This is an optimisation of 18,715 about my old run, most of the optimisations are caming from 2 skippings!
!!!!!! WARNING!!!!!!
For those watched the old run, start from 32m40, it's the same input before 32m 40
Glitches used:
- Plums wallbreach
Actually this glitch is very weird, i don't really underdtand how to do it, it changes every time.
- Lums moonjump
This glitch allow you to climb some lums if they're piled up verticaly, it's using by holding A and B. It was very useful in Mr.Sax world.
- Skipping Bosses
Actually , some guys said me that i forgotten to skip them, the first was Raven_Guardian from Rayman Pirate Community.
I skipped Mr.Sax and Mr.Skops, because they're the 2 bosses with only one level, so just suicide and done
I gained about 10k frames with Sax , and 7000~ with Skops
- Lums speed
If you fall very down at the right pixel (sometimes not possible) you can go either 768 (normal speed + 1/2) , 868 (normal speed + 1/2 + 1/2 of the 1/2)
1024 (normal speed *2) , 1152 (normal speed * 2 + 1/2 of the 1/2)
Thanks to Spikestuff for helping for encode
Frame suggested : 233675

!!!!!! WARNING!!!!!!
For those watched the old run, start from 32m40, it's the same input before 32m 40
Noxxa: Judging.
Noxxa: Accepting as an improvement to the published movie.
feos: Processing...