Here is my run for ActRaiser 2. I would have done an
ActRaiser 1 movie, but the simulation levels required more
timing and randomness than I was willing to put effort in
to. This is played on the hardest mode* and aims for the
fastest time. Hits are taken to save time occasionally.
I apologize for how long the movie is, but there are way
too many levels + there are mandatory periods upon entering
and exiting levels that chew up lots of time.
The only two areas I am unhappy with and can not seem to
fix are level 4-2 (underground river) and the final miniboss
fight in the tower (the shielded lion-goat demon).
Otherwise, any parts where I take time to kill something,
stand still, or take a hit, it has been weighed time wise to
see if other options would be faster. The last fight with
Tanzra had originally been over 2 minutes, so I decided to
employ a few strategies until I cut it to below a minute.
Thanks to OgreSlayeR and blechy for giving me some great
feedback on the movie.
- European version has an "Expert" difficulty that the US versions seemed to exclude.
Bisqwit: cleaned the message markup...
Truncated: This one deserves to be judged after being ignored for so long. Impressions:
- Feedback has been mixed, but 25% no-votes is quite high.
- The game is too long and the gameplay and levels are repetitive.
- After a while I started watched it at 165% speed but even then it felt slow and was not very entertaining to watch.
- It's just not impressive enough.
Therefore, I think the judgement will be rejection.
CoolHandMike: Updating Rejection reason from Game Choice to Optimization. Existing publication is about 15 minutes faster.