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Awesome, I like that! Voting yes
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Post subject: Re: Tomato Adventure
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hejops wrote:
Don't think I've seen this game mentioned. It's a Japan-only RPG similar to the Mario and Luigi series. Attacks involve timing based minigames which can be easily rigged, though I haven't found out how to make enemies miss. Virtually all random battles can be skipped. Battle example: You get free weapons after each boss. Collecting "Pacifiers" around the world earns you weapons as well, though I don't think they're worth the time. From my experience so far, the Volcano weapon seems to be the best in terms of damage per time. List of weapons: (ctrl-f "-demiru") For now I'll play through the game once to get a feel for it. It's very linear game so minimal route planning is required.
WR of this game (speedrun) : I haven't knowledges of this game but... I think it's a good game choice but advice you it's a very hard challenge! You must research all possibility to know what weapons do a max damages and can be take faster. Find the best route planing. Research critical hits and how to have max luck to do it (if this game have a critical hits). You can just use this infos (list of weapons, speedrun or other), but for make a best run in this game genre you'll should research these yourself, because it's more sure. I find this is a very good project, I'm actualy on a RPG TAS work, so I can't help you, but good luck and take your time!
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zggzdydp wrote:
I can't watch that, can you share some movie file? I did a casual test run long time ago, which is very improvable. I don't know what type of that run, 2 player run is a better choice for TAS, it makes the run more entertrainment to watch.
To download this BK2 files : I post it because, I can remake this in 2 players mode, but I'll want more comment, to know if found this entertaining or not. You are right and I join you when you said "2 player run is a better choice for TAS" and I'm practically sure to find some glitches to beat the game fast and create more entertainment with the 2 players ! I can't watch your test run because, I don't want download this emulator, if you have an possibility to encode this and upload, I'm very interest to watch.
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Alyosha wrote:
Are you going to be working on it zoboner? Or doing research?
Work and research, but it risk to be long, so it's not for tomorrow. I take this job and I'm curious to know how this game run concerning fights. What a pity that nfq don't given more informations on this run, but not a problem, I restart and I'll get all who'll be necessary to make this TAS !
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I'll can be interested by Phantasy Star .
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Alyosha wrote:
@zoboner thanks for the LUA work . I see this is accepted now and I probably won’t be trying to improve it right away, but I would encourage you to try yourself. Since you seemed to work out RNG pretty easily I’m sure you’ll find improving this pretty easy. EDIT: Actually, nevermind, I found a better manipulation on the first opponenet, so I'll just cancel this one and submit a clean, improved version when it's ready.
Thanks, but it's not my game genre and not my choice. I'm interested to watch and if I worked to understand the rng it's just to studies that, nothing other. Not disapointement, because, I found it's well optimised. I wait your improvement and i'm sure it's great and cool!
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ThunderAxe31 wrote:
@zoboner: When are you going to finish the lua script? If you're going to need much time, then could you please upload to userfiles an improvement of the first fight?
I come just to finish it... Sorry, I don't know if that optimisation represent a big gain, because I don't view it in wip section! I do an explanation text to know how to use the lua and I post it in wip section in some minutes. It's ok, I posted it (wip), good luck to your next fight!
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In reality, you have practically destroyed the RNG of this game, I have practically finish the lua script to watch all informations at screen, I work just on some details for maybe have an last information at screen and beat the game more faster than your great run. I'll give you that when it's finish and hope you'll remake this.
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Cool puzzle gaming and great execution! I have wait that you replace your file with optimisations to watch it. Last levels are better than other and for one time in video games, I prefer water levels! Fortress levels are very well and well timed when you must waiting due to enemies move. voting yes
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What this run have, that others Mario's run haven't ? Just new sprites! Congratulate your effort to play at some moment on the music, but it's a serious big NO vote!
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Post subject: Double Dragon advance
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Hi, I open this thread to know if you find this run genre entertaining or not and for what reasons? All critics are welcome. This run uses heavy manipulations enemy comportments, boss 2 is killed with a damage transfer glitch, uses death to respawn at best positions to doing fast fight and take damages to manipulate comportment and force enemies to killing other enemies or to have an idiot comportment. I use cheat code to practice with expert difficulty, because you can choose this difficulty only with this code and because IA have a very different strategy, enemies have more health points and I find that's better to create an entertaining TAS. to watch:
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Excellent fast boxing. I go to search tomorrow how to manipulate RNG and if I find things, I'll gave you a link to check it and maybe you'll make a new run. I voting yes.
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ViGadeomes wrote:
Do I continue to show you my WIPs or I don't spoil you?
Hi, I advise you to continue to post your wips in this thread, because some guys can help you if by example they find an error or other! If TASers and viewers don't want to spoil, then they don't will go to follow this thread. You doing a great work and I think that it's for this reason you haven't more messages in this thread! Good luck to finish.
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I watched this yesterday, but I don't had playing this game and I don't found entertaining due to this unknowledge... I played it since yesterday, and it's very addictive game, you must found numerous object in a big adventure! It's clearly entertaining when you know how it's more difficult and long in casual gaming. Yes vote
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Thanks at all.
Challenger wrote:
I agree with £e Nécroyeur and Patashu. Also, this run is very surprising (because how much speedy) and entertaining (for a SMS/GG game), although I find the bosses repetitive. Once again you did a great work. Yes vote. And thanks for the "magical (or lua)" encode.
You are right and I join you when you saying bosses are repetitive, for me the best is the true last boss, because I hadn't to need to bring back in the right side of the screen to finish the run and it permit me to have more possibility to create entertainment! I'm happy that you like the lua :)
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£e Nécroyeur wrote:
This game was an excellent choice, zoboner. Yes vote!
Hi, Thank for voting! Yeah it's a cool game, when I was a kid, I found this game horrible and I never finished it ... But it's an other era :)
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Vous parlez de desync' et d'illogisme... Vous pourriez m'en dire plus ? Si vous êtes sur une des derniere version de Bhawk et que le jeux désynchronise, alors peut être que la ROM en question n'a pas été dumpé correctement ou bien pb avec l'émulateur et si tel est le cas, vous devriez poster ceci plus en détail dans la section dédié a l'ému en question. Ou bien peut être avez vous fait un copier/coller de vos inputs et que ça foire quand vous relisez votre movie, dans ce cas ceci ne viens pas d'une desync' mais tout simplement que certains de vos inputs tombes sur des frames lags et qu'ils ne sont pas compté ou bien le RNG a changé quelques peu (enemies qui pare plus tard ou position X,Y des plateformes differente...), je vous dis ça mais je me trompe peut être!
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Wé, le top serait d'arriver a prendre tout le mago! Je ne sais pas si c'est possible, mais tu as tout mes encouragements. J'ais hate de voir tout ça! Et n'hesite pas a poster quelques WIP.
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Si vous trouvé plus divertissant de sauver les joueurs plutôt que d'avoir a les sacrifier alors faite comme cela. Pour ma pare je ne trouve pas pathétique de faire ce genre de sacrifice, mais si c'est plus divertissant a regarder alors peu importe les frames perdue. Le divertissement vaut bien plus que des records a la noix! Après ça n'engage que moi.
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Merci ça rec!!!
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MUGG wrote:
Mon francais n'est pas bien, je utilise l'anglais. If I misunderstood the question, please disregard this post.
You understood very well and thank you to answered quickly ;) I try this later and say you if it's ok!
Lil_Gecko wrote:
Je ne connais pas les autres émulateurs non plus, mais effectivement sur Bizhawk il faut cocher la ligne Capture OSD dans File > AVI/WAV De plus si tu veux enregistrer du texte en lua, il me semble qu'il faut utiliser la commande gui.drawText() dans ton script, car gui.text() n'est pas capturé.
Merci beaucoup, je pense que j'ai ma réponse avec tout ça!De plus, je suis chanceux, je n'utilise que drawText, drawLine... pour l'affichage donc c'est cool !Tu me diras au pire cela n'aurait pas été bien long a changer. Encore merci et je repasse plus tard pour confirmer ou bien... pour confirmer.:D
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Clean, fast and... Jab, jab, jab, jab!
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Post subject: LUA et record AVI...
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Salut a tous, Je cherche à enregistrer en AVI un TAS muni d'un script LUA, mais je me suis aperçus que l'enregistrement ne prend pas en compte les affichages générés par le script !Je sais que cela est possible, mais je ne connais pas la méthode, par ailleurs si vous pourriez me conseiller pour faire un enregistrement optimal sur SMS (config... ). Vous en remerciant d'avance.
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Salut, pour ma part je pencherais plus pour Fort Boyard, si tu te sens d'attaque à contrer le rng ! je peux te proposer mon aide si ça te dit? j'aime bien fouiller dans la RAM et dépouiller ce genre de jeux... Même si c'est plutôt long et certaines fois ardue. Pour le reste de tes choix de jeux, je ne peux pas plus t'aiguiller, je ne suis pas très attiré pour faire du TAS sur Atari et micromachine, je ne connais pas !
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great job. yes vote
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