Submission #9553: eien86's GBC Prince of Persia "training mode" in 00:54.17

Game Boy Color
training mode
(Submitted: Training mode)
(Submitted: Prince of Persia (USA, Europe).gbc U, E)
BizHawk 2.10
3238 (cycle count 113599680)
Core used: Gambatte
Submitted by eien86 on 3/1/2025 11:10 AM
Submission Comments


A natural addition to [6387] GBC Prince of Persia by eien86, TimmyAkmed & NintendoHardGamer in 04:18.97, this movie contains the solution to the practice level included in the game. This is similar in nature to: [3670] SNES Prince of Persia "Training mode" by Challenger in 03:31.10.
This practice level (internally: 17) goes through some of the game's basic dynamics. However, we skip more than half of it via the level skip glitch. Curiously, level 18 represents a checkpoint just before grabbing the sword, so we basically teleport there.

Software + Hardware

Rom Information

  • Name: Prince of Persia (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
  • ROM: Prince of Persia (USA, Europe).gbc
  • SHA1:EF2F6402E8EF367273200E3B07F310EBD80CCDC2
  • MD5:AFEEC69D5BA3AFA3CE2279FCDA944576

Routing Bot

  • Bot: JaffarPlus
  • Routing Core: QuickerGambatte
  • Platform:
    • 2 x AMD Epyc 7763 (128 cores, 256 threads) + 512Gb RAM

InputEvelution: Claiming for judging.
Last Edited by InputEvelution 7 hours ago
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