Submission #9312: Tegron's Linux Paper Lily - Chapter 1 in 29:11.73

Paper Lily - Chapter 1
libTAS 1.4.6
Submitted by Tegron on 9/23/2024 4:49 PM
Submission Comments

Game objectives

  • Emulator: libTAS 1.4.6
  • Game Version: 1.1.5 Linux
  • Getting True Ending
  • Using death + Skip to save time (see notes)
  • libTAS Resolution settings: Video > Custom: 1280x720
  • Option to be set in libTAS: Runtime > Time tracking > clock_gettime() realtime
Something terrible has happened. You can’t bear to think about it - but you can’t live like this anymore. You stopped attending school, you haven’t left your house in months, you have no reason to get out of bed anymore. There are no choices left.
No choice except... that strange golden letter.
It’s time to get your life back together.
One last try.
Paper Lily is an RPG horror game in which you can solve puzzles in different ways. Explore a hidden world, meet strange characters, and guide Lacie as she attempts to find answers about her unusual condition.
Paper Lily - Chapter 1 is the continuation to the prologue, Project Kat, this game compared to Project Kat has some novelties, the game has a death system, autosave functions, multiple endings and much more, but in this TAS we will try to reach the True Ending in fastest possible time.
With some deaths there is a Skip option that allows you to skip a section without going through it normally, this is used to save frames because going through it normally loses time.

Game version

The version of the game I play on is 1.1.5, this version is one of the slower versions in True End, 1.1.3 is faster but unfortunately due to the lack of archiving by the community of this version on linux, I had to get over the time loss on the newer version of the game, in lakeside you don't have to lure the monster by fishing in 1.1.3, it was fixed in later versions so you can see me interacting with it, the final scene after death was also fixed in version 1.1.4.


Sync for this game is the same as this submission (See Sync notes) except that the load time after through the clock should disappear at 36 frame, clicking v too fast can delay clock disappearing 2 frames causing a desync, after reaching 3 minutes of TAS, I discovered that the clock loading time disappeared in the 34th frame, I don't know if it can cause desync of TAS in terms of RNG, if a desync happens there, go to the 36th frame of the clock disappearance.


It is the same as in Project Kat, but in this game the language version doesn't matter compared to Project Kat.

House + nightmare 1

  • At home, we go to the room and run the cutscenes, review the golden letter and do the bus ritual.
  • We collect the red ribbon first and then the rest because it saves time due to the fact that collecting salt and other items comes out of the frame automatically.
  • I take lipstick to paint the symbol on the door from the shelf, it's faster, you can take paint from the garage but it's slower.
  • After completing the preparation before going to sleep, it activates the cutscene with Hiro, it is before that required to continue the storyline, I did not enter with Hiro earlier while taking lipstick because the texts about Hiro not being there during the night during this ritual, it only activates after preparation.
  • In the nightmare I go through the upper staircase instead of the left one because it saves 8 frames, this nightmare will appear next time in the bus
  • We call for the bus at 999281#0, there are symbols on it and it happens during the ritual, if you interacted in the morning you will be able to remember it, the only correct option for the bus to come is “My bus is late”.


  • In this section there are 2 logic sections, we have to set the signs in the right order, in the first one we have to first enter the trigger which will then allow us to rearrange the sign, then we have to do it with the others for Daylight Gate and Train Station Access, you may notice that I leave out one sign because it is the sign for the Secret which we will not need.
  • After that, I move on to lamp puzzles, you can solve it in 2 ways, normal put them out in a good order or use scissors, I do it normally, on Train Station Access there are scissors that I didn't take from the bottom because it triggers one logic section that loses more time so I do it normally.
  • Moving on to the first mini-game in 3 waves, these are Red's traps, here I die on each trap and use Skip, this saves a few frames depending on the trap, this saves 572 frames, I also enter his house to activate a conversation with him and give him 2 runes for 2 items and the 2nd item will be needed in the next section.
  • We use the second item from Red to destroy the fence, this will save us time than completing this normally, this is the section where we have to hide from the monster in the bushes to get to lakeside but it loses time, we can also not use this even passing normally.


  • After entering the lakeside we use the fishing rod to lure the monster, the green lines are RNG, unfortunately I could not manipulate them, after that we take the rabbit, the rabbit we collected will always be the same, we go to the left from the top for the oar that we will need, then we put the rabbit in the cage and throw it into the water so that the monster doesn't come back to guard the boat and we go for another oar and go to the boat.

Lavender Area + nightmare 2

  • In this section we take Lavender and give her the White Moth, it is faster than killing the Caterpillar for their request by 276 frames.
  • In this section of the nightmare we have the second entrance to the nightmare unlocked, our task is to fetch the knife from the wardrobe under Mom's request, there are several wardrobes the knife can be in, in the video you can see that I check 9 wardrobes instead of hitting one and think it is suboptimal, the game checks the number of interactions with the number of wardrobes to give the knife after one, there will always be a knife behind the 9, at first I thought the knife would always be in the same wardrobe and all I had to do was check and load to take from that particular wardrobe but when I didn't get it from the same wardrobe just a message that the knife wasn't there, I realised the game was checking the interactions with a given number of wardrobes to get the knife.


  • After the nightmare we end up in a cell, we get out of it and try to leave the place, the door is closed so we can't get out that way, in the 5th cell there is a way out through the ventilation, I push the box to reach there and we take the items back because we don't have them in the inventory.
  • When we meet a new character, we hide from some monster in the lab, to get out we have to interact with one door to the further part of the lab, then while interacting with Sai we can get out, I also take Fuse (5) because it will be useful in the Engine Room
  • We go to Engine Room, in this section we will try to run the elevator to get to the next location, we have to solve the math game there, the first on top is addition and the second is subtraction, we have to set the fuse so that the result comes out 55, in addition there gives us 25 + 40 which gives us 65 and in subtraction 5 -15 which gives us -10, it is faster to achieve this which gives us the result 65 + -10 = 55, as for the elevator by the Engine Room then Lacie will not want to enter this one claiming that it is dangerous to enter there so we go to another elevator.
  • As for the monster, it is activated after entering the Engine Room which starts the tutorial, we use sneak because if we run and walk normally by it, it will kill us, the monster has a longer activation range if we run, so I start walking normally for a bit and then sneak so that it does not catch us, however, we can still start running before the end to go to the next location without killing us, the monster after that appears randomly, opening the cells while taking out the fuse (25) increases the chance of it appearing but I could reach the elevator without it appearing, before the elevator there is a chance that the monster will appear there close to the elevator and will be able to kill us whether we sneak or not.

Nightmare 3 + Miss Knives' Home

  • When we enter the house and start the cutscenes and scroll through the dialogues, we are caught in the cages and go to the next nightmare, here we are accused of killing the bird because we are cursed, this is another bullying from the students towards Lacie, for forgiveness we are supposed to eat the bird but the other way to get out is to kill one of the students with a knife, this saves 250 frames compared to eating the bird, there is still the option to stab ourselves since this is a dream but if we do this, Lacie also dies in real life, oops.
  • Thanks to the nightmare we were able to get out of the cage, Sai needs to be released (although he doesn't need to be released), we interact with him because we are not able to leave until we talk to him, then the search begins for the 5 items needed to break the illusion, mirror, sketchbook, blanket, foot and knife, I take the route here which is faster in getting them.
  • I take from the image of the woman the eye which will be needed to open the passage where we collect the knife, we have to escape from this image through the area, however I get killed and use skip to save time, I go back there to take the mirror, whether you try to take the eye or the mirror first it still activates the escape.
  • I take the eye from the cookie jar and after that I go and take the knife and go back there to take the foot, I didn't do it before because the knife is needed to take the foot.
  • After collecting all five items, we have to burn it, it solves the puzzle to get a lighter to burn these items in the chimney to break the illusion, the order cannot be arbitrary, it must be the same as described in the texts for the items, if I chose arbitrary it would get Dead End.
  • The 3 waves of Miss Knives are skipped to save time (as they always are on other such occasions), but before that there is one small one before she enters the location, this one cannot be skipped.


  • After the cutscene we interact with the two bars because is required, on the left Miss Knives after this illusion and on the right with the Spider to get some shards.
  • There are still dialogues in the credits, it doesn't matter if we skip them or not, they skip themselves, but I left them out on purpose.

Something from me

  • This TAS as well as with Project Kat I finished on reaching the dev notes because it is impossible to get there automatically by the appearance of the game save, if you count it as RTA then the time is 27:20 however due to the Miss Knives cutscenes, on version 1.1.3 it would have saved with 40 seconds but still I am satisfied with this time despite the game version
  • I will mention that this TAS was time consuming for me because without fast forward because of the game sync it took me hours to get to the locations to continue with the longer sections, during encode it took me from 4 or 5 hours to deliver this video, I will definitely come back to these games for the other endings and probably All Endings but at this point it does not look like it yet.

eien86: Claiming for judging.

eien86: Can't sync, asking author for help.
Last Edited by eien86 3 days ago
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