Super Metroid - Escape2

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Platformer
  • Hack


Super Metroid - Escape2 is a Super Metroid ROM hack by Hiroishi. It changes the layout of the space colony as well as the planet Zebes to provide players with a new challenge.
Zakem66 completes the ROM hack in record time.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Hack Super Metroid - Escape2.smc JU v1.9 SNES SHA1: 10ff0d7f65e8af6afac5094b577edc3ae6f7c375
MD5: dde1b87e910513fb8c9d0a5112b3f5ef