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Last Updated by ledauphinbenoit on 12/22/2011 1:25 AM
I'm ledauphinbenoit and I am a publisher here on tasvideos.  I've been coming to this site since the fall of 2003 when I first watched [668M|Morimoto's SMB3 TAS] and thought it was real.  However, it was only recently that I got involved with encoding/publishing work.  I live in Dayton, OH.

!!Dragon Quest
I'm a big Dragon Quest fan and when I'm not here I'm usually working on [|] which is the Dragon Quest Wiki where I am an admin.  Editing here is a bit confusing for me because I am so used to Mediawiki.  
Part of my interest in encoding comes from the Dragon Quest videos I have on my [|YouTube channel].  

!!Favorite TASes
* [355M|Battletoads 2p warpless]
* [519M|Dragon Warrior IV]
* [1600M|TMNT Arcade]

I once started a TAS of Tinstar, but gave it up because the game was too long and boring.  A later [2296S|submission] by someone else was rejected; although I think mine would have been more entertaining than it.  I also helped out with some early testing on Dragon Warrior III.  I won't say I won't ever TAS again, but there are so many other things I prefer to do instead.

!!General Gaming
I had only ever owned Nintendo systems until I bought a used Xbox in 2004.  I mainly play Dragon Quest and Nintendo first party titles.

!!Other interests
* Roller coasters.  Especially the ones [|here] and [|here].
* [|WWE].  Don't laugh. ;)  I think it is a fascinating business.  I watch off and on.
* Mountain Dew.