Submission #9271: CasualPokePlayer's GBC Pokémon: Gold Version "Coin Case glitch" in 29:58.35

Game Boy Color
(Submitted: Pokémon: Gold Version)
Coin Case glitch
(Submitted: coin case glitch)
(Submitted: pokegold.gbc USA/Europe)
BizHawk 2.9.1
107511 (cycle count 3771420404)
You need the appropriate GBC USA Bios to reproduce this movie
Submitted by CasualPokePlayer on 9/7/2024 11:02 AM
Submission Comments
The improvement here is just fighting Rival 2 before Bugsy, which saves a turn overall.
Let's see if the new Playground/Alt rule changes means this can be accepted!

eien86: Claiming for judging.

eien86: I don't have much to add to Memory's excellent judgment in this movie's previous submission. Although slower than the more powerful save glitch (see: [4465] GBC Pokémon: Gold Version "save glitch" by CasualPokePlayer in 03:14.16), the technique used here (as well as its predecessor) is very interesting on its own and therefore worth preserving.
Accepting to Playground, goal: 'coin case glitch'

eien86: by request of the author, delaying judgement until the new rules for the alternative category come into effect.
Last Edited by eien86 2 days ago
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