Submission #9295: Technickle's SNES Top Gear 2 in 07:40.61

Super Nintendo Entertainment System
(Submitted: Top Gear 2 (U) [!] USA)
Bizhawk 2.9.1
Submitted by Technickle on 9/16/2024 7:16 PM
Submission Comments
  • LV = 1:50.81 (didn't make this faster because of difficulty choice effecting car CPU outcome)
  • LA = 17.44
  • NY = 1:40.96
  • SF = 2:49.40 (Inertia Method)
This also beats the Amateur difficulty movie that I cancelled by 00:00.08


  • File Name: Top Gear 2 (U) [!]
  • Region: NTSC/USA
  • Genre: Racing

Movie Info:

  • System: Super Nintendo Entertainment System
  • Emulator: Bizhawk 2.9.1
  • Core: BSNES V115+
  • TAS Timing = 7:40.61 (FPS = 60.0988)
  • RTA Timing = 7:20 (FPS = 60.0988) *RTA Starts at Las Vegas Upgrade Menu*
  • Frame Count: = 27,682
  • Re-record Count: = 19,728
  • SHA1: 8AC5DAB79B319DEB525DE73F9A51877DF7A7ED9F
  • MD5: C9FC87528511770DB888B28A4C506F46

Movie Tags:

  • Bizhawk 2.9.1
  • Major Skip Glitch
  • Heavy Glitch Abuse (Wall Glitch)
  • Abuses Programming Errors (Reverse Hyper Speed)
  • Heavy Luck Manipulation (getting pushed by the CPU cars)
  • Uses a Game Restart Sequence (Frame 33) (frame 481)
  • Takes Intentional Damage (The car diagram)
  • Uses Hardest Difficulty (correction from previous cancelled movie)
This movie beats the publication of: [5883] SNES Top Gear 2 by Technickle in 07:47.21 by 6.16s or 00:06.27 (using FPS = 60.0988 when converted)

Key balance points to the formula are as stated:

  • The container was at rest, and you attempted to move it (when driving forward normally)
  • The container was in motion, and you attempted to stop it (when the player releases the "X" press aka Gas and crashes into the merge barrier)
  • The container was moving in one direction, and you attempted to change its direction. (when the car is traveling towards a direction at a suspected point and changing it's direction influences the outcome)

Possible Improvements:

None that I can find.

nymx: Claiming for judging.
Last Edited by nymx 1 day ago
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