Ford Simulator III

  • Id: 2691
  • Platforms: DOS
  • Abbreviation: fordsim3
  • Display Name: Ford Simulator III
  • Racing


Ford Simulator III is a vehicle simulation game from 1992 published by Ford Motor Company and developed by The SoftAd Group. The software allowed you to browse Ford's catalog of cars, and even drive them in a simulation where you would bring your family on a vacation to Lake Wakatonka.
In this movie, slamo drives around like a complete psychopath and endangers everyone on the road in order to bring his family to the lake in record time.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good ford3.iso U DOS SHA1: 39118A46AC645736A328E39381C27BE5B627CA7B
MD5: FEAB892E9504C3CEA8DFF76B34EC78A8