Submission #9268: Zed_Shift's NES Bionic Commando "all items" in 18:31.82

Nintendo Entertainment System
all items
(Submitted: 100%)
(Submitted: Bionic Commando (U) [!] USA)
BizHawk 2.9.1
works fine right out of the box!
Submitted by Zed_Shift on 9/6/2024 11:33 PM
Submission Comments
Bionic Commando TAS 100% "all items" by zed_shift in 18:32.8
Made with BizHawk ver. 2.9.1
This is a tool assisted speedrun of Bionic Commando following the rules for the 100% category. This improves the previous record by about 54 seconds.
This is my first TAS. I made it first as a theory TAS in an attempt to optimize my route and better understand the game mechanics.
This run uses all the same glitches as the previous run and more. There are minor improvements throughout the run and a significant time save due to the barrier skips in area 12. There may be methods to further manipulate the game by leveraging sub-pixel values or something else that is beyond my understanding. Until I have that knowledge, this is as fast as I can make this route.
I would like to express gratitude to all those who support and contribute to the community. I relied heavily on McBobX's 100% run as well as the any% run by nEilfox, Alyosha & Challenger. I spent many hours meticulously progressing through each frame of their videos as I sought to optimize. Your work was vehemently appreciated. Thanks to everyone who plays bionic commando and to anyone reading this.

Samsara: I've replaced the input file with a version that trims all of the blank input from the end.

nymx: Claiming for judging.
Last Edited by nymx 6 days ago
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