International Soccer

  • Id: 4634
  • Platforms: C64
  • Display Name: International Soccer
  • Sport


International Soccer is a soccer simulation for the Commodore 64. Compared to most other sports video games made at the time, this game shows a surprising amount of depth. The ball can be kicked towards the goal in different ways, passes can be made to throw off opponents, and the goalkeeper can be tricked. The AI opponent is also relatively well-made, being able to utilize these gameplay elements.
nymx here plays a single game of soccer against an AI-controlled opponent set to the highest level of difficulty and scores as many points as the AI and time limit can allow.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good International Soccer (1983)(Commodore).crt U C64 SHA1: 63924A521517E1CA70683E6E3A5F429BC66FBA5C
MD5: 67A17377DA7F9D5FDF98347FCF7050EC