- "Prince of Persia: Special Edition" is an Adobe Flash game created by Ubisoft that was meant as a promotional game for the upcoming 3D title from the time "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time". This game only contains one level with a boss fight (Jaffar). The physics and visuals of this game are practically the same as the MacOS/Macintosh version. Basically, really slow and awkward.
- Drink all 2 potions and defeat all 2 guards as fast as possible without the menu exploit.
- Glitches included
- Obliterate Jaffar once again
- Thankfully, routing this TAS wasn't too difficult and I've made a few discoveries along the way accidentally. I'll explain the detailed areas since everything else is trivially optimized.
Air Walk/Long Jump:
- This is the first discovery I've found during the making. After a long jump, if you land on a specific pixel on the edge of a platform, you will still fall. However, it won't perform the falling animation which allows the player to walk and long jump while falling in the air. I use this for quick turnaround as well for the 1st and 2nd potion. Unfortunately, I can't implement this glitch in the "any%" TAS.
Crouch Sliding:
- After we drink both potions and head over to the double jump room, you will notice that I slide by holding down. This is important because the Prince has to be in the correct position in order to barely make the running long jump. If I simply ran off, the game would force me into the pit. Also, if I were to crawl, I wouldn't have enough room for the Prince to make the running long jump.
Potential Improvements:
- After defeating the last guard, for some reason, I can't replicate the boss door technique. I'm going to assume that there's some subpixel BS happening with the guard. So, even when I finished fighting the guard in multiple different places to hope that it lines up with the technique, I came to no avail and got the same result. If someone wants to look into it more, hit me up. :)
Suggested Screenshot:
- Frame 1149 :)