Submission #9300: KusogeMan's GC Sonic Gems Collection: Sonic R "100% glitched" in 10:51.62

Nintendo GameCube
100% glitched
(Submitted: Sonic Gems Collection (USA).iso usa)
Dolphin 5.0-20571
39097 (cycle count 316681845503)
! Sram
Submitted by KusogeMan on 9/18/2024 1:01 AM
Submission Comments
glitched category allows for out of bounds, 100% requires unlocking all characters by getting coins and emeralds
this game has a strange mechanic in which you can bump and try to preserve speed with drifts and counterdrifts as well
rng is maniuplated for more rings and speed shoes when needed, as some emerald and coins are only acessible through rings, some places can be clipped though like city stage top emerald to avoid more collections, rng is not fully controllable as the same item can come along for many frames
the best version of this game for speedrun is PC, so i lose time in the boss challenge after i clip when doing full spins to make glitched laps, the reason is you can make ABSURDLY SHARPER turns in PC version so PC gains time after you need to spin around laps, Saturn version is horrible for 100% because of item collection rules in that version.
however this TAS beats all item collections speedruns and destroys 100% record and then super sonic IL run as well which makes this the fastest radiant emerald completion
ROUTING had help from Sonic R discord
im happy with this run, all players are welcome to improve it and it's a step for more Sonic R TASing into the future.
Last Edited by KusogeMan 3 days ago
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