Submission #4274: mbm's Windows Betasuppe in 01:49.08

(Submitted: betasuppe.exe any v1.0)
Hourglass r81
Submitted by mbm on 4/14/2014 12:32 PM
Submission Comments
You can download the game here: [dead link removed]
I used Hourglass r81. (When I rendered to avi I couldnt capture audio...)
My aim was to complete the game AQAP (I could be some frames quicker i guess).

feos: This submission, given how simple the game is, is very sub-optimal, as was proven in the discussion thread. But other than that, it seems to be that kind of a game that can't be accepted to Vault. It's not a game allowing the player enough freedom to highlight superplay over regular human play, because it's only an interactive fiction piece, limiting your actions by some pre-defined solutions. Rejecting for game choice.
CoolHandMike: Updating Rejection reason from Game Choice to Optimization. Users in comments noted issues even for this simple game.
Last Edited by CoolHandMike 20 days ago
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