This is a speed run of Battle Squadron for the Mega Drive.
Looking though the movie, I could probably shave a few seconds off. This movie was NOT done frame by frame mainly because the main levels would have been incredibly boring to do so (Plus I can do just as well in slow motion).
In the "second level", the sub-boss was rather easy because it just rarely fired, it in essence was a sitting duck. The main bosses in the end of that level were just as easy, except that I threw a Nova Bomb when they finally split so I could destroy the current bullets on screen and make them much weaker, just some five or 6 shots later and they are dead. I could have actually saved a Nova Bomb though, mainly because I killed the bosses so fast the game just simply continued the level THAN went to the next level.
In the "fourth level" the boss was not a co-operative and as far as I'm aware, you can't manipulate the luck of it's shields (It's preset), I do however abused the fact that just as soon as you see it the shields are open (But on for literally like, one second). This level overall was actually very difficult to TAS, believe it or not.
The "sixth level" is probably the most painful, around half the rerecords come from here, I do however, kill the boss in record time, I used around 5 Nova Bombs on the last part alone, the enemys were that annoying (They just spew out bullets, so many that you can't easily avoid them).
The final boss is completely humiliated, if anything, he is actually easier than the bosses from the previous level, the Nova Bomb as the final attack was actually an accident, I never expected him to die so soon =P
Anyway, my main goals here was to never die and get as many points as possible. But I can tell you now, I dies heaps in the making of the run =P
The emulator used is Gens 9.5b without any special settings.
NesVideoAgent: Hi! I am a robot. I took a few screenshots
of this movie and placed them here.
I'm not sure I got the right ROM though. (I tried
Battle Squadron (UE) [!].gen
, which was the closest match to what you wrote.) Well, here goes! Feel free to clean up the list. 

Truncated: This is not very impressive for several reasons. You do not set the game to hard (highest enemy bullet speed), you miss several buildings/enemies you could easily have killed, don't pick up the powerups, you shoot a lot when not hitting anything, you don't use both players, you don't kill bosses and exit stages as fast as possible. Autoscrollers are hard to make interesting even when they are well played, and this isn't, quickly bringing it into the area of very rejected.
CoolHandMike: Updating Rejection reason from Game Choice to Optimization. Previous judge noted the lack of killing bosses and exiting as soon as possible. Also submitter describes just playing in slow motion.