This is a speed run of Golden Axe Warrior on the Sega Master System in 46 minuits and 06 seconds. I took no damage anywhere in the game, and also abused a programing error to allow me to defeat a couple of the bosses quicker. For those unfamiliar with the game, it was Sega's attempt at an Action RPG and they heavily plagiarized the original Zelda game from the NES. Although it's a knock off Zelda game it is still very enjoyable to play and watch :)
Game objectives
- Emulator used: <Dega v1.15 (Note the game is incompatible with v1.14)>
- <Complete The Game in The Quickest Possible Time>
- <Collect Every Dungeon Treasure>
- <To Take No Damage>
<I avoided many of the overworld tasks that were not necessary to complete the game, such as magic, the only magic aquired was the earth magic as it is needed in a few dungeons. I also avoided upgrading Armour, weapons and shields as this was a waste of time, the only weapons I aquired were the Battle Axe and the Golden Axe and both of these are dungeon treasures. When it came to the enemys I avoided them all on the overworld and only fought those that were needed to be defeated in order to open a door or create a bridge in dungeon rooms. On a few of the bosses I abused a programing error to defeat them faster, when you enter a boss room in the dungeons and you are still in the doorway unless you move forward you cannot take damage but you can still attack from this spot, this allows you to take no damage at some bosses and defeat them much faster.>
Stage by stage comments
<Overworld - Avoided all enemys and just used it to get from Dungeon to Dungeon.>
<Dungeon #1 - Beach Palace - Collected the Battle Axe and required keys, then defeated the boss by
using a programming error for a faster time then I exited on to the Overworld. No damage was taken>
<Dungeon #2 - Forest Palace - Collected all four keys, then collected the dungeon treasure which was the Torch and defeated the Green Dragon boss, no damage was taken, returned to the overworld.>
<Dungeon #3 - Desert Palace - Collected all three keys, collected the dungeon treasure which was the Magic Rope and defeated the Red Soldier boss by using a programming error for a faster time then I exited on to the Overworld. No damage was taken>
<Dungeon #4 - Island Palace - Collected all five keys, collected the dungeon treasure which was the Canoe and defeated the Blue Necromancer boss by using a programming error for a faster time then I exited on to the Overworld. No damage was taken>
<Dungeon #5 - Swamp Palace - Collected the only key, collected the dungeon treasure which were the Speed Shoes and defeated the Flame Face boss by using a programming error for a faster time then I exited on to the Overworld. No damage was taken>
<Dungeon #6 - Graveyard Palace - Collected all five keys, collected the dungeon treasure which was the Ice Bell and defeated the Red Dragon boss then I returned to the overworld. No damage was taken>
<Dungeon #7 - Lava Palace - Collected all Three keys, collected the dungeon treasure which was the Ship and defeated the Green Flame boss then I exited on to the Overworld. No damage was taken>
<Dungeon #8 - Hidden Palace - Collected the dungeon treasure which was the Thief's Key and defeated the Green Soldier and Red Necromancer boss by using a programming error for a faster time then I exited on to the Overworld. No damage was taken>
<Dungeon #9 - Ice Palace - Collected the dungeon treasure which was the Magic Balloon and defeated the Red Dragon, Red Soldier and Boomerang Warrior bosses by using a programming error for a faster time then I exited on to the Overworld. No damage was taken>
<Dungeon #10 - Final Palace - Collected the dungeon treasure which was the Golden Axe and defeated the Red Soldier, Red Necromancer boss and the final boss Death Adder by using a programming error for a faster time. No damage was taken. The game is no complete.>
<People will like to see how Sega ripped of Zelda, But it's a mighty fine effort at an 8-bit Action RPG for it's time the game has much better graphics than it's NES counterpart but was let down on originality.>
<The first few bosses could be done a bit neater, I didnt quite grasp how to fully manipulate luck in the first two dungeons. Also I had some thoughts on how to achive a faster time, you can do a lot of overworld trecking
away from the main route of the game to aquire thunder magic, with thunder magic you can aquire the flame sword which is more powerfull than the battle axe so would help you kill enemy's quicker, I came to the conclusion though
that the time spent trecking to aquire the more powerfull weapon would actually slow down the speed of the run so I kept my Battle Bxe untill the Golden Axe was aquired. If anyone attempts to improove this run it may be
worth checking out the other weapons.>
<One Screenshot from the overworld and one from any dungeon>
NesVideoAgent: Hi! I am a robot. I took a few screenshots
of this movie and placed them here.
Here goes! Feel free to clean up the list.

Truncated: Rejected for reasons listed in the topic. It needs some work, but I would love to see an improved version of this.