Submission #9436: NemoRuby's NES Megaman 1 - Speed Bomber in 18:24.25

Nintendo Entertainment System
(Submitted: Megaman 1 -Speed Bomber)
(Submitted: Megaman 1 - Speed Bomber 1.2.nes U version 1.2)
FCEUX 2.6.6
Submitted by NemoRuby on 12/30/2024 12:55 PM
Submission Comments
After 2 months I think,I decided to submit this once.
Patch version used:Mega Man U rom
Megaman 1 - Speed Bomber is a fast paced hack of Megaman 1 (not Rockman 1). The changes are the following:
Megaman’s speed have been increased, as well as everything else
New levels
New graphics
New music
Modified AI for bosses and enemies
New weapons
Game Objective:
-Aim for fastest time
-Avoid the bouns ball
-RNG manipulation
Level by Level
-Just run away to reach the robot.I just beat elecman with buster.
-Get the M to be vincible,avoid those enemy as soon as possible.Beat Gutsman with buster also.
-With M,avoid those blazing column and those enemy.walk through the lava.Elecman's weapon can beat fireman,only 3 damage.
-Of course,too many enemy may cause the lagging.Before to robot door,I had no idea what can I do.Fireman's weapon beat with 3 damage.
-The problem in this stage,also this game is always lagging underwater.The bomberman's weapon,when you release,may cause the lagging.
-Iceman's weapon looks like a Ice shield,you can come near to cutman.
Wily stage
-Improved some details.Iceman's weapon need to pickup or I can't beat Cutman in Wily 3.
Total lag frame in me(version 1.2):4024,lag frame in longbao's run(version 1.1) in 4199
All stage in bounes:Zero
Special thanks to longbao's run and dekutony's WIP
That's all folks

ViGadeomes: Claiming for judging.
ViGadeomes: Everything fits to me. The hack is properly available and the TAS seems well done.
fsvgm777: Processing.
Last Edited by fsvgm777 on 1/24/2025 5:36 PM
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