Uhh...umm..yeah hear you go. Have fun. XD
- Emulator used: Gens 11a
RAM Addresses
00FF11A5 - Enemy
00FF1235 - Enemy
00FF1205 - Enemy
00FF1D9A - Boss HP
About the Run
This is it. The thrilling beggining. Actually this is probably the slowest stage in the entire run. Even Stage 2 majorly increased the pace of the movie. But anyway, Its pretty straight foward.
"Inserts the movie's speediness here"
Here I get 3 Shower Bombs Instead of 4 Backfires because the next 3 bosses are faster using the Shower Bombs including the boss in this level.
You know about the super lights that let you see further in this dark cave? Well... I completely ignore them!
Okay, first off, why are there floating blue washing machines? Second, the boss for this level doesnt share the same HP Address as the other bosses. Instead, its 00FF1DC1.
The Hurricane made good use in this level. I saved 4 Hurricanes for the boss at the end. It was also around here that I found out something annoying about this game. All of the big floating things in each level share their own HP Address. It gets really annoying later on. :/
This is probably the most annoying level in the game to TAS. Not because of the crabs, but because of the god damn notalis at the end. I can manipulate it slightly, but the hitboxes are INSANE!
Ahh, the glorious boss rush. I use Backfires instead of Super Bombs since they are faster to use. It also lets me avoid a death in this level.
Thanks to:
paul_t - For finding the Addresses & doing TWO test runs.
Boco - For digging this game up.
yiff yiff yiff
'Flygon is going to be encoding this very soon, also, I like beans.'
mmbossman: Good viewer feedback, and I personally liked it too. Accepting for publication.
Aktan: Publishing