This run aims to complete Sonic EraZor 8 as fast as possible.
WARNING: This hack does have flashing lights, which may affect those with epilepsy or photosensitivity.
Game Objectives
- Complete the Casual Mode of Sonic EraZor
- Uses glitches and abuses game mechanics
Sonic EraZor is a hack of Sonic the Hedgehog 1 for the Sega Mega Drive by Selbi. This hack completely changes the game, adding all new levels, questionable mechanics, a new story and sweet new moves for Sonic to use on his incredibly perilous journey. This hack was released in 2010 but had not seen an update for over 8 years after the 6th release. But when all hope was thought to be lost, in 2024 Selbi would release the seventh update to the hack, which added various new things, with the most prominent being the addition of a Casual mode and a Frantic mode. Earlier this year, Selbi released the 8th version of EraZor, which is the current version as of submission. This added saves to the game, a button combination to skip certain cutscenes, and it also had a lot of bug fixes.
Sonic's moveset has greatly changed from Sonic 1. He now has the ability to spindash, and he also has the peelout from Sonic CD. Sonic also has some new midair abilities! Jumping and pressing B allows Sonic to do a double jump, and also gives a slight boost in the direction that you are holding. Jumping and pressing C will allow Sonic to dash forward. Jumping and pressing C (or B) while holding down will allow Sonic to dash down towards the ground.
There is also a new S monitor in some levels that when broken, makes Sonic invincible and allows him to infinitely jump with A! Outside of this powerup, A is really only used to charge a peelout.
There are two gamemodes in EraZor 8: Casual Mode, and Frantic Mode. Casual Mode is basically normal gameplay, however it also allows you to use consoles throughout the levels that allow you to skip tough sections like in Labyrinthy Place where you have to ascend in the level without the ability to go below whatever the camera is focusing on. Frantic Mode is the hard mode of the game, with a quicker timer and less checkpoints throughout the game. Beating Casual Mode hints at a special dark place only for those who are worthy, so maybe Frantic Mode holds the secret?
Level-by-Level Comments
Before Starting the Game
Before I start the game, the game sends me to an options screen. This screen contains several options, like the ability to change the HUD, or change the epilepsy settings. I scroll down to the Arcade Mode option and change it to "On - Skip Story." After I do that, I scroll back to the Start Game button, and hold A while pressing start. This saves a LOT of time, not only with not having to be sent back to the Uberhub Place after every level, but also skips some cutscenes between each level.
Night Hill
This is where we get our first taste of infinite speed grinding! The downward dash does not detract any speed from Sonic when he uses it, so by jumping on a downward slope and dashing back down, we can continuously jump and dash down over and over to gain some INSANE speed. After using the console to skip a platforming section, I am able to dash on the first possible frame and start out with a bunch of speed. The boss is a Crabmeat who constantly spits orbs all over the place that explode into even more orbs when hitting the ground, however this boss is not a challenge for us. We can skip the boss' death cutscene by pressing A, B, and C at the same time.
Green Hill
After being exploded back by the Crabmeat, Sonic lands in the familiar Green Hill from Sonic 1. The level layouts are basically identical to Sonic 1, except with some transitions between each act layout. Most of the level is also spent offscreen because of the insane speed I gain from all the slopes in the level. The boss is Robotnik, who is easily dealt with.
Special Place
Special Place is the first special stage of the level, and can be skipped with A, B, and C. The level is basically a platforming challenge with the God-awful special stage physics from the first Sonic game.
Ruined Place
In this level, I use the downward dash to perform a floor clip, allowing me to skip a chandelier and with the zip speed also skip a pillar that comes down from the ceiling with an offscreen object clip. In the second half of the level after the checkpoint, we get our first taste of the S monitor. I jump up and use the console to skip the S monitor section. I have to hit another S monitor on the way down to encounter Robotnik. After seeing that he completely screwed up trying to kill Sonic, he tries to flee, but we catch up to him and obliterate him with our looks. The end of level cutscene after the signpost can be skipped.
Labyrinthy Place
I use a floor clip at the start, and skip the entire level by utilizing various zips and wall clips.
Unreal Place
Unreal Place is the second special stage in the game, and can ALSO be skipped. This one has a unique mechanic of Sonic being pulled either up or down, and you have to navigate a maze of GOALs to reach the last two emeralds.
Scar Night
I gain enough speed to be able to run straight back to the start of the level from the loop and perform a level wrap to skip straight to the boss. The boss is a little mine, and all you have to do is stand next to it and dodge the orbs it throws at you when it explodes.
Star Agony
This level is skipped with the console. This level requires you to float through several sections while dodging enemies. Not much to really say about it.
Unterhub Place
After making a quick pitstop to skip a cutscene in the Uberhub, we can press down at the start to go to Unterhub. We use the console (again) to skip a platforming section, and end up at the boss. The boss is a modified version of Spring Yard's boss, but with a more violent platform destruction. This boss is also easily defeated. We can skip the big ring cutscene in this level, however we CANNOT skip the pre-boss cutscene the first time we enter the boss room.
Finalor Place is the final level of the game. I showcase getting 15 hits in on the boss before he is able to go back down. Due to his rush mode, it sadly doesn't allow us to be able to 2 cycle the boss. After beating Robotnik one last time, Sonic opens a big capsule and unleashes a rocket on the complex. We can skip the rocket launching off, and with the correct X and Y position, Sonic is launched into a small point underneath the speed shoe monitor. After doing a one-tap spindash, jumping on the first possible frame and dashing on the next frame, Sonic activates his speed shoes early and allows for a quicker exit. The level is a big platforming challenge, utilizing all of Sonic's moves, including the S monitor. After entering the big ring at the end, EraZor 8 is complete!
Other Comments
HUGE thank you to the RTA WR holder drYVin for helping me find several optimizations, including like half the cutscene skips :v
Thank you to !nk for showing the quicker rocket cutscene, and a final thanks to Selbi for explaining several in-game mechanics that I did not know existed! Ya'll rock
Technical Information
Emulator Used: Bizhawk 2.10
- "Sprites On Top" was enabled in the GenPlusGX core, don't know if this affects the movie in a major way
ROM Hash:
- SHA1: e6b957c6d5c6dbc1274e6939f682695a2b22bbbe