--no warps or passwords
--no programming errors or luck abused
--hits are taken no deaths happen
--aims for fastest completion
--Licensed from the kids movies... Doctor screw eye has kidnapped some kids and you must rescue them. Doctor screw eyes keeps getting away after each boss battle to bring on the next levels. Eventually you will catch him and rescue the kids.
This movie was very hard to make. It took a few hours. I had to slow it down so you could run the whole time. It was a jump fest over little tiny enemies and bullets.
there are 3 parts that sometimes desync. ballon wall, ballon boss and last boss. half the other time the movie works perfect.
Bisqwit: Rejecting this submission due to votes.
Also, know that "a few hours" for a 25 minute movie isn't that much.
I spent ~12 hours nonstop in my newest SMB2j submission (8 minutes) :)
CoolHandMike: Updating Rejection reason from Game Choice to Optimization. coolman has a file in userfiles that beats this and he says even his file needs more optimization.