Submission #9200: Alyosha's GBA Snood "Time Attack!" in 04:52.39

Game Boy Advance
Time Attack!
(Submitted: Time Attack)
(Submitted: Snood (USA).gba USA)
GBAHawk v2.1.3
Submitted by Alyosha on 7/23/2024 5:56 PM
Submission Comments
This is an improvement to the time attack run of Snood using significantly better RNG manipulation. This run is console verified as in the temp encode.
An almost identical version of this run (same length with an 'A' press moved slightly) mysteriously crashes on console. I haven't had time to figure out why and it doesn't appear to be anything simple, so I decided to submit this version which doesn't crash.

nymx: Claiming for judging.
nymx: I realize that this may be a quick turn-around, but it's a puzzle game and it beats the previous run by a strong minute. Solving problems like this never really shows obvious flaws, unless you are really bad at TASing. Here, Alyosha destroys this game and quite honestly shocks me with an amazing cut over the previous submission. Additionally, the queue has grown to a large amount, I need to buckle down on some of these submissions while I have time.
Great job on this! This game is very complicated and you make it look easy.
Spikestuff: Sneed.
Last Edited by Spikestuff 28 days ago
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