It is a position different from the delay scroll.
The mechanism is the same.
Reference of delay CurrentBeginScreen changed
1:$8EE9 or $8FAB calles $C7A1
2:$C7A5 calles SwitchBank($C000)
4:NMI occuerd.(C004 ≤ PC ≤ C01B)
5:SoundCode returns $0B
6:$14(=$F5) is mad.
NMI drives $14 mad!
This is the new tech "delay CurrentBeginScreen changed"!
$14:Room number in horizontal scroll left end.
$15:Room number in horizontal scroll right end.
In delay scrolling, the value of Y goes mad.
$14 has gone mad in this technique.
If "$15" goes mad, we might not need the delay right scroll.
Result of investigation
1:$15 is cannot change.
2:The scroll judgment processing($C7A1) is necessary as well as the delay scroll for this tech.
3:In this case, a small value such as $0B is good though the sound code returns $1C at the delay scrolling.
4:Because the room number in horizontal scroll left end is changed,
there is a possibility that we can quickly go to the revival middle point.
5:The change in beginning of stage is useless.
6:There is no place in which this tech can save the time. ;)
Reference of delay scrolling
1:$829E or $8287 calles $C7A1
2:$C7A5 calles SwitchBank
4:NMI occuerd.(C004 ≤ PC ≤ C01B)
5:SoundCode returns $1C etc..
6:RegisterY(=$FF) is mad then (AND $82D0,Y) is not zero.
7:The scroll direction is filled.
Scroll judgment processing
As a result of delay downscrolling, Y becomes "#$FF".
$82A1:98 TYA A:00 X:00 Y:FF 1:Y is copied to A.
$82A2:A4 37 LDY $0037 = #$03 A:FF X:00 Y:FF 2:$0037 is loaded into Y. (in downscrolling , $0037=#$03)
$82A4:39 D0 82 AND $82D0,Y @ $82D3 = #$40 A:FF X:00 Y:03 3:A=($82D3=#$40)AND(A=#$FF)
$82A7:F0 12 BEQ $82BB A:40 X:00 Y:03 4:If A is 0, goto this branch(not scrolling)
$82A9:20 39 8F JSR $8F39 A:40 X:00 Y:03 5:If A is not 0,the scroll processing begins.If there are $40 bit mask ,
delay downscrolling succeeds.