romance anime I’ve ever watched, recommended to anyone who likes that genre.
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Finish any of my “planned” TASes.
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Never seen this topic before, good post xy2_. Are all those steps really required for sync on 0.9.10/11, though? I think just deleting the battery file before you start TASing works… though I’m not 100% sure, even though I’m using 0.9.11 to TAS Mega Man ZX.
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MUGG wrote:
It's been years since I watched Death Note but I remember it was a bit bland especially after a certain plot point. I vaguely remember some parts had way too much dialogue to be enjoyable...
I’ve re-watched it recently and even after *spoiler* it’s not actually bad. I don’t remember ever thinking the dialogue was too long. Bland? No idea what you were watching. Other good anime: Ef – A Tale of Memories Kino’s Journey CLANNAD Spice and Wolf Serial Experiments Lain Mushishi Black Lagoon Gunslinger Girl Elfen Lied Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Cowboy Bebop School Days GANTZ Mnemosyne
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Death Note is best anime.
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Samsara wrote:
Plus, anyone who can wrangle DeSMuMe for five runs deserves an insane amount of respect, given that a lot of the runs were long in length and suffered various desyncs all throughout,
Is that really a thing? I never heard of anyone saying that DeSmuME isn’t sync-stable. I find it to be one of, if not the, best emulator around. I probably like it over BizHawk as well, even though BizHawk has some great things and will undoubtedly become the best emulator given time. Edit: Now that I think about it… versions 0.9.10 and 0.9.11 of DeSmuME have known SRAM issues. That could certainly create desyncs, I suppose, but if you know about it you shouldn’t have them, and there is always version 0.9.9 to fall back on.
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Mothrayas wrote:
So, your complaints about the site staff being non-caring and "oblivious" to the community are entirely based on the (in)action of one person (adelikat)?
You’re free to disagree with what I’ve said, but you have no reason to spew this bullshit. Never have I said nor inferred that in my post, stop putting words in my mouth.
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I’m siding with Warp, slightly. When was the last time you saw an administrator post in the forum? This site’s administration has become extremely non-caring and oblivious to the community, and the site has gone to shit as a result, quite obviously. Having said that, Warp, you’re either an idiot or are trolling if you think you’re in the right when ignoring everyone who’s asking for more information, or replying with “no more information is necessary”. I’ve written complains to Adelikat earlier this year, and as far as I can tell, was completely ignored. Despite what people here might think, I have years of moderating/managing multiple different forums/groups under my belt and know to act completely different towards people when I’m in such a role. Just to say that I’m not just whining about the staff, I’ve spent the past 11 years of my life 24/7 reading/moderating forums, I know how these things go.
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Wow, that was quick. Nice work, it seems like you’ve really figured out all the speed tricks from reading the submission text. Waiting for encode.
Dash speed can be applied to a ground or wall jump at any point within 4 frames after initiating it. This is almost universally better for wall climbing since you travel less distance away from the wall at non-dash speed, and back to it more quickly at dash speed, allowing you to wall jump more frequently. You'll notice I am doing this when Grolla has after-images for only half of her jumps.
Thanks for probably confirming what I really should’ve tested years ago! It probably works the same way in Mega Man ZX, which means the published TAS must have tons of lost frames for not doing this. Edit: You have an open-ended, non-spaced parenthesis here:
fight(same thing goes for going from an 8 hit to a 9 hit fight.
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(War Room) Banker Hills 1.0 5/300 with Colin + Flak proof of concept. Uses RNG cheatcodes to have favorable outcomes, you can follow along because I captured the Lua window that prints the RNG. It was never math’d out if Flak could get the score or not, so I went and made this. The vid is muted because I can’t run the game at 60fps btw. Link to video RNG Lua script used in the vid (USA ROM only): That script is already contained within the TASBot I’ve posted before, but since it’s annoying to have the script randomly press inputs while you’re just trying to view the RNG I took the RNG info and put it in the new script.
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Congrats Alyosha. I’m here since 2009 and haven’t even submitted a single solo TAS yet.
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FaschZ wrote:
Yes I used a Lua script to automatically tap the A button for me
You can upload that here: to aid future possible TASers.
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Why does the N64 core’s lag counter not detect the alternating lag in Banjo Kazooie (30fps game) but detects it for Super Mario 64 (another 30fps game)?
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zeromus wrote:
alkatorn, I don't know what fake lag frames are so i doubt anything has changed in that respect. What was repaired is that it didn't work at all.
I noticed it wasn’t detecting lag some times and was told by Spikestuff and Mothrayas those were “fake” lag frames the emu wasn’t going to be detecting. So now I’m wondering whether the repair makes it detect them or something else. Because other than those instances, IIRC, it was detecting lag. Edit: Just found out the alternating lag in 30fps games isn’t detected on the N64 core either… wow, how does anyone use this thing to TAS? Edit: Actually it detects them in Super Mario 64, but not in Banjo Kazooie. lol
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Hyperresonance wrote:
I don't know how to hex edit but if you would like to help I'd be open to figuring it out. I can send you the files later when I get home from work.
Cool, I’ll be waiting. Hex-editing is mostly not even necessary with today’s emulators (the term just kind of stuck around from old days), you just have to open the input file in a text editor and edit the input so that it flows together. Like, if you save 12 frames in 1 room, you would edit the input and remove 12 frames of input during the next room’s load time to make it sync. I’ve never done input editing with BizHawk outside of TAStudio so I’m not sure if you can just open the input file in Notepad or something, but even just using TAStudio would make editing it pretty easy I think. Are you using Lua scripts at all for your TAS? Edit: I think this is the page that talks about input editing, you might want to read up on it:
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Hyperresonance wrote:
EDIT: I just tried this and it's a timesave for sure, but it less than half a second faster. Since it's so little, I am not going to redo it.
Can’t you just hex-edit the level after implementing the trick? Is the RNG that big of a deal and unmanipulable? Edit: If you’re in high waters with RNG reverse-engineering and have a need for it, I’d like to try and figure something out if you can PM me emu/game/savestate and if you already have it, RNG address. Edit2: Reading some pages back, I see Isotarge did some work and found the RNG, but it seems like nobody really looked into reverse-engineering it yet. I’d like to try if you can send me over the necessary files.