I'm back from my exam but instead of double-posting in the submission thread I'll post the L+R details here.
For starters, there's finding the right frame for input. Using frame advance and save states, you want to make a save state at the exact time the scenario is drawn while Link is not.
If you're falling from the top, taking an elevator, or coming out of a door, you can instantly control the character from this point. If you're coming from the left or the right, you have to advance 8 frames.
The effect (in general) of holding L+R for a certain number of frames:
1 Frame - Moving to the right sort of fast
2 Frames - Moving to the right really fast
3 Frames - Moving to the left really fast
4 Frames - Moving to the left sort of fast
5 Frames - Practically stopping
So, if you want to go to the right really fast, you hold L+R for two frames and then "accelerate" (more on that later). Going to the right, likewise, is holding down L+R for three frames.
Note that if you're entering a screen from the right side (your character is walking left for those 8 frames) then this won't work. Fixing this is a simple matter of pressing Right for one frame (and then you can immediately hold L+R the desired number of times).
To maintain the fastest speed, you have to accelerate. Naturally, this is simply holding down the direction you're moving. The tricky part is that holding it down too long will, at some point, suddenly reverse directions. There are a couple of ways of handling this:
1) If you're in the air, once you reach max velocity it won't go down so there's no problem.
2) You can maintain that velocity by pressing JUMP at the exact frame where the game doesn't think you've landed (even though you just jumped off the ground). This avoids the ground friction.
3) That can't be done every time, so from the ground you simply alternate "Pressing Direction" and "Not Pressing Direction". Naturally, if you touch the ground for too long after landing it'll start slowing you down so you'll have to find out when you can start alternating (frame advance, save states, etc).
When you're accelerating, how do you know when to start alternating? It's actually pretty simple. You keep accelerating using frame-advance until you reach the frame where Link suddenly reverses direction. Take note of the Frame #. Let's just say it's 9564. This means that at 9562 you have to NOT press the direction and that's when you start alternating. In fact, this is a general rule of thumb: when sliding along using the glitch, if Link suddenly turns around, go back and do not press the direction key you did two frames before. (This is helpful when you're sliding off of a platform)
As a quick note, when you enter the screen from the Right side, you press Left, press L+R 3 times, and press Left only 2 times before maxing out the velocity.
About jumping from the ground when you're alternating: if you jump on the same frame you press the direction key, you'll have max velocity in the air. If you jump on a frame when you're not pressing the direction key, your first frame in the air you only need to press that direction key once.
An important thing to mention is that maintaining maximum speed can sometimes cause the wrong room to load when you travel between screens. Here's where I've experienced it:
-In my first glitched test-run, sometimes going off the screen to the right would cause me to re-enter the same room from that side.
-In my tests involving the Healer glitch, sometimes you're supposed to scroll the screen a bit to the right then exit on the left, correct? One time it didn't exit at the proper place.
The only way I've found to prevent that is to slow down a bit. It'll be hard to notice, though. You shouldn't run into it too often.
On the mentioning of the Healer glitch, sometimes you need to have the screen scroll to the right a little bit more than usual, right? So just use L+R twice and delay the third L+R a few frames (you probably want to accelerate some during that pause). Note that putting off L+R for more than two frames if you entered from the Right side of the screen will cause L+R to make you go to the Left faster (because it only takes two frames to reach max velocity to the left).
If you're coming from the Left side of the screen and you're going to scroll the screen a bit to the right and exit to the left (which happens very frequently) what I've done is L+R twice, accelerating to the right, and just after the screen scrolls a bit the velocity will suddenly reverse directions (it was faster than trying to time L+R #3). This makes it pretty fast to do that. In addition, to deal with platforms or stuff that might be in your way in front of you, you can JUMP on the first L+R (or, if you need more height, on the second L+R). If you control the height of the jump, you can usually just enter and exit the room in a flash.
On another note, if you haven't noticed, holding JUMP causes Link to go higher. You can release JUMP at just the right time in some places to speed yourself up. A good example of this is in my glitch test-run at the palace entrances. For all but the first (I think), I jump at just the right time (and hold jump down just the right amount of time) to land in the elevator without hitting the wall or floor. You can use this to control where you land in caves, in general, and you can also use it to jump just high enough to clear the edge of a platform while landing on it as soon as possible.
When the Healer glitch is active, you have to clear the downward stab room, right? I still don't have a good idea how to do it. That room is problematic. What I did was...
-Slide into the room and slid into the wall, counting how many tile columns were loaded.
-Found the earliest spot where I could duck+attack (thereby stopping) and cause the same number of columns to load.
-L+R glitched to the left, then turned around at some point where sliding all the way to the right freed a good more.
-...and I don't remember what I did after that.
All I remember is clearing (counting the number of "bricks")...5 the first time, 4 the next, and then clearing up to the Warrior. (1 brick = 2 tile columns). So, the second time I had 9 bricks total cleared, although 11 was possible (if I slammed into the wall and couldn't L+R myself for a while, I think...)
Naturally, if I was typing this in from home I would have more details, but alas y'all have to live with my memory for now.
Notes about certain rooms and the L+R glitch...
For the Trophy cave, you can accelerate to max speed and you don't have to slow down; you can reach the Trophy by traveling through the cave at max velocity. The same with getting out.
For "climbing" walls using the L+R glitch, normally you might:
-Find the latest frame you can jump
-On that frame, Jump once, then L+R glitch once
But suprisingly this ended up being faster:
-Find the latest frame you can jump
-On the previous frame, jump once.
-Then do nothing for a frame, then L+R glitch once.
(I think faster by only 1 frame, though).
In Palace 2, the room with the slimes in it that I easily got through with the downward thrust. You have to slow down a bit to jump over the slimes but it's not a big slowdown. A viewer probably wouldn't notice it, actually. You can continuously move through the room.
Likewise, in the room where you "drop down the stairs" and there are two floating skulls down there, you can jump at the right time and slow yourself down enough so that you make it down the stairs and still have most of your velocity. (This is good because it doesn't take many frames to return to max velocity).
Well, that's everything that came to mind...that and I've got to head to class. ^.^;;