The two first matchs are mandatory wins, but I'll need the Rebirth Ring later so I need to win the third one too.
The expectation is just to finish the match as quickly as possible by a win.
- The emplacement of the rocks on the board seems to be set in stone for the first match, but the number and emplacement of rocks for match 2 and 3 are depending on the frame you end the previous match.
- The opponent's cards and the coin toss (+the opponent first move if he wins the coin toss) are based on the frame you select confirm.
- Every other opponent moves are based on what card you put, where you put it, and what frame you put it here.
In order of priority to be the fastest possible :
- The most important thing is to avoid a fight between two cards which is extremely time consuming.
- Less card fliping possible.
- If possible, having the opponent chose the first card of his deck because it takes more than 10 frames to go to the fifth card for exemple.
So basically, in a ideal world, the opponent win the coin toss, select the first card of his deck each time, and we just put our card on the board without interacting, and I flip one of his card with my last one.
This is the currently fastest I managed to get :
and savestate at the start of the first match for those willing to help, I really appreciate it.