Submission #9298: Rxser's Flash 3 tsu no e no heya kara no dasshutsu 4 in 00:10.67

Adobe Flash
3 tsu no e no heya kara no dasshutsu 4
libTAS 1.4.6 // ruffle-nightly-2024-09-06
-g gl --no-gui
MD5: 8eaf2f0acf5d45fd274ff8972e5dc10e or Flashpoint

Submitted by Rxser on 9/17/2024 6:33 PM
Submission Comments
3つの絵の部屋からの脱出4 by YominoKagura
Routing: We can bypass everything again
  • Right, select the frame with assorted colors of the alphabet
  • Select the combination code which is 955
  • Go back and select the frame again to reveal the key, get the key
  • Left, select the key and select the door twice to leave the room
Note: The encode I provided still includes the visual issue I'm dealing with (That's why no numbers on the combination code show up. It should be visible to other members who view the movie in libTAS)
Last Edited by Rxser 3 days ago
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