Simple Room

  • Id: 4529
  • Platforms: Flash
  • Display Name: Simple Room
  • Puzzle


Simple Room is the first escape room-style Flash game by Yomino Kagura. As the name implies, it's only single simple room that you can only get out of by entering a code. To find this code, you must solve a number puzzle by finding clues around the room, which can require some pretty interesting logic.
Spikestuff here already knows the code and simply leaves the room as fast as possible.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Unknown room5.swf J Flash SHA1: d3c179242c3c028b7ca08a966ff158380028a979
MD5: 6c825d55c21d4ec0c28b7a85e27f42fb