Submission #9422: Pepper-Color's GBA Texas Hold 'em Poker "Career Mode" in 12:19.64

Game Boy Advance
Texas Hold 'em Poker
Career Mode
Bizhawk 2.9.1
Texas Hold 'em Poker (USA, Europe).gba
Submitted by Pepper-Color on 12/22/2024 4:08 AM
Submission Comments

Texas Hold 'em Poker in the Casino Games

This is the going to the Career mode times.
Start of the Career.

1. River Boat

Frist the fold for 5 times, and single call get the mistake also you can raise all in the 2 times.

2. Lake Tahoe

Let's see that call also the all in the 3 times.

3. Reno

First Raise All in, also fold to 3 times and raise more 2 times.

4. Atlantic City

The Fold and Raise All for 2 times.

Final Las Vegas

Now Fold for 5 times. so, at last the Raise All in 4 times.
Last Edited by Pepper-Color 8 hours ago
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